The Public Record Office of Northern Ireland ( has freely available microfilm copies of almost all surviving records of all denominations for areas now in Northern Ireland, as well as a good number for areas in the border counties of Donegal, Cavan, Leitrim, Monaghan and Louth. Our birth/baptism records cover: Virtually all Roman Catholic registers of baptisms for Counties Antrim and Down prior to 1900 A large number of Church of Ireland and Presbyterian registers of baptisms for mid, south and west County Down A large number of Church of Ireland and Presbyterian registers of baptisms for the city of Belfast […] Burial records: The majority of Church of Ireland clergymen also recorded burials as well as baptisms and marriages. Regulations for Readers of Archives & Manuscripts, St. Peter’s Drogheda Registers (1702 – 1900), Other Genealogical Sources in the RCB Library, Commission for Christian Unity and Dialogue, Commission on Episcopal Ministry and Structures, Accommodation Options when visiting Church House, Dublin, Dignity in Church Life – Charter and policies, Website Hosting, E–mail Information & Software, Regulations for the remarriage of divorced persons, Service of preparation for remarriage in Church, Constitution and duties of the Standing Committee of General Synod, Powers & duties conferred upon the Standing Committee by the Constitution, 2003, Constitution and duties of the Board of Education of General Synod, Irish Church Act, 1869, Section 20 (As operative), Glebe Lands Representative Church Body, Ireland, 1875, section 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8, The Trustee Churches (Ireland) Act, 1884 sections 1–5, The Irish language and the Church of Ireland, The 1999 Declaration on the 39 Articles of Religion, BoE submissions and other items in the Document Library, Teacher Supply Action Plan #teachingtransforms, Morning and Evening Prayer for use on Sundays, Miscarriage, Stillbirth and Neonatal death. Discover more about these records. Volunteers extracted the birth and baptism details in this index from microfilmed copies of church, civil, and other records of births housed in various repositories throughout Ireland. The registers contain records of baptisms and marriages from the majority of Catholic parishes in Ireland and Northern Ireland up to 1880. A small number of parish registers have been digitised and are available to view here and on the Anglican Record Project. A small number of Presbyterian records relating to a congregation in Lucan, Co. Dublin (transcript only). Our Church of Ireland parish record search forms were filled out by applicants to the Public Record Office (PRO) in Ireland. The Representative Church Body Library is the official archive of record for Church of Ireland records that survived the burning of the Public Record Office in 1922. All surviving Church of Ireland baptism, marriage and burial registers for Dublin City, most of them transcripts with record-images to c. 1900. Discover your ancestor’s birth place and parents’ name. This website contains images from the NLI’s collection of Catholic parish register microfilms. Some of the records of Cork city (for the parishes of St. Mary & St. Anne, St, Patrick's and Blackrock) are not online.7. Unlike many other records, parish registers provide evidence of direct links between one generation and the next (via baptismal registers) and one family and another (via marriage registers). Each geographical area on the site has a "sources list" and it is essential to consult this in order to ascertain precisely what records are being searched. Non-conformist refers to Protestant churches that were not aligned with the Church of Ireland. This database contains an index extracted from an index of births registered in Ireland. Transcripts of the baptism and marriage records of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Kerry to c. 1900 - this diocese includes parishes in western and north-western areas of Co. Cork. WHAT CHURCH RECORDS ARE AVAILABLE ONLINE? The Library holds the oldest surviving Irish parish records – the baptism, marriage and burial registers of St John the Evangelist in Dublin – which date from 1619, and its collection grows every year as more parishes hand over their records for safekeeping. St. Bestius Church of Ireland, Killeter, Termonamongan Parish Baptism Index Cards Pre-1915 St. Eugene's Church of Ireland, Ardstraw Parish, Newtownstewart Baptism Index Cards 1882-1915 St. Michael's Church of Ireland, Sixmilecross, Termonmaguirk Parish - Miscellaneous Birth, Death, Marriage Records 1837-1946 Please e-mail Webadmin for a reminder to be issued. Ireland Roman Catholic Parish Baptisms Parish List. They requested the PRO to search historical records to approve or deny the applications of individuals applying for the Old Age Pension, which was introduced in 1909. A warning on fraudulent text messages and emails purporting to be from the Church of Ireland. For about two centuries (from the late 1700s through to the early to mid-1900s) the Irish favoured a precise convention for naming their children that can suggest what names to look for in a previous generation. Ireland, Select Catholic Birth and Baptism Registers, 1763-1917. Most local Roman Catholic parishes do not permit research on their original records. Transcripts with record-images for all surviving nineteenth-century Church of Ireland marriage, baptism and burial records in Co. Kerry. Consisting primarily of baptismal and marriage records, Irish Catholic church records span over 200 years of Ireland's history. See The year range represents most of the records. What’s in the Records. They are also, for the majority of Irish people who lived during the 18th and 19th centuries, the only record of … Baptisms and marriages are recorded in either Latin or English - never in Irish. Some Presbyterian records are only available locally or in the Presbytrerian Historical Society. They include both Catholic and Church of Ireland baptism, marriage and burial records from Kerry, parts of Cork and Dublin City, as well as Church of Ireland records for Carlow. Records of the Methodist Church in Ireland include registers of baptisms and marriages of the Irish Methodist circuits and chapels. For records post-1870, it will be necessary to contact the Representative Church Body Library (RCB Library), which holds the archives of the Church of Ireland. Ireland, Select Births and Baptisms, 1620-1911. It’s been a busy few months here at the Ulster Historical Foundation. Explore more than 7 million baptism records indexed and digitised NLI collection of Ireland’s Roman Catholic baptisms from 1000 parishes. Research sources such as church of Ireland records, birth, death marriage records, tith and trade directories, newspaper articles and obituary and death records. The detail found in each record will vary depending on age and condition of the parish register. On this site:1. The records of St. Paul's, Arran Quay, are not included. If necessary, contact details for local parishes can be found via Each entry includes both a transcript and an image. Ireland, Select Catholic Birth and Baptism Registers, 1763-1917. All Roman Catholic baptism, marriage and burial registers for Dublin City, some parishes in transcript only (to c. 1900), some transcripts with record-image (to c. 1880). - Carnteel Parish Church, St. James Church of Ireland, Aughnacloy, Co. Tyrone: records Records 1814-52 - Ballindrait Presbyterian Church Ruling Elders, Clonleigh Parish, Co. Donegal 1620-1700 - Ballyclog Parish Church (St. Patrick's Church of Ireland), Ballyclog Parish Marriages 1845-50 Index to selected Ireland births and baptisms. Search Irish Family History records online: parish registers; church records; Roman Catholic and Protestant. While the Church of Ireland was the state church from 1536 to 1870, Ireland’s population remained overwhelmingly Roman Catholic. Over the past six months we have added 78,000 new records to our Online Databases.. 4. Parochial records (baptisms, marriages and burials) of the Church of Ireland (Anglican Church) pre-1870 are public records and may be held on microfilm in the National Archives. Largest online Irish Genealogy records database for 32 counties. Church Records. Microfilm copies and some original copies are also held at the Presbyterian Historical Society of Ireland (PHSI). Many requests are received from people across the world looking to trace their Irish ancestors who may have been Presbyterian. If you have any genealogical queries, or would like to request a search, please read the information on our Online Store: and if necessary order a search. 2. Copies of church records, including baptism and marriage records, are held at the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI). This database is an index containing details extracted from a variety of Irish birth records… Ireland Roman Catholic Parish Baptisms Parish List. For some reason, almost all Catholic burial registers are for the northern half of the island. None of the transcribed records for Clare are online. Parish registers of all denominations are an excellent source of genealogical research and probably the best starting point as they include baptisms, marriages and sometimes deaths for all classes of the population. Those searching for Irish Methodist baptismal, marriage and burial records are faced with the difficulty that for the first 50 or so years of their existence Methodists in Ireland regarded themselves as a members of a religious Society rather than constituting a separate church. Residence. The list accounts for all Church of Ireland parochial registers of baptism, marriage and burial – noting what survives, the dates covered, and where they are located. You may discover the following information about your ancestor. A full list of its holdings is at . Ireland, Select Catholic Marriage Registers, 1778-1942 While the bulk of Church records begin in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century, some do extend back into the 1600s. Explore more than 7 million baptism records indexed and digitised NLI collection of Ireland’s Roman Catholic baptisms from 1000 parishes. While the Church of Ireland was the state church from 1536 to 1870, Ireland’s population remained overwhelmingly Roman Catholic. A full list is at WHAT CHURCH RECORDS ARE AVAILABLE FOR RESEARCH OFFLINE? Elsewhere:1. This paying site has transcripts (without record-images) of most of the Roman Catholic records on the island of Ireland for areas other than those listed above. How do I detemine how many Unit Trusts I have? A guide to the Roman Catholic records is at From 1537 until 1870, the Church of Ireland was the official church in Ireland, this meant that recording keeping in the Catholic Church was difficult because of the hostilities between the state church and the Roman Catholic Church. Ireland, Civil Registration Births Index, 1864-1958. Only a few localities are included and the time period varies by locality. Irish Genealogical Research - Getting Started,, Ireland, Select Catholic Marriage Registers, 1778-1942 Most records, will also display an image of the original record created from the National Library of Ireland’s microfilm collection. The earliest baptism records appear from Waterford, Wexford, Tipperary and Galway. All surviving Church of Ireland baptism, marriage and burial registers for Co. Carlow, transcripts with record-images to c. 1900. Callers will normally be referred to the heritage centres whose records are now almost all on This free site run by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) has transcripts, without record-images, of approximately thirty Roman Catholic parishes, mostly in counties Kerry, Cork and Roscommon.3. The Representative Church Body Library is the official archive of record for Church of Ireland records that survived the burning of the Public Record Office in 1922. 3. More information on Judaism in Ireland is at 5. A few records may be earlier or later. Irish Family History Foundation online research service for the 32 county genealogy centres throughout Ireland. Sometimes the residence of the deceased (ie the townland) is provided, and sometimes the deceased's age. Many … The site also includes transcripts of Church of Ireland, Methodist and Presbyterian registers, complete for some counties, completely absent for others.2. Baptism date. The majority of these new entries are Church of Ireland baptismal records (Counties Antrim & Down), transcribed by our Emeritus Research Director, Dr Brian Trainor. The major exceptions, where only small proportions of the records are transcribed, are counties Donegal, Monaghan and Wexford. Roman Catholic registers consist mostly of baptismal and marriage records. The List of Parish Registers The List of Church of Ireland Parish Registers was originally compiled in-house for the Public Record Office of Ireland (PROI), now the National Archives of Ireland (NAI), by Miss Margaret Griffith (1911-2001) Deputy Keeper of the PROI during the 1950s. A transcript of its records can be found at A large collection of Jewish records are online at the paying site Irish Naming Practice for Boys 1st son named after the paternal grandfather (his father's father); 2nd son after the maternal grandfather (his mother's father); 3r… Generally, pari… They also pre-date civil registration which began in Ireland in 1864. Forgotten your password? Access is free and print-outs of the records are allowed. This subscription site has transcripts, without record-images, of the registers of the diocese of Meath up to 1880, approximately forty parishes, as well as a copy of the LDS transcripts.4. See See These films can be ordered via the Family History Centers attached to most Mormon temples. This collection includes Catholic baptismal registers from 73 Irish parishes. The National Library of Ireland has microfilm copies of almost all pre-1880 Roman Catholic parish registers on the island of Ireland. 1. 3. Where registers were destroyed in the burning of the Public Record Office of Ireland (PROI) during the Irish Civil War in 1922, the list records details about abstracts, transcripts and where they are held. St. Bestius Church of Ireland, Killeter, Termonamongan Parish Baptism Index Cards Pre-1915 St. Eugene's Church of Ireland, Ardstraw Parish, Newtownstewart Baptism Index Cards 1882-1915 St. Michael's Church of Ireland, Sixmilecross, Termonmaguirk Parish - Miscellaneous Birth, Death, Marriage Records 1837-1946 A full list of its holdings is at Ulster Ireland and Co. Tyrone Genealogy. The earliest baptism records appear from Waterford, Wexford, Tipperary and Galway. The LDS Family History Library has microfilm copies of c. 40% of Irish Roman Catholic parish registers, some copies of National Library of Ireland films, others filmed by the LDS themselves. Quaker records are very comprehensive back to the 17th century, with microfilm copies in NLI and PRONI. The keeping of burial records was much less thorough than in the Church of Ireland, with fewer than half the parishes in the country having a register of burials before 1900; even where they do exist, these records are generally intermittent and patchy. Burial registers usually give the name of the deceased and date of burial. This collection is comprised of several different registers of births and baptisms from Ireland’s non-conformist churches between 1701 and 1913. The register records date back as far as 1619 and include the Church of Ireland parish registers for baptism, marriage, and burial; 1,110 sets of parish records in … Name. IrishGenealogy: Ireland Church Records(for Dublin City and the counties of Carlow and Kerry) Transcripts of the baptism and marriage records of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Kerry to c. 1900, All Roman Catholic baptism, marriage and burial registers for Dublin City, All surviving Church of Ireland baptism, marriage and burial registers for Dublin City,... To search these records … All are freely searchable if they are not too fragile to be handled.5. See All that's needed is for onesibling in a family to have used this pattern with accuracy (even if one's own direct ancestor deviated a little). Discover your ancestor’s birth place and parents’ name. Volunteers extracted the birth and baptism details in this index from microfilmed copies of church, civil, and other records of births housed in various repositories throughout Ireland. Many are held by the Methodist Historical Society of Ireland in Belfast, which also has a small archive collection in Dublin. 1. 6. While the bulk of Church records begin in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century, some do extend back into the 1600s. Due to privacy laws, recent records may not be displayed. Birth date. All Roman Catholic baptism, marriage and burial registers (transcripts with record-images to c.1880) for the diocese of Cork and Ross, which covers the south and west of the county and Cork city. Others: a significant number of local historical and family history societies have made transcripts of their church records available online. They contain over 40 million names from over 1,000 parishes across all 32 counties of Ireland and Northern Ireland. What’s in the Records. This collection includes Catholic baptismal registers from 73 Irish parishes. This digital record is a work in progress. Proportions of the records are only available locally or in the late eighteenth and nineteenth! 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