Aufstrich. Would recommend this to anyone looking for a low calorie treat! Medjool Dates: Dates will add a naturally sweet flavor. Bravo to your idea and kudos to sticking to your dream and executing it like a pro!!! Additional information. I never realized how it’s all made just with a date! As with all of our to-die-for date spreads, this beloved chocolate flavor is vegan, surprisingly low in calories, oil free, and we don’t add any sugars, ever. I bought all flavors but have only tried the chocolate so far. All natural flavors and no added sugars is something you can’t miss out on!!!! I just bought the chocolate date spread to try on apples & so far amazing! Ka-Pop! Add the cocoa powder, honey and salt and pulse until combined. Meet our chocolate flavored date spread! Totally takes care of my cravings for sweets. It will stay good in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. morning oats, I feel like I’m eating dessert. 7290000185811 * Aufgrund zeitlicher Verzögerungen und Tippfehlern kann nicht garantiert werden, dass die auf dieser Seite publizierten Zutaten bzw. Once melted, use to frost brownies, cupcakes and more! 0 %--Protein. It is so yummy I have to stop myself from spooning it directly into my mouth. This coconut date spread is naturally sweet and perfect for slathering on your favorite bread or morning toast. We just ordered the pumpkin and vanilla and can’t wait to try. You can spread this Chocolate Date Spread on cookies, graham crackers, or toast. Used this on toast with Peanut Butter ! It’s healthy !!! The possibilities are endless. $18 Save the date. Produkt ändern. Ohh boy, if you’re a chocolate lover then prepare to experience death-by-date-spread. Super yummy but dangerous because it'd be easy to gobble this up in one sitting! I got the chocolate but I will definitely be purchasing the other flavors. We are not medical professionals who can diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. It was perfect on fresh strawberries! The selling point for me is that even though it tastes like you’re indulging, there’s no added sugars or sweeteners, so it’s guilt free! … Make sure your recipients know that it needs to stay refrigerated upon receipt. It’s a chocolatey dream come true! Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Melissa, you hit it out of the park!!! Still not a lot of calories and just some more time on the peloton:). Pour boiling water over dates and let sit for 10-15 minutes or until the dates are very soft. Gently open a date and stuff it with about 1/2 teaspoon of Speculoos spread. 43 % 2g Fette. I always liked dates in general and getting to know that you could even have a dates spread to relish is like the best idea of the year that I’ve gotten to know and enjoy!!! I like it on rice cakes mostly. This one is just okay in my book. We first ate the original date spread and really liked it. WE SEND FUN EMAILS. Eshmoon’s chocolate spread is a healthy delicacy sweetened with molasses or honey, made from raw, organic cacao and blended in extra virgin coconut oil. Copyright © var creditsyear = new Date();document.write(creditsyear.getFullYear()); Helpful for my new years resolution of losing weight with my sweet tooth satisfied! Absolutely phenomenal! Keep rocking and best wishes Melissa and team! I will admit the consistency was a bit offputting but after one taste I was sold. :). Got the Chocolate spread and I absolutely love it. The flavors mixed together are amazing! Use 10, pitted. So good!! So far the spreads taste great on crackers and apple slices. 330 Gramm. I bought all the flavors and none of them disappoint. Try Date Lady Chocolate Spread. And I succeeded! I intend to buy other flavors! Pure joy in a jar!! Menge / Grösse. Top the spread with a pecan nut and close the date. As with all of our to-die-for date spreads, our beloved chocolate flavor is vegan friendly, surprisingly low in calories, oil free, and we don’t add any sugars. It's sweet without being that overly-toothy-sugary-candy sweet. I use it as a sweet chocolate topping for yogurt & strawberries ! Please note: This site contains Affiliate Links. Ancient Grains: A Guide to Cooking with Power-Packed Millet, Oats, Spelt, Farro, Sorghum & Teff (Superfoods for Life), Welcoming Kitchen: 200 Delicious Allergen- & Gluten-Free Vegan Recipes, Vegan Soy-free "Cream Cheese" Frosting for Food Allergy Awareness Week, Chia Seeds Trial One--Chia Seeds as an Egg Substitute. I think I’ll try another flavor! NUNATURE 100% Natural Dates Spread - Pure Medjool Dates, Gluten & Sugar Free, Vegan, Paleo Friendly, Non-GMO, Dairy Free, Healthy Sugar Substitutes 4.7 out of 5 stars 47. In a food processor, pulse the hazelnuts until they form a fine meal. I think you should do a peanut butter flavor. You can even add it to oatmeal for a sweet bite. You can finally break things off with that naughty hazelnut spread and throw away frosting forever. I look forward to trying some of the other flavors. So clever how you use coffee! Photo about nHazelnut Chocolate Date Spread vegan and sugar-free. Like many first time buyers, I saw Wanna Date? It's incredible! This date spread is amazing! We feel that no matter what food restrictions are needed - delicious and healthful food can be enjoyed by all! Need an all-natural frosting free of questionable ingredients? Highly recommend! We used your suggestion of banana split without ice cream, except we had ice cream with it. After you refrigerate it it becomes the perfect consistency ! Add the chickpeas and process until combined. I love peanut butter and apples, but the peanut butter calories are just something I can’t do. I saw them first on shark tank. It’s amazing in my oatmeal or a spread for bread and cookies! So sweet without the guilt! As with all of our to-die-for date spreads, our beloved chocolate flavor is vegan friendly, surprisingly low in calories, oil free, and we don’t add any sugars. Image of background, sugarfree, creamy - 124153585 Welcome to Our Kitchen! If you heat it, it becomes a luscious As with all of the Wanna Date? Love Wanna Date and my dog wanted to try it too! Yea so the 2nd jar... Ohh boy, if you’re a chocolate lover then prepare to experience death-by-date-spread. A serving of Chocolate or Vanilla Sweet Date Spread is 18g, and contains 5g of sugar. Love the chocolatey yumminess! The chocolate date spread is amazing!!! I bought tiny little ice cube trays on Amazon so I can make little treats for myself figuring it would be delicious and low-calorie. Labels are subject to change all the time. I love it on pancakes, with fruit, and any time I want a sweet treat. I use it for a chocolate flavor in peanut butter banana smoothies! Strichcode-Nummer. We luv your spreads! The chocolate spread is so good. :), Yummy and healthy but expensive. The spread is a mixture of additional flavors, vegetable oil, butter, milk, cocoa, and sugar. Such an amazing product that is so versatile and delicious! I have a sweet tooth and I love dates, and I love chocolate. I was super excited to try this after seeing it on shark tank. (vegan, gluten-free, sugar-free, nondairy), Puree all ingredients together in food processor or blender. Kim's Welcoming Kitchen recipes are free of the eight common allergens (dairy, eggs, soy, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, fish, and shellfish), gluten-free, and vegan. $18.33. I'm sooo glad I found this product! The chocolate is pretty good. Keep it up! Learn More. A serving of the Cinnamon has 6g of sugar. You ougt to subtitle it"sin in a jar". Kim's Welcoming Kitchen | Powered by Blogger. This morning I put a spoonfull in my oatmeal. Forget frosting and end your unhealthy relationship with Nutella now. I love how the chocolate didn't over power the dates. As with all of our spreads it is all natural, low in calories, and allergen free yet packed with potassium, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Wanna Date? Great customer service ! Sorry. Hazelnut Chocolate Date Spread (sugar-free) - Buy this stock photo and explore similar images at Adobe Stock That translates to just a little less than 4 teaspoons in a serving, so one teaspoon likely has around 1g of sugar. on Shark Tank and purchased it the next day! This will help us to continue to provide you with quality content. Can’t wait to try all the other flavors.... (Of note, Melissa answers emails herself. Can’t wait to try the cinnamon flavor next! Date Lady Chocolate Spread -- 10.2 oz 4.4 out of 5 stars 511. Pumpkin Spice Date Spread $12.00. Cinnamon Date Spread $12.00. Repeat with all the dates. Chocolate Date Spread $12.00. I use it for a healthy spread on toast or crackers ! It’s made with real, organic ingredients and sweetened with fruit sugar only. I love topping oatmeal with and and English mufffins! Perfect for pancakes, toast, oatmeal, yogurt, smoothies, and baking too! Wanna Date? It's rich, fudgy, thick, creamy and versatile.Product Highlights: Gluten-Free Vegan Paleo Whole 30 Spread it on toast, croissants, pancakesDip sliced apples a The other flavors are amazing, tho. Spreads slowly replace marmalade and jam due to their health. Use it on everything especially in the morning! Wanna Date Chocolate Date Spread ! Yum! It is pretty yummy but honestly not the most amazing thing I’ve ever had. © 2009-2016 Kim Lutz. $12.98. All rights reserved. Thousands of new, high-quality pictures added every day. Eating clean can be a challange but finding Wanna Date really changed a lot for me. Fette 65g. lol. Ingredients: Chocolate spread in coconut oil & sweetened with date molasses. An excellent product! Highly recommend if you're looking for a healthy sweet treat :). Strawberries with chocolate flavor. I put it in my plain Greek yogurt and it is delicious. Got this for my mom and she’s obsessed! Delicious in a smoothie with frozen bananas and unsweetened vanilla flavored Almond Milk..yum. It has been such a good addition to my I know it sounds too good to be true, but it’s real. Dip the stuffed dates in melted chocolate until they are fully covered. I love a good healthy alternative and Wanna Date? ), I saw Wanna Date? So far her favorite is the chocolate spread and mine is the cinnamon spread. Natrium 2,300g--/ 2,300g übrig. 47 / 2,000 cal übrig. Never made it to the other person as it truly is delicious! Download royalty-free Hazelnut Chocolate Date Spread (vegan and sugar-free) stock photo 207245438 from Depositphotos collection of millions of premium … Chocolate Date Spread is 100% vegan, paleo, low calorie, and oil free and with zero added sugar. Add the coconut sugar, cocoa powder, olive oil, vanilla … I am already looking forward to future dates and trying my flavors! I put it on everything including cut up apples, oatmeal, chia pudding, in smoothies, etc. Vanilla Date Spread $12.00. Be well and be safe! It isn't super heavy chocolaty but still sweet enough to taste great (pleasure without the guilt!). Learn More. Image of gourmet, cacao, healthy - 124153586 Transfer the dates and reserved water to a food processor and puree until a fine paste is reached, about 2 minutes. I think that says it all ♥️. It was a miss. Or on oatmeal! Only problem is I ate the whole tray in one sitting. PHENOMENAL! So fulfilling! Allow the excess chocolate to fall off (I use wooden skewers to lift and dip the truffles). Delicious! Made with unsweetened cocoa powder, dates, water.. Made with unsweetened cocoa powder, dates, water.. Ohh boy, if you’re a chocolate lover then prepare to experience death-by-date-spread. Putting the two together is the perfect combo to satisfy and mixing it with almond butter = perfect. Original Date Spread $12.00. Wie eignet sich dieses Essen für deine Tagesziele? No processed sugar, undesirable oils or cheap fillers. Portionsgröße: 14 g. 47 Kcal. flavored spreads are good too! See our store locator to find date spread near you. Blend water and dates on high until very, very smooth. The taste is amazing ! One in a zillion!! Finde Kalorienanzahl, Kohlenhydratgehalt und weitere Nährwertinformationen für eshmoon chocolate-date-spread und mehr als 2 Mio. I keep going back for spoonfuls throughout the day. Add the sunflower butter and puree for 30 seconds more. I bought this because Barbara was rude to you I ordered 4 of these almost three weeks ago and I have one to be re ordered once a month. Chocolate & Dates Spread. Ohh boy, if you’re a chocolate lover then prepare to experience death-by-date-spread. weitere Nahrungsmittel auf The chocolate date I used with banana for dessert crepes. Chocolate spread is a sweet-flavored dough that is primarily used for spreading on bread, waffles, pancakes, and toast. I love to eat it on my gluten free toast with a bit of cashew butter! So delicious! Like a milk shake without the guilt and just enough chocolate flavor! I enjoyed a few spoonfuls of this Chocolate Date spread on frozen blueberries- it was so yummy! Very good and use this spread as well as the cinnamon flavor in my overnight oats for a bit of sweetness. Dates Spread Made With 100% Organic Dates & 0g Added Sugar, Vegan, Gluten Free, 2 Yrs Shelf Life 3.2 out of 5 stars 43. Just opened a jar of Chocolate Date Spread and put a spoonfull on a cup of ice cream. Add in the cocoa, salt and vanilla and blend until well-mixed. I don’t think I’m ever going back to jams, jellies or peanut butter... Your source for allergy-free, gluten-free, and vegan recipes that everyone will love! I would have uploaded a picture except I ate it too fast! I just received my order of one of each of the flavors. I said ok stop this let me try juuusst a smidge... These spreads are amazing! Fitnessziele: Herzgesundheit. That being said, your sense of sight is best to judge whether chocolate has gone bad. Yummy! It’s a chocolatey dream come true AND a healthy one! Love it with my plain yogurt in the morning! Produktinformationen. It makes me feel like I’m having dessert! It doesn’t taste Enough like chocolate to me, just sweet dates. Such a treat and so good straight off the spoon. This spread is so versatile! It’s like your favorite chocolate-hazelnut spread, only even more delightful. Will not repurchase the chocolate. I adore all of the flavors, but if I had to pick just one flavor, it would be the chocolate. Only 25 calories per serving!! Weight: N/A: Dimensions: N/A: Lin's Farm Date Spread: Chocolate Date Spread – Classic, Chocolate Date Spread with a touch of Coconut, Chocolate Date Spread with a touch of Orange, Chocolate Hazelnut Date Spread . As with all of our to-die-for date spreads, our beloved chocolate flavor is vegan friendly, surprisingly low in calories, oil free, and we don’t add any sugars. $12.99. Delicious! Made with pure date honey and 100% cocoa solids, our decadent chocolate date spreads will have you at hello. I love this date spread! Photo about nHazelnut Chocolate Date Spread vegan and sugar-free. When you appeared on Shark Tank you were not offering the original -- which I guess means the original isn't really "original". A good alternative to peanut butter or hazelnut spread and healthier. INGREDIENTS: Dates, Water, Cocoa Powder, Lactic Acid. Although this is our least fave. I love the taste, and the fact that it is healthy. In fact, I’m headed to Trader Joe’s today for my monthly stock up trip. on Shark Tank and then progressively on social media. Made with just 5 ingredients and no artificial flavors, you can go ahead and end your unhealthy relationship with frosting and that chocolate hazelnut spread now. Chocolate & Dates Spread. Absolutely great product eat it right from the car or mixed with anything love it! I’m in love! Cocoa Powder: Add 2 … Kategorie. If you heat it, it becomes a luscious chocolate sauce to dip fruit or pour over ice cream. * *BUY IT ** GREAT PRODUCT !!!! We do LOVE the cinnamon! I actually purchased 2 jars of the chocolate for 2 different people. Water: 2 tablespoons of water will be needed to get the right consistency for the date paste. This blog is not the substitute for medical advice. Cholesterin 300g--/ 300g übrig. Since pure chocolate is such a delicate flavor, eating straight gourmet chocolate really is best (most enjoyable) within about a week of the best by date. Fortella - Chocolate Date Spread. Overall I liked it. Values: Vegan, Gluten Free, Organic Usage: Spread a … Waiting for retail stores to carry it to avoid shipping charges. Date Lady Chocolate Spread makes a great allergen-free frosting! Schoko-, Nuss- & Milchcremes. The chocolate was good it was my first time trying so it was an adjustment to the mix with date and chocolate. Yes. Absolutely delicious, I am going to date for the rest of my life! Although we try to have high quality information and use only safe products, it is important to read the food labels of every food that you use, every time that you use them to verify that products do not contain allergens. W O W!!! I like it, too, but think I prefer the original. I know it sounds too good to be true, but it’s real. Reviews (0) Reviews. I love the cinnamon and vanilla flavors, but sadly the chocolate is not for me. Soooo good !! Waaaay back in the day, I got my hands on a chocolate tahini product, and it was amazing…but absolutely bursting with sugar. My husband likes the chocolate spread on toast! Store in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks. I confess I ate the whole jar of the pumpkin spread in one sitting (for the second time)! eshmoon chocolate-date-spread Nährwertangaben und Nährwertinformationen. It’s a chocolatey dream come true AND a healthy one! Amazing! A little chocolate date spread on strawberries and bam! This chocolate tahini spread recipe has been on my recipe ideas list for a good long while. Perfect for my morning toast, banana/berry smoothies, and cinnamon bagel topper. I just ordered a second order of it. She, too, is amazing. I have a nut butter problem. Thank you for such a wonderful product. But the friend I got it for, tried it immediately w great excitement! P.S. Keep up the good work. It all started, with a. date. Love that it's low calorie! Kalorienziel 1,953 cal. Show us how you spread it! Thick, creamy, sweet, spreadable, and spoonable. Have just recently begun eating the chocolate. I'm hooked...line & sinker!! This was my first date and I have to tell you it did not disappoint! I liked it didn't love it, I love your other flavors much more!!! Love it , very healthy no chemicals or additives , I recommend them. Melissa what you’ve come up with is absolutely amazing and delicious!! Drain the dates, reserving 2 tablespoons of the soaking water. If you choose to buy something through one or more of these links, this blog will make a small commission. Amazing!! I love all the flavors but the chocolate fixes my sweet tooth. I wanted my version to not only be paleo, but cut down on the sweetness a lot. ABOUT: If you’re a chocolate lover then prepare to experience death-by-date-spread; A true chocolatey dream come true. spreads, their chocolate flavor is all natural, low in calories, and packed with potassium, fiber, vitamins and minerals. I dispise dates w a passion. the chocolate and the cinnamon date spread was delicious I wanted to eat it all at once it was that good but I controlled myself lol my husband asked me what I got in my package and I said wanna date and he said huh I asked what was in the package and I said wanna date so I let him taste it and he said yum wanna date? Tagesziele. I also truly admire your story and what you are doing. Anyway, I think it speaks to the good insight offerd by Mark Cuban when he encouraged offering the original as it proves the point you were making on the show of how good and sweet dates are all by themselves. After that, the taste does begins to change slightly. Delicious! No unhealthy dessert eating. is exactly that! Date Lady Chocolate Spread heats up quickly, so keep a close eye when warming. Sign up so we can slide discounts in your inbox . our family didn't care for the chocolate. It’s a chocolatey dream come true AND a healthy one! 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