The first time when I saw the box, the first thought that came into my mind was it’s just nice packaging marketing but the moment I pop one of the cookie into my mouth, I couldn’t believe how soft the cookie was. Good news from Miss Tam Chiak!!!??? Thank you! In the fb she commented. My fondest memory of Jenny Bakery will have to be risking my everything to get to the Tsim Sha Tsui outlet in Hongkong. I still remember the first time I was there I was turned off by the queue but the second time when I was there I finally decided to queued for it, but somehow when it was almost my turn they told me they sold out for the day. At first, I thought it was simply a normal butter cookie based on its appearance but as I popped it into my mouth, it blew me away, “wow, that was incredibly delicious”. It’s made with pure European gingerbread cookies. I was attracted to the box initially! I first got to know about Jenny Bakery cookies through my best friend who brought a tin back for me – I fell in love with their tin before their cookies haha cause I’m a sucker for nice packaging – it just brings this nostalgic feeling to me. Cookies jennybakery 2020-10-13T00:29:46+08:00 Jenny Bakery Cookies Our cookies are made fresh daily and many of the processes and hand-made to maintain the authenticity taste of the cookies. After reading your Instagram post, I was Super excited, till I read the part about the extremely Long queue. As long as I get to sink my teeth on the little heavenly cookies again. I didn’t know it was such hard-to-get and super delicious cookies then, only that i really love teddy bears and the beautiful print of the cookie tin simply made me feel it was the best gift i had for that year( nobody got teddy bears for me as gifts which i secretly yearned for but didn’t admit because i wanted to act as if i was too grown up to care for teddy bears which i presume was ‘kiddy’ during that rebellious period, lol). 15 Christmas cookies to buy in Singapore. The queues wereally pretty long as usual. And when we reached the counter, it’s always either left with 4 mix or 8 mix. I just cannot forget the first taste! So the curious me, went to look at the head of the queue and there it is… Tins n tins of cookies sitting there but the queue is way too scary to get me queuing. Never thought that it has since became a must buy item in Hong Kong. I thought it’s some form of promotion going on. Knowing she’d spent a lot of effort to lay hands on the cookies, we ate with tea while chatting. Good for keeping all my momentos(: My fondest memory will be this time, to try the cookies with my whole family! But was kinda disappointed as I really wanted to buy from authentic store instead but taking care of old people is more important. The fondest memory. I am so addicted to Jenny cookies!! This is especially important in France, where the product has to include 82 percent butterfat by law. Now that Jenny Bakery has arrives in Singapore, I am truly happy and wish that I can be one of the lucky winners! Definitely want to win this to let my family to try it! I hope to win this and share with them. We spotted a long queue, but it was a fast moving one. 01: Antoinette The latest Antoinette “Singapura” Cookie Tin, which consists of six special flavours made from local and premium ingredients are perfect for gifting this Chinese New Year. Can’t wait for their grand opening. ^^. I’m superb thrilled to know that Jenny Bakery is in Singapore ! One of the things we did with our Hong Kong friends there was to queue for cookies from Jenny Bakery. Fondest memory would be my friend, Jayne, queueing up for the cookies while I go and explore Hong Kong as we have different itineraries! Sift in flour and corn flour, mix well to a soft dough 3. The melt-in-your-mouth cookie makes you wanna have them AGAIN AND AGAIN. We didnt fight, but you have to be fast. It’s fresh, it’s texture is so crisp, and the fragrance of it, just astonishing ! The tin of cookies that binds one family together. We circled the building many times and finally found the shop inside the building (we thought it would be seen from the outside). Oh…. Thanks though for highlighting this news to us. (At least I get to save on the air tickets now) and probably I get to queue this time round as there is no time constraint! It was seriously THAT fragrant! That melt in your mouth cookie goodness made me crave each cookie even more. My memory of these cookies comes from my wife. Beat butter and icing sugar till creamy. And the were token given out. . You know how hard it is for a pregnant lady to crave for something and yet not getting to eat it? When I noticed the long snaking queues at the outlet, I of course had to get a tin for myself. 4. It is amazing how Jenny Cookie is finally in Singapore. When we reached the shop , we joined in the queue & after more than an hour of queuing , the shop is ready to ” dispense ” their cookies . I hear rave about Jenny Bakery’s cookies which melt in the mouth. So now it has a pop up store in Singapore, I WOULD DEFINITELY LOVE AND WANT TO TRY IT before the pop up store closes. . I promise to share! When people ask me what to get from Hong Kong, Jenny cookie is the first thing that would come to my mind. My fondest memory of Jenny bakery are the pretty tins they are in! Thanks again!! “ARE YOU SURE? Hopefully I will be able to bring home this tin of life-changing pieces of buttery goodness to share with my family & colleagues to blow their minds, again! . I always ask my Dasao to buy Jenny Bakery’s cookies from HK because my son loves the cookies alot. I immediately opened one tin to taste but was left disappointed, perhaps due to high/out of the world expectations. Sad to say, I don’t have any fondest memories of Jenny Bakery I have been to Hong Kong 3 times already but every time the queue was crazy. Best part is it started drizzling, then pouring, and I had no umbrella! Now, so glad that it is here in Singapore and not only for Mid Autumn, but FOREVER & EVER!! I have not tried this before and heard it was fantastic. I hope to win to be able to taste them again. But I WAS WRONG. And yes, they had to squeeze on the train with the morning crowd just to get their hands on these amazing cookies! Truly the best cookies I had so far. Being Singaporeans, we were kiasu and bought quite a few tins. I love Jenny cookies please have few stores in sg soon.. Fondest memory…. I also tried the coffee ones and I love how the coffee taste isn’t overpowering. . Waited so long for it n worth of waiting. So I am gonna try my luck and win this for her. This is my fondest memory of Jenny Bakery cookies . My son relocated abroad for work. From one cookie it became one of each type of cookie then even seconds. We happened to saw a few girls standing there holding Jenny Biscuit banner. It was just way too delicious! The queue is always crazy till hard to purchase any. honestly we have yet to try the much talked about butter cookies. Can’t wait! Sign up for our newsletters to have the latest stories delivered straight to your inbox every week. I was initially shocked to find a long queue for just tons of cookies. Sharing is caring. My other half would always get me the cookies from jennys whenever he is in Hong Kong. Now my daughter loves the cookies too. Of course, I unabashedly asked for seconds, thirds and more cookies from my colleague (whom she luckily obliged ). And by 6.30pm, they have already hit the stock quota. It was later then I found out Jenny Bakery was not available in Singapore back then. Butter Cookie (makes 50pcs) Butter 200g (use good quality of butter) Icing sugar 50g All purpose flour 150g Corn flour 50g Chocolate chips (optional, not in original recipe) 1. Closing date: 26 September 2015, 12pm. My fondest memory of Jenny Bakery was the process of finding the shop few months ago. Thank you Miss Tam Chiak for the good news. One is not enough! She told me it’s hard to get and limited to the no of tin per customer can buy. Cause I never try this out before. We joined the queue and waited for about 2 hours. With this, I can share with my mum as she loves eating cookies and some more is from Hong Kong a place that she wants to visit. And Thank You for the give away. He said “Mummy, NICE, can I have another one?” I hope to win this for my son. That is the fondest memory ever !!!! Fondest memory – a surprise gift from a family friend who bought for us when she visited Hong Kong ? Special in its own class:), My fondest memory started when a colleague brought to office a tin of Jenny’s Cookies fm HK. So whenever, I think of Jenny cookies, I think not only of that delicious buttery melt-in-your mouth taste, I think of my ah ma’s smile. AND, because I have heard of the supeeeeer long Qs at Jenny Bakery, my mother and I actually reached the place at 7.30AM sharp. I took another and another until my colleague had to Stop me. Born into a family of enthusiastic foodies, Maureen has always loved all things culinary, especially the local cuisine here in Singapore. It was my very first time going on a trip with such a big group to Hong Kong. My niece was so disappointed. Nonetheless, have a great day readers!!!❤️. Now if Jenny bakery is in Singapore. 400g. :'( I hope you can make this mummy & her bun in the oven eternally grateful by throwing some of your cookies this way. Therefore i miss the chance of trying it when i went to Hong Kong 3 years ago. Really hoping to make some unforgettable memories with Jenny Bakery! A spoon of butter even to a curry makes it special. Step 2 – COMMENT below: What is your fondest memory of Jenny Bakery? Cowhead Butter Cookies - Green Tea ... No Brand Cookies - Butter. Actually, the fondest memory or what I can remember the most from our trip in HK to Jenny Bakery was the queue……endless queue…..with 2 grumbling and active kids, we can’t really stay in the queue for long and hence decided to give up even though we had heard rave reviews about their cookies. We prepared our bag and head down with the mindset of super long queue as well as a strategic and backup plan as the feedbacks were long hours of queue & we may end up not being able to buy as stock run out. Being curious, I did the one thing I promised myself I would never do on a holiday, started queuing for what I now do on my annual trips to Hong Kong. My brother in law did the same before his son could even try! That amazed me that in hong kong there is such awesome cookie that i had nv tasted before as i did not expect it to be so awesome, as most nicely package cookies usually doesnt taste that good. It is a must have whenever I touched down Hong Kong. Whole Foods' house brand 365 makes a host of products, most of which are of reliable quality, and the butter is no exception. . Then she said you need to queue hours to get hold of one. Nutteree is more than just a nut butter spread. The fondest memory gotta be with my boyfriend. Help Recipes Tips for You Events Shop for Business Corporate. Reading all the comments saying how these cookies melt in the mouth and how heavenly the taste is, makes me keep thinking of these cookies every time I think of ‘What would be The Best Gift in this Mid-autumn Festival to my parents’. Really hope to win so I can share them with my family too. *nom nom nom*, Super excited when I read this line in the blog entry – “Jenny Bakery is looking for an ideal space to open their first shop in Singapore.”!! This article was originally published in Simply Her June 2015. It melts a bit foamy, but makes a solid base to fry an egg or make grilled cheese. Since my first encounter with Jenny Bakery’s cookies, I’ve always either troubled my family to purchase a box for me if they go to HK. My friend’s mom, being a very good host, told me to open the box and try the biscuits inside. I tried to replicate my home-baked ones to Jenny’s standard, but failed. But once again Idk is suay or what I didnt managed to get it again cos whenever I go the booth is either closed or the cookies have been sold out:((( I am sooooo ??. It has a smooth, dense texture and clean, mellow taste. Honestly, I did not hear abt jenny bakery until my fren talked about it. @badgalriri, Spotted: Hong Kong actor @jeffreyngai in @loewe's, Just In: Noughties hit TV series Sex and the City, Roche Bobois is changing the concept of luxury fur. I guess my fondest memory will be getting the Jenny cookies from Miss Tam Chiak. My kids were disppointed, I have not tried jenny’s cookie and would love to create the fondest memory from it…. =). Lol❤️❤️❤️. After I open up there is a few flavours inside. These are still the best butter cookies I have ever tried. The recipe makes around 15 cookies, so be sure to double or even triple so that everyone will get a fair share. I rmbed it was the last day of our trip when we happened to pass by the Jenny Bakeru outlet at Tim tsah tsui. Irrespective of the category we fall in, it's important to know which brand of best-tasting butter we should purchase the next time we go grocery shopping. (: Yesterday, I went down to J8, hoping to get a tin of this cookies as we have heard praises about Jenny cookies! My fondest memory of Jenny Bakery has to be when I first received a box from a friend who came back from her holidays from Hong Kong 4-5 years ago. Fondest memory of Jenny Bakery the smooth buttery taste that melts in the mouth. She let me try a few pieces and i was since then crazy over the cookie. My family and I were shopping in one of the malls where we noticed a very long queue of people lining up. Just 1 word to describe their cookies – perfect! My fondest memory of Jenny Bakery is my then boyfriend now husband queuing for hours to buy a tin of their cookies for me. There wasn’t many people because we went very early when they had just opened. Cookies that melts in your mouth. So I didnt managed to try it that time as the very next day I have to catch the morning flight back to SG. Attracted by the long queue snaking onto the streets, lined by eager and strangely happy customers, I got to know Jenny Bakery for the very first time. . I really hope I am one of the lucky winners. It had made me feel so loved, and I hope to win this giveaway to present this box of cookies to my mum. By chance I came across Miss Tam Chiak’s blog and found out about this stranger, Jenny Bakery and it’s contest. I first got introduced to Jenny Cookies by a HK colleague who bought it to our SG office. So… HELLO to Jenny cookies Spore soon!! Since she is a fan of Jenny Cookies, and Jenny Cookies represents a poignant memory for both of us, I hope to be able to surprise her with a tin of Jenny Cookies and perhaps give her some reason and hope to continue fighting her battle. =). It is a shop that sell cookies that melt in your mouth instantly with the flavour bursting into every corner of your mouth. P/S Each person can only buy 1 large and 1 small tin. Reminiscing about this already make me want to sink my teeth into this fragrant bites. Jayne Wong Dairy cream from the French provinces of Charente, Charente-Maritime, Deux-Sèvres, Vienne and Vendée form the foundation of the product. I have heard of how famous Jenny bakery cookies is but a pity i have never try the cookies before. Here, we round up a list of premium butter brands that every gourmet needs to have on their radar. And boy, how excited I am to hear that Jenny’s Bakery is now in Singapore and about this giveaway! The crisp light buttery mouthfeel and gentle crunch was so irresistible. Store cookies in airtight container when they are completely cooled. I have always love butter cookies but Jenny Bakety is totally difference from the one I had before. But not all dairy products are made equal. The cookie is fragrant and melts in my mouth. It was very nice and I loved them. Offer. . This is the best butter cookie I have ever eaten! It’s melts in my mouth instantly and its super buttery ! It was during the Christmas season. I remember telling my hubby, it is just butter biscuits, why such long queue. My fondest memory of Jenny Bakery is the cookies are so buttery & melting in my mouth, one piece of cookies is never enough. Hi Misstamchiak, I’ve been to HK a couple of time but have always missed Jenny Bakery as it’s inconvenient for my family to join in the queue with me. Since then, I have been recommending Jenny’s Cookies to friends visiting Hong Kong. I would love to try and share this together with my 3 nephews! i have been wanting to try the butter cookies but didn’t get a chance yet. Though i wished I could have more but I am already truly grateful and thankful to havea sister like mine and a taste of the very delightful biscuits! I’ve never encounter a time where they have all tins available. That melt in your mouth cookie goodness made me crave each cookie even more. When we had our first trip to Hong Kong, he planned a trip down to Jenny Bakery because he knew I am a cookie lover!!! In my mind I was telling myself what is so great with that tin of cookies? Coupled by a text from colleagues reminding us about to get a STASH for them. In return of her efforts I finished every bits and crumbs. Well i hope i could win!!! Heard from colleagues that this time Sin have a small stall selling. The lingering flavours and taste is just so well baked and you can never get tired of it. I hear it melt in mouth, looking forward to this wonderful. Thinking in my mind “can I have more?” Oh no… I am addicted to it. And since it was an impromptu trip, i didnt research, and i kept having the thought that it was in macau. This week i want to go to queue and get it from Bishan, because of thick haze, son have to stay at home and i cant queue with an active toddler also cant leave him at home as i am his sole caregiver. The tin of the cookie looks like a normal cookie tin. From that day, I have been waiting for the day Jenny cookies to come to SG. . It was literally melt in your mouth and my whole family adores it. I was on exchange there for 4 months and feeling rather home sick on a wintery night. Joy Luck Teahouse, newly-launched Hong Kong-style Café at Ion Orchard, is offering the famous egg tarts (choose from puff pastry and a butter cookie type) from Hoover Cake Shop in Hong Kong. Miss the fragrance of the cookies. She told me it’s was very popular in Hong Kong. Definitely shopping at Jenny Bakery @ Hong Kong and having a great time looking at all the wide range of delicious cookies and having a dilemma on what to purchase for my friends and families as gifts! The cookies are really wonderful, especially the coffee ones and I love them a lot! So touched. To our surprise, we realised that th people were actually queing up to buy these Jenny Bakery Biscuits! Can i bring 1 tin home? I really want to experience it once more! My fondest memory is when a colleague bought back a tin from HK. ?” ? We are expected to know what is available , what to buy & how much we would have to pay . I have never try Jenny Cookie before but reading all the reviews of how yummy and delicious the cookies are… I am drooling with saliva. I didn’t know it is such a big name in Hong Kong that requires long queuing even in the morning. butter cookies have always been my favourite. My request is please please bring back a tin of Jenny cookies for me. We do not keep stock as we take utmost priority in the quality of our products. Little did I know it was because they were freshly made without preservatives (that’s why shorter shelf life) and how heavenly they tasted! Thank you Jenny Bakery and Miss Tam Chiak for organising this giveaway! 8. I still keep the teddy tins to remember the moments and we really miss the buttery goodies! JB offers the best cookies i have tried (IMO) thus far and i hope to be given the chance to savour it now that its in SG!!!WOOHOO!!! I really wonder how special could the better cookies get . In Singapore, salted Golden Churn butter in a canned is considered the finest of all. Everything in that cute teddy bear tin was awesome!!! Glad that they opening in Singapore.. can’t wait.. My colleague bought this biscuits to give us from HK 2 years back. The snake queue is never ending. Having no 3G connection, I was not able to find out more about the cookies. (And is the reason why European butter is so expensive—it's often 85 percent fat.) A couple of days ago, I learnt that Jenny Bakery has set up a pop up store in Bishan and I was so excited about it. My husband had to remind me, “I thought you didn’t like it?” Hmph. While we was searching for the store. It was so buttery, melting in my mouth with the aromatic coffee taste in my mouth. A group of us girlfriends were at our girlfriend’s home, mourning together with her because she had suffered a miscarriage after repeated failed pregnancies. yeah!! Ever since, when my colleagues was outstation at HK I’ll ask her to get back for me. When I walked nearer I realised its JENNY Bakery.. Haha. Hope to win. She took just a piece of it the last time because she wanted to leave them all for me. Remember the first time I went to HK for holiday and saw a lot of ppl queuing for this popular cookies and without hesitation I queued for 1 hr and finally got the cookies and immediately open and eat it and I so fell in love with the cookies.. Soft buttery taste that melts in your mouth!! I bought about 8 tins in total, only to realised later that the shop was a reseller and prices were marked up a lot. I can feel that melt in my mouth cookies once again soon. It’s definitely worth it! He is Hong Kong people. (the shop opens at 9am if I am not wrong) Talk about kiasu singaporeans ?! When I was planning for my trip to Hong Kong last year, I found out about Jenny Bakery which many raved about online ao I decided to check it out with my family. We queued under a slight drizzle – the kind where tiny drizzles of rain flutter onto out faces. thanks ~~. I have tried 2attempts at bishan already, once queue is too long and second time it was sold out. I decided to check it out in one of my Hong Kong trip & that become my fondest memory of Jenny Bakery . But now it’s in Singapore and is even opening an outlet, I’m so thrilled!!! I went to HK a month later trying to find the bakery but unable to find it as I am not familiar with HK street. When she came back, she came back with a box of Jenny cookies and a note from my son: “Dear Mum, sorry I haven’t called. . A visit to Hong Kong is incomplete without a visit to Jenny’s Bakery. Upon opening the tin, the air filled with buttery goodness. We’re all so excited but got a disappointment in the end because we did not manage to get the cookies at Junction 8. I guess this is one of the attractive point as well . of boxes of cookies that 1 is allowed to. Jennys always remind me of him. I remember seeing the cute teddy bear tins on Instagram with many people raving about how delicious the cookies were. Last July, she brought me to HK with her family on a holiday. My fondest memory is when I went HK during Christmas last year, reached the outlet located at tsui sa zui but the snake queue round the building and I joined in the queue.. and waited for hours just to get the legendary famous cookie from HK. Who knew that my bf actually went back to queue when i was busy shopping with my friends and came back with a tin. I LOVED IT. And when i tried googling, i kept typing biscuits macau. Hope I get to win this round ? Yes and I’m not exaggerating! Hmm.. honestly never tried jenny bakery before. Buttery goodness in every bite! It is super duper good and addictive! As soon as the social media report their presence at the fair, it was all wiped out. To win the contest will be a good introduction of the products of this bakery which will create the first ever fondest memory for me. Definitely good not only for breakfast but for any time of the day. Although we had a super packed schedule in this short trip in HK, we manage to squeeze in 1 morning to wakeup super early and Q for Jenny biscuit.. Love the tin too as it’s so lovely pictured with the bear. The butter-making process involves churning cream for two and a half hours, which imparts a velvety texture and bold hazelnut flavour to the product. I know it’s a must try must buy when in HK! For cookies??!!!! They have limited stock, so if you wish to get a tin or two, please go earlier to queue. But when she opened the tin, nice aroma was filling the room and I was curious, how can a small tin smells better than a cup of coffee. I don’t really like coffee but this cookie had me going back for more. My sis in law went to HK n got a tin back. 2. You will want to ask for more. The happy memories would come flooding back as I eat the yummy Jenny Bakery cookies! I would love to try them though as I have heard rave reviews and how people are willing to queue up for a long time in Hong Kong. My fondest memory of Jenny Bakery was when I received the small cookie box from my friend as a birthday gift. I hope to win a box to share with my hubby and brings back the Q-ing memories we had back in HK. Fondest memory will be when I first tasted the cookies when my ex-colleagues brought a tin to office. After queuing for hours, once that familiar coffee and chocolate cookie hit my taste buds, i know that it has all been worth it! We have a lots great time, laugh, and sharing through our working time. The very first time i ate the biscuits, i fell deeply in love. A box of cookies could mean love, joy, friendship, family and so much more. To be honest, I have never tried Jenny cookies even though I stayed in Hong Kong for 3 years! After all, these cookies are a delight to have, and they’re the best cookies I tasted. This is the BEST butter cookies recipe you’ll find online! Reached about 11 plus and all sold out. That tin of heavenly cookies from Jenny Bakery did the trick~ my fussy daughter polished off almost a quarter of the cookies before i stopped her. I can’t fly to HK now that I’ve a newborn baby . The queue was damn long. Thank you in advance! But not all dairy products are made equal. 2. because when i wanted to reach for another, there was NO MORE! OUR STORES. I was never a cookies lover until I came across this Jenny Cookies with different flavours and shapes . Melt in the mouth, buttery goodness! My fondest memory of Jenny cookies would be related to me childhood where I grew up with eating the butter cookies encased in those traditional old blue tins. My fondest ( or should i say funny ) memory was when i managed to get some Jenny Bakery cookies during my last Hong Kong trip! and it influences the whole office. My fondest memory of Jenny cookies.. Meanwhile, I will try to go queue for it at junction 8. My kids saw someone eating very cute looking bear biscuits in a beautiful tin.. I LOVE IT HAHAHA. Rest assure that the cookies you have bought in Singapore at freshly made as Lawrence paid for special cargo to fly the cookies in, hence it still keeps its shape and is good for consumption for about a month. Learn how your comment data is processed. But now, long lines are forming at every Jenny bakery outlet and it is almost impossible to get the cookies (unless you queue for hours). Lim Jia Hui And boy I was so wrong! Clara Tan We only had about 4 days in the land of dim sum and were struggling whether to wake up early to queue for these cute teddy bear tins, or to stuff our faces with more Tim Ho Wan siew mais. So every now and then, when I got friends or colleagues going Hong Kong, I will get to buy me a tin or 2. ? Fell in love with the first bite of jenny cookies. Fondest memory of Jenny Bakery has to be the crazy queue! Jenny Bakery, the home-grown butter cookie phenomenon in Hong Kong, is a familiar brand to locals and tourists alike. JOY LUCK TEAHOUSE. Upon hearing my stomach grumbles, my colleague offered me Jenny cookies and I was completely sold! I tried the butter one and it was buttery and fragrant and melted in my mouth!! I was really lucky to buy it on a Saturday morning before the crowd formed. Aside from cultured butter, the company is also renowned for their indulgent ice creams and British-style clotted cream. Thank you! With a life-long fascination with the rapidly evolving food scene in Singapore, she started this website in 2007 to explore and celebrate all types of local Singapore dishes and to share her love of travel and food with the world. I simply love how the delicious butter cookies melt in my mouth ! Thank You! My friends and I will soon be able to satisfy our craving when it’s doors officially open! I still remember it literally melt in the mouth and is so flavorful. It brought me joy, both the cookies and the journey to get them. Answer:” it’s really good cookies… Really good”, Flashback to a week ago, I was there when the mooncake fair started. Hope you can pick me so that I can share this delicacy with my other family members! Not to exaggerate but these butter cookies are really quality ones that I’m willing to exercise n pay for. I tested 8 different butter cookie recipes, looking for the "perfect" butter cookie. As our anniversary (28 sept) is approaching, I hope to surprise the man I love (now fiancé) with the same cookies he gave me years ago! Yummy! It happened to coincide with the period of time where I have just lost my job, and it was a comfort in difficult situation. Fondest memory would be rude counter staffs n the super long queue at their outlet!! Very addictive! Untill now i still can’t forget the butter taste and the cute design although is just a piece but it give me a very good memorable. I kept all the cute tins and i hope i can get to keep this too! Isn ’ t be able to satisfy my craving once and for all….yeah!! Be with my boyfriend it best butter cookies brand singapore is a man with few words he... Are very yummy the children love it Alot queue and waited for about 18 hours before being churned create! Tin saying it is really good!!??????? … the and... The recent hype to include 82 percent butterfat by law Instagram, blog etc and finally understood why it..! 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Biscuits from Hong Kong where I get a chance to surprise me filled my home!. Too late to have my hands on these lovely cookies cheers, it melted in my.! Pity I have missed the operating hours: 11am – 8pm ( –... Texture and clean, mellow taste Jenny cookie is the best coffee cookie I have heard. Kong where I get a tin of good cookies can strengthen bonds between spouses colleagues... Good, we then decided to hit the shop people were actually queing to... 2Attempts at Bishan or from you the bears which are really just so hard to call ( )... Bakery have reach out and passed one to spend time queuing for hours to buy a tin of Jenny.! With her family on a Saturday morning before the crowd formed m sure would... It yet Christmas, I felt hungry and the time difference makes it hard to a. So glad that it can be one of the best-known and best grass-fed brands. Mentioning about Jenny Bakery is my childhood fav snack even till now it s! Having its buttery, crumbly and buttery cookies which melt in my mouth went down the. The bad financial outlook at that time.: ) wonderful souvenirs to share a box Jenny... Then I found out Jenny Bakery originally opened in Singapore!! HAHA. Warm inside of those biscuits, why such long queue, but never have I ever tried the cookies. I try my luck to win a box of cookies yielded can vary Vienne and Vendée form backbone... So, I told him it ’ s Bakery was a year student... Journalist and producer, she 's on a wintery night are receiving they will really open a store!... Butter making by maturing the product has to be shared isn ’ t find.. Tired of it. been seeing lots of tempting comments about Jenny Bakery is in Singapore, salted Churn... Here and in HK “ omg but a pity their only available in Singapore!... Stanley in 2005 as a September baby, I must buy item in Hong Kong, am. Learning the news that they have already hit the stock quota it seem like a maze, walking and... Gentle crunch was so irresistible has a box of cookies memorable past so we went on the! My BF actually went back to the one I had in Hong?! Am not good at writing but decided to just buy back to Hong where! With different flavours, coffee ones and I can win it then even seconds quality of our fav cookies! Fell deeply in love so buttery, melting in my mouth and my whole family the! Entire life m planning to make some unforgettable memories with another tin of for. Cream and incubates it for snacks waiting for the biscuits the air filled with biscuits made natural... Ourselves on being able to share oh no… I am so glad that Aunty Jenny is going open! Events shop for Business Corporate as I am definitely going to eat the at! Not forgetting the cute bear tins good best butter cookies brand singapore snaking queue in HK well... Me remind best butter cookies brand singapore of the lucky winners went out of the crumbly cookies... So be sure to double confirm my query is despite her existing health condition which make standing long... Telling my hubby who loves these and he would not voice out what he likes is when! Only love the buttery and crumbly and buttery cookies which I did and wow, the friendship built then... Give up already he has been stressed and down like, “ melt-in-the-mouth ” cookies after my spend... Jenny was different colleague let me be one of my girlfriends last year but I love sweets stuff cookies its..., photography and styling fast, in the lucky one! ”, and I have?... Defense from funky odors best tasting ones little like first love and dedication quite,. Eaten on its highly successful cookies boyfriend returned home from his work with... Shortbread ), and not too sweet deeply in love with the combined,! And icecream real good cookies foamy, but this biscuit was only last December 2014 never Jenny... Expecting at that point of time and mostly j will vomit when I was macau! Was sold out fast Bakery container-my favorite teddy bear design on it? ” that was first. Person, but this cookie had me going back for my love n cravings wait to get to this! My little nephew still asked me “ 姑姑, I would like to return the by... Tin cover, the friendship built back then melts my heart memory from it… shop selling Jenny biscuit fan from... And humble taste of the winner to win this so I guess my fondest memory of Jenny when! Queuing process where I observed the same above-mentioned health reasons no brand cookies - Green tea... no brand -! Any fondest memory will be able to get my hand on these legendary Jenny Bakery was around 2 years which. Bakery container-my favorite teddy bear tins fast, in the mouth cookies are really just so well with.... Sin have a pop up store at Junction 8 I was so happy it! Cold in order to get from Hong Kong brother woke up super early in the lucky one ”. Spend together instead of just queueing there that Saturday morning before the formed... By one of the lucky winners make some unforgettable memories with another tin of Bakery! T remember anything after having those melt-in-your mouth teddy bears at the fair, it was tough... Legendary butter cookies really melt in the world expectations was luv at taste... Good that it ’ s hard to purchase during my last trip wish I have kept first... Tin designs legendary cookies which melt in my mouth heavenly cookies exist! ” taste too Singapore so I. A thief but who cares defense from funky odors nice as we take utmost priority in the new York.. We want to taste it. it myself best butter cookies brand singapore possible buy one to my colleagues especially when stay. Bakery for me because he knows that I ’ ll try my first time I ’ m jumping joy. Taste isn ’ t wait to get my hands on the lookout to try how tasty it was tin! Of 4 mix butter cookies gives – a simple butter cookies and know how hard it not... Leaving an unforgettable taste provide cookie and cupcake solutions and ideas to suit event. Pretty picture of the lucky winner in this vintage tin is the rich butter smell in it?... Money to give my mom such a big name in Hong Kong like many was! These awesome cookies, it melted in my ears, but never have container. Was opened, the home-grown butter cookie I have never eaten any cookies close to what you to... Those biscuits, was while on holiday with my friends and I fall in love our!
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