The damage is reduced my enemy's def. The Damage cannot miss with flee. Aesir monument is most important, 120 gold medals are needed to reduce the cast delay (lvl 5 to 20) from 3s to 2s. -finally, any equip suggestion for a pvp soul breaker sin? (20% racial cards, Sign, Medal of Honors, Volcano). this server dont have a DONATION system.. EDP does not affect soul destroyer damage. Enchant Deadly Poison increases Soul Breaker's ATK, but only gives it a half … It has a fixed chance to cast Blunt on a monster when attacking. 1 Notes 2 References 3 External Links 4 Patches Being ranged, the skill is completely blocked by Pneuma and AS cards and EA enchants work on it. Weapon for Soul Breaker; User Info: Pwncaked. 1 Merging Recipes 2 Usage 3 Recommended Buffs 4 Forging Materials 5 Trivia The Ice Breaker can be used to make: Laser Fish Assault Rifle Elite It shoots a blue beam of laser at a slow speed with a chance to freeze enemies. Like Dislike . Soul breaker Japanese ソウルブレイカー Old localizations None Found in Dragon Quest IX Dragon Quest XI: Buy for various, see article Sell for various, see article Effect Lowers attack The Soul breaker is a recurring weapon in the series, and is occasionally the enhanced version of the Sword breaker knife. GM are always watching.. and also if spotted by players they post a screen shot and post it in the Discord section for under investigation.. as in this server is truly awesome they dont want money for us. CrimsonBlitz ADMIN Age: 35 Location: Bay Area, California Number of posts: 395 Job/hobbies: Guild Leader Humor: Goofy Registration date : 2007-11-13. The skill doesn't take any % modifiers i.e. Video! When combined with yoyo accessories that double its effects, the Terrarian is a very powerful weapon that can be wielded to impressively destroy any enemy that crosses the player’s path. YES. many things -does left hand weapon affect the damage? Video. Soul Breaker Sinx Build: There are many type of build for Soul Breaker, and i will not post a fixed build because different person have different idea of build so please build your own stats and let me rate and discuss about it seems so many people like to flame about it. 21:18. Looses a shockwave at a single target to inflict Ranged Hybrid damage. This is Majima's speed style, which he learns in Chapter 4 partway through his date with Akko. « Reply #3 on: Nov 24, 2009, 04:04 am » You begin with two weapons, you cast SBK, in the time you can't cast SBK you might aswell tag to a shield so that if you get damaged in those few seconds you're not able to SBK, it'd be less than when you where wearing two weapons. This thread is … If you get trapped in precast, try to stay hidden until trap wears off. 3 comments. General rule of thumb as a SinX is that if you're hitting Neutral or Poison, you're doing it wrong. Posted by 1 year ago. share. Weapon special effects from Left-Hand weapon take priority over Right-Hand Weapon. Both are actually considered, by the game's coding, to be Ranged Physical attacks. Archived . So if you want your White Mage to participate in melee damage, give it to him. But afk farming, I have to say I was so miserable that I wanted to quit the game before I joined the cult of soul breaker, it's amazing. TheArtix … Soul Breaker is a ranged skill that consists of two parts of damage, one based on MATK and the other based on ATK. But i think you can tell me the best stats of katar type SinX thanks. Discussio... A Short Guide to effective leveling for Archers go... SilverStreak's Guide to leveling at Turtle Island ... Terra's Super Novice Guide on Calling the Angel, Thief/Assassin/Rogue Leveling Guide Hyper Edition, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Current Fixations: Dark Souls II, Soul Sacrifice, and the ever present Improbable Island PSN: ... What about the best 1H low stat weapon. Weapons are items that can be used to defeat enemies, break crates, and carry out other actions.There is a total of 361 weapons in the game, with 4 of them being event-specific (the seasonal weapons that only appear during CNY) and one being unnamed (glitched drop by the robot mercenary, no longer obtainable).. Soul breaker doesn't count weapon damage on left hand, only the damage from the refine, so using an overupgraded level 3 or 4 weapon on left hand is important Soul Breaker drain mana effect no longer affects targets above level 63. Soul Breaker SinX. Dark Souls: 15 Best Dexterity Weapons, Ranked. Top Content. Weapons | Mu Online Wiki | Fandom. ... 0:49. This reduces the chance factor in cobat considerably. - posted in Guides: Goodbye. DisCordis 44,493 views. The Steel, Bone, and Bandit Slingshots, as well as the Angel Shooter, will all become Angel Gear. Games Movies TV Video. Best Weapon for Soul Breaker Build [Ragnarok Mobile] - Duration: 4:52. Like Dislike . He tells me the weapon damage of the left hand has no effect and it should be invested in any 4-slotted weapon with zipper/andre. The damage ignores MDef. The only exception is the sentient slingshot Steve, which becomes Super Steve. Soul Breaker Fast Leveling Build - Ragnarok Mobile Eternal Love - Duration: 21:18. Whereas on the right hand, a saber with 3 zip/andre is the best for demi-humans. Yralyn's Guide to the Expanded Classes (part 1), Kage's Daggersin Guide by Gevurah's request, Ulala2's Hybrid STAT build BattleSmith Guide, Yralyn's Complete Combat Blacksmith Guide, Whitesmith Guide (i hope this is complete), The Dawn of an Era: The Elemental Battle Sage. Alternatively, if you are persistently dectected by snipers, use your long range skills to harass the precast. Jander, on September 30th, 2008 at 8:58 pm Said: Anyway, sir, I heard that: right hand weapon cards does not affect left hand weapon left hand weapon cards AFFECT right hand weapon. Hey, don't know if you'll read this, but whatever. Roll a Sage, get platinum skills, craft yourself a few Endow Scrolls - they're really useful, really easy to make and come in four exciting flavors! Undoubtedly her best weapon is the Angel Gear, a Slingshot with decent damage and decent fire rate. i hope u play oRO aka originsRO. While Soul Breaker (SBK) is arguably better for PvM (and MvPing), it's much worse when it comes to PvP/WoE since SBK is really only good when you have Magic Strings. save. Best Weapons in Demon’s Souls Remake. Since most breakers use unfro(marc card), wind-type weapons(e.g katar of piercing wind) especially slotted will surely kill you, 1hit. User Info: Rhiethreal. report. For Ex: If you have Ice Pick in Right-Hand and Exorciser in Left-Hand, the effect from Ice-Pick gets ignored. Do we use the highest damage weapon we have or we have to use fortune OR depend on the mob size (ex small we use dagger other we use katar)? share. Running as a blessed knight, and want to know what's the best weapon for this. This weapon is one of the best weapons in the game because: It can stay in the air indefinitely, allowing the yoyo itself and the projectiles that come from it to be spawned practically forever. does soul breaker considered as RANGE? pls update how to play sinx Soul Breaker or Sonic Blow fully guide + stat build + eq and card... plss :( im too noob to pvp. You don't gain the lost mana or health back, unfortunatly. Monsters with High Mdef i.e Elder, Baron take full damage from this part. Lack of Runes? Today I will be talking about Assassin Cross using Soul Destroyer/Breaker. In plain text: Soul Destroyer has 2 parts to it's damage which add to each other in the end. The damage doesn't follow any element. What is the best weapon for sbk sin? Also, I'm assuming that everything is 4 slotted in your … How to get 1k Cyfar/day + Hockey Mask | … Soul Breakers are a critical hit class, which you’ll find out later on in the PVE/PVP sections. Effect. Howdy! Biochemist, especially this job, if your vit is 55-65 one acid demonstration will most likely kill you, so you’ll need a ghost card, best if you equip it in a Valkyrian Armor so it won’t break. The damage takes total ATk into consideration, The damage doesn't take STR into consideration, but try to keep the strength in multiples of 10s for bonus ATK. Base 60-70 Once you have unlocked SBK, you can endow your weapon to wind property and kill Siroma. SinX have unparalelled melee power, find the key characters of precast and take them out. Even though some weapons standout in their respective class, doesn’t mean they are the best in the game. I say just go for a SB SinX with just a little bit more Agi than usual (+20~30) and bring an Ice Pick, full resists equip with shield, then do your normal buffs (EDP, drink PB, foods, ASPD pots, ext. Best Emp Breaker build? I was thinking you could go DD and Katar. The only exception is the sentient slingshot Steve, which becomes Super Steve. MVP, no. hide. *Note that for the weapons, you should use the best 4 slotted daggers in your server, I am using the Main Gauche [4] as an example. Love all the work u have contribute for MVP, whitesmith, sinX guide, etc. Runes and highland parasite card can lower the cast delay from 3s to 1.5s. Soul Destroyer (Alt: Soul Breaker) is a transcendent 2 nd class offensive skill available as Assassin Cross. Keep the Bapho Horns on a switch, especially if you do WoE. Personally, I don't like pure breaker SinX's. We all know that the Emperium is Holy Element, so we need an anti-holy element, the best element for anti-holy is Shadow Element, we can make our weapon element shadow by using a Cursed Water, its the best element for breaking the Emperium. It’s also one of the easier weapons to acquire, as almost every weapon in Xiao’s arsenal leads up to this one. I was thinking you could go DD and Katar. Soul Breakers are a critical hit class, which you’ll find out later on in the PVE/PVP sections. This part of the skill can miss with Flee. Soul Breaker build will save your sinX from other classes. Characters Quests Maps Community. - posted in Thief Classes: Just wondering what the best sin build would be for emp breaking and what the best weapon would be? Base 60-70 Once you have unlocked SBK, you can endow your weapon to wind property and kill Siroma. 2 years ago. Rhiethreal (Topic Creator) 6 years ago #9. A friend and I have this little debate about the weapons for a SBK sin. Close. save. because when I use DEX B it doesnt inc the damage. Effect. Hope it's not too boring, if it is let me give you a quick rundown: Lightning is the best buff in the game because most of the armors are weak to it, it's just a 1% difference, but I toughed it was an interesting discovery. He tells me the weapon damage of the left hand has no effect and it should be invested in any 4-slotted weapon with zipper/andre. I feel like back in the day crit was the best since it ignored defense, but I understand thats no longer a mechanic of crit so perhaps a DA build would be superior? Special notes: If dual wielding, then … It’s better if you put demi-human damage-reduction cards/equips, elemental resist potions, and superb strategy as a breaker ^^ report. Honestly, learn how to play.. You tested terribly. my server devil ro 254/120 max stat 200. looking forward for this, I never played a high-rate server sorry :(. I see what you did there By asking for 6 of the best weapons you want to build your team around them but here's a problem I found myself with: Strength, a lot of power in characters comes from not just the weapon but their Str too to help them hit. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? -Small Monster Damage Test -Medium Monster Damage Test -Large Monster Damage Test … All melee jobs do get better weapons though. This skill ignores the accuracy check. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Hence, monsters with high def(Apocalypse, Golems) takes very low damage. I was thinking either the Astoria long sword or the great sword, just not sure, also can some explain scaling like I'm 5, this confuses the hell out of me. Register Start a Wiki. Add new page. 1 Notes 2 References 3 External Links 4 Patches Being ranged, the skill is completely blocked by Pneuma and AS cards and EA enchants work on it. General rule of thumb as a SinX is that if you're hitting Neutral or Poison, you're doing it wrong. Back to the fully skill users,the only skill that really good for a sinX to become a fully skill users are SOUL BREAKER.As other skills need STR to boost its damage to the maximum,Soul Breaker in the other hand needs INT to boost its damage.Boosting INT not only gives sinX high MSP and regenerate ability,but also boost the damage of Soul Breaker,which means a great benefit for a fully skill user sinX.But in order to gives Soul Breaker … hide. The best weapon for Aerith . On iRO, this skill is known as Soul Destroyer. 63% Upvoted. Lineage II describes them as “With their magical abilities and outstanding physical attack power, Soul Breakers possess Re: My Sin X Soul Breaker Build. Mu Online Wiki. Deluge and Volcano affects the Physical and Magical part of the skill. You obviously know nothing about SinX. Ice Pick is only decent for Soul Breaker, ASPD INCREZES DA FASTER I KAST SOULBRAYK^^^^^. It’s also one of the easier weapons to acquire, as almost every weapon in Xiao’s arsenal leads up to this one. :S -Then for pvp would be better to get andre cards(or similar) or hydras and skel workers (jeje i guess i could figure it out with the last question). Get a firelock and a +9 shoe or, if you really have to get lower def to get higher vit vs thanas, get a swordman mvp card. The best weapons … that server is purely NO pay2win instead it is play2win.. there is also no bots yes as in no bots. 1 Fargo's Mutant Mod Weapons 1.1 Ranged weapons 1.1.1 Thrown 2 Fargo's Soul Mod Weapons 2.1 Melee weapons 2.1.1 Swords 2.1.2 Yoyos 2.1.3 Boomerangs 2.1.4 Flails 2.2 Ranged weapons 2.2.1 Bows 2.2.2 Launchers 2.2.3 Thrown 2.2.4 Others 2.3 Magic weapons 2.3.1 Magic guns 2.3.2 Spell tomes 2.3.3 Others 2.4 Summon weapons 2.4.1 Minion-summoning weapons 2.4.2 Others 2.5 Other weapons … 15 comments. They're too squishy. This axe seems to proc fairly often. *Note that for the weapons, you should use the best 4 slotted daggers in your server, I am using the Main Gauche [4] as an example. Still a nice weapon overall. This comment has been removed by the author. i wan to confirm this.. Page 1 of 2 - Ryan's Assassin Cross Build for PvP ( Soul Breaker ). Aesir monument is most important, 120 gold medals are needed to reduce the cast delay (lvl 5 to 20) from 3s to 2s. One part is based on your INT (read: not MATK), and the other is based on the ATK of your right hand weapon and ATK increasing cards (The left-hand weapon's ATK doesn't matter). Roll a Sage, get platinum skills, craft yourself a few Endow Scrolls - they're really useful, really easy to make and come in four exciting flavors! Also, Ribbon is pretty much a no-brainer. The total int from all the gears is taken into consideration(even the weapon on left hand). Ninja, well you can’t touch them so you’re gonna die, anyway ninja’s have to be dealt with by a Soul Breaker SinX… Otherwise, I'd pick something else. Keep the Bapho Horns on a switch, especially if you do WoE. 99/70. Economy are stable and MVP card are obtainable at very reasonable price. Type of Breaking. The Big Question! I don't want to go above 15 in Dex or Str. 1 year ago. The best hat is DEFINITELY the Ming Samurai Hat. If you build the Crom Faeyr then you will have in total 5 Str items on your party and if you don't, you get 6 Str-Boosting items. Whereas on the right hand, a saber with 3 zip/andre is the best for demi-humans. 1. Soul Breaker SinX tips. -does skel worker and hydra card affect the INT dmg and STR dmg, or just one, or none of both? How about mora range dmg? Comment by Runawaynow Proc can crit for 18, but does not scale in any sort of way. 98 Pages. It's particularity is that EVERYONE can use it for some reason. Comment by Thottbot I'm looking for a nice fast 1h pally weapon for after 1.9 to farm with as a holy paladin (seal of righteousness will proc with every swing) and this has great DPS + swing speed. Gameplay. So that you could fully take advantage of Sonic Acceleration and Soul Link, and still have a Dagger Sinx's break time. Soul Breaker SinX. STR 70-110 (with blessing and job bonus. ? Putting lots of souls into Dex/fth thus far. Re: Need Help sinx EMP>BREAKER build -Suji-on Sat Jan … Increzes DA FASTER I KAST SOULBRAYK^^^^^, try to compare Fortune Sword Blood. Of katar type sinx thanks even the weapon on left hand has no and. And highland parasite card can lower the cast delay from 3s to 1.5s -Medium damage. Above level 63 theartix … in plain text: Soul Destroyer precast take... Are online any time of the left hand has no effect and 's. About Assassin Cross build for pvp ( bg, WoE ) too? Great guide mana effect no affects... Your … 1 year ago for SBK should be invested in any 4-slotted with! 15:00Http: // hydra card affect the INT dmg and str dmg, or Kimahri becomes weaker unless.... Breakers are a critical hit class, which you ’ ll find later.... MLGS is pretty good if you get trapped in precast, try to stay until! The end Ghost, Holy base 60-70 Once you have Ice Pick in and! Tao Gunka ( when u want to know what 's the best weapons for a SBK sin is the. 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