Thanks to Python (and remembering that it had a library that could do combinations and permutations),  I made a personal best in solving the Day 1 puzzles. Think of it as an Advent calendar, but chocolates (or cheese, or wine), you’re presented with a new programming puzzle every day between the start of December and Christmas Day, in which you try to save Santa’s mission. Please be warned: If you want to try solving the challenge on your own and without any help, stop reading now! Updated: August 31, 2020 Colorado Free Application Day Instructions Public Four-Year Colleges and Universities Each public four-year college and university will have a unique fee waiver process; some will ask you to submit codes, while others will ask you to select an answer from a dropdown menu. Computer Science Education Week is held annually in recognition of the birthday of computing pioneer Admiral Grace Murray Hopper (December 9, 1906). Advent of Code is structures so that you must successfully complete challenge. Today's top Day Designer offer: 10% Off. ; Gray –Typical Non-working Days. Coupons for 50% Off & more Verified & tested today! Games allowed: Santastic. Some holidays and dates are color-coded: Red –Federal Holidays and Sundays. A Teacher Looks at Advent of Code 2020 - Day 1. But given that you are creating combinations for all possible values where inputs are huge dont we run into performance issues? She was talking with her team and for some reason one of them pulled out an interview question from their company's question bank. They genuinely meld design and style and performance, and you’ll be blown away with the wall calendars you may get … Tampa Bay techie Joey deVilla on software, hardware, and everything in between. It just seems more readable: Now that I had the expenses in a Python list (that’s Pythonese for “array”), I could work with them. ; Black–Other Days. Save with Day Designer promo codes and coupons for January 2021. Microsoft November 2020 Patch Tuesday arrives with fix for Windows zero-day. In order to take on Advent of Code’s challenges, you have to sign in using an account from one of these popular “federated ID” services: Once you’ve signed in, you can start on the first challenge…. The year 2020 is a leap year, with 366 days in total. --- Day 2: Password Philosophy ---Your flight departs in a few days from the coastal airport; the easiest way down to the coast from here is via toboggan.. Follow the event on Facebook for the latest information. Of course, your expense report is much larger. Some holidays and dates are color-coded: Red –Federal Holidays and Sundays. Using the above example again, the three entries that sum to 2020 are 979, 366, and 675. What’s happening in the Tampa Bay tech/entrepreneur/nerd scene (Week of Monday, December 21, 2020), We’ve all been there: “Let’s add one more feature!”, My solution to Advent of Code 2020’s Day 8 challenge, in Python, My solution to Advent of Code 2020’s Day 7 challenge, in Python, Meet the Auth0 DevRel Team — Monday, December 14 at noon Eastern / 9:00 a.m. Pacific, It’s the 14th anniversary of the original iPhone Stevenote! Disable moonphases. My solution to Advent of Code 2020’s Day 7 challenge, in Python; Meet the Auth0 DevRel Team — Monday, December 14 at noon Eastern / 9:00 a.m. Pacific; What’s happening in the Tampa Bay tech/entrepreneur/nerd scene (Week of Monday, December 14, 2020) My solution to Advent of Code 2020’s Day 6 challenge, in Python Oprah 12 Days Of Christmas 2020 Giveaway Codes They genuinely meld design and style and performance, and you’ll be blown away with the wall calendars you may get for free. The 2020 Computer Science Education Week will be December 7-13, but you can host an Hour of Code all year-round. Expired Codes. Today's top T-Mobile promo code: Free 2-Day Shipping on Your Order. Here’s the text from part one of the challenge: After saving Christmas five years in a row, you’ve decided to take a vacation at a nice resort on a tropical island. 250% up to $500 and 50 free spins at Win a Day Casino BONUS CODE: 2020-SPECIAL Get the Bonus. Each public four-year college and university will have a unique fee waiver process; some will ask you to submit codes, others will ask you to select an answer from a dropdown menu, and some have no special instructions. Julian Date Code Calendar 2020 – Most of these free, printable photo calendars for 2019 would not just help you stay structured; they’ll also give a a little style and color to the business office, cooking area, or any kind of bedroom in your own home. January 21, 2020 2020 Calendar. In your expense report, what is the product of the three entries that sum to 2020? ; Calendar type: Gregorian calendar Week numbers: Week starts Sunday - week 1 is the one with January 1. Multiplying them together produces the answer, 241861950. Good luck! Major retailers such as … Some people might say there are other codes out there, but these are the only ones that work at the moment. You can solve them in any programming language that you want. Tested and verified on … August 14, 2020 PHOENIX⁠ — Governor Doug Ducey recognized today, August 14, 2020, as Navajo Code Talkers Day to honor the Navajo Code Talkers who … Promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Get 25 T-Mobile deals and discounts for January 2021. : Global Nerdy, Pivoting is the sincerest form of flattery (or: What the Android team did when the iPhone was announced), A quick First Amendment refresher course - The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century, Yes, you can run Visual Studio Code on Raspberry Pi, Future of programming languages is brighter than you think, Swift fun fact #1: You can use emoji characters in variable, constant, function, and class names, My solution to Advent of Code 2020’s Day 4 challenge, in Python, My solution to Advent of Code 2020’s Day 5 challenge, in Python, My solution to Advent of Code 2020’s Day 6 challenge, in Python, Signing in makes it easier for the site to keep track of your progress. Find the two entries that sum to 2020; what do you get if you multiply them together? Christmas Day is a federal holiday, meaning you can expect government offices and most businesses to be closed on Dec. 25. For example, suppose your expense report contained the following: In this list, the two entries that sum to 2020 are 1721 and 299. Surely, Christmas will go on without you. Once again, the goal of the challenge was to find the two numbers in the expense report whose sum was 2020. Multiplying them together produces 1721 * 299 = 514579, so the correct answer is 514579. I could write this code, but Python’s itertools module has a combinations() method that can do just that. Local holidays are not listed. The gold coins used there have a little picture of a starfish; the locals just call them stars. Win Gift Cards from SurveyJunkie. What to do when the USB-C ethernet adapter for your Mac doesn’t work out of the box. CODE Day (Connect • Ohio • Develop • Educate) is an opportunity for members from all eight Leagues across the state of Ohio, and beyond, to come together for the day to learn, share and develop connections. 12804. Turns out it was today's Advent of Code problem. Here’s the Python version of that approach: It works, but from a Python programming point of view, it just doesn’t feel right. Expiration date: 12/31/2020. I did just that: I used a filter() to extract a list of only those pairs summed to 2020…. Fortunately, you brought a small deck of space cards!You'd like to play a game of Combat, and there's even an opponent available: a small crab that climbed aboard your raft before you left.. Fortunately, it doesn't take long to teach the crab the rules. The remainder of this post will be all about my solution to both parts of the Day 1 challenge. Find 8 Day Designer coupons and discounts at It is valid from May 1–12 Rather than tell you what it does, let me show you: With that in mind, I used combinations() to generate a list of all the possible two-number combinations in expenses, which I assigned to a variable named all_expense_pairs: Now that we have all the possible two-number combinations from the expense report, we can try to find the one(s) whose numbers add up to 2020. Julian Date Code Calendar 2020 – Most of these free, printable photo calendars for 2019 would not just help you stay structured; they’ll also give a a little style and color to the business office, cooking area, or any kind of bedroom in your own home. A Teacher Looks at Advent of Code 2020 - Day 1. Should you have any questions, please contact Coupons for 10¢ Only & more Verified & tested today! Please read instructions carefully as you prepare to submit applications on Tuesday, October 13, 2020. In this year’s case, you are earning stars. --- Day 22: Crab Combat ---It only takes a few hours of sailing the ocean on a raft for boredom to sink in. You aren't sure which seat is yours, and all of the flight attendants are busy with the flood of people that suddenly made it through passport control. #CSforGood Advent of Code 2020: Day 1. HGTV Holiday Giveback Code Word 2020. Leave a Comment / Python / By Mike / December 3, 2020 December 3, 2020 / Python. The Junior League of Dayton is pleased to host CODE Day on Saturday, February 8, 2020 from 10 AM – 4 PM at the Marriott at the University of Dayton. on My solution to Advent of Code 2020’s Day 1 challenge, in Python, December has arrived, and so has the great programming exercise known as the, What’s happening in the Tampa Bay tech/entrepreneur/nerd scene (Week of Monday, November 30, 2020), My solution to Advent of Code 2020’s Day 2 challenge, in Python : Global Nerdy. I’m pretty pleased, but at the same time, I did so little work that it feels as if I’ve cheated. Had I solved the problem from first principles, the solution might have taken a lot of extra work. Day 1’s puzzles had you fix an expense report that you had to deal with before you could go on vac… […]. The year 2020 is a leap year, with 366 days in total. The 2020 edition began on Tuesday, December 1st at 12:00 midnight Eastern time (UTC-5). Advent of Code is a series of challenges that are given once a day. Turns out it was today's Advent of Code problem. To save your vacation, you need to get all fifty stars by December 25th. Attendees are encouraged to dress up as their favorite Shero (female hero) or to dress casually in their favorite red, white and black Junior League apparel. Members of the Girl Scouts of Western Ohio will lead a volunteer activity to showcase the next generation of female leaders and will be on hand to present the effort to a local non-profit. Where to save in the Macy's Valentine’s Day sale While the deals for the 2021 Macy's Valentine's Day sale aren't known as of yet, their past Valentine's Day deals have included jewelry, gourmet chocolates, lingerie, and more at modest discounts up to 20% off. Some people might say there are other codes out there, but these are the only ones that work at the moment. Here are my solutions for other days in Advent of Code 2020: […] This year’s puzzles are about saving the well-earned vacation you’re taking, after having saved Christmas five years in a row. Today ( day 360, Friday, December 25th) is … more information Accept. This is a leap year. PURCHASE TICKETS NOW CODE Day (Connect • Ohio • Develop • Educate) is an opportunity for members from all eight Leagues across the state of Ohio, and beyond, to come together for the day to learn, share and develop connections. Updated: August 31, 2020 Colorado Free Application Day Instructions Public Four-Year Colleges and Universities Each public four-year college and university will have a unique fee waiver process; some will ask you to submit codes, while others will ask you to select an answer from a dropdown menu. I decided to give the Advent of Code challenge a try this year. November 10, 2020; Code quality day should be more important. Choose from 19 Walgreens Photo promo codes in January 2021. Jenny Michael (VP Sales, Marketing and Communications, CareSource) will speak about confidently owning your proverbial ‘seat at the table’. The Hour of Code takes place each year during Computer Science Education Week. The resulting list had one tuple, (1387, 633), whose values sum to 2020. While everyone has to solve the same problem, each user gets their own (presumably) unique data set. The Association of Junior Leagues International. To enter the Oprah 12 Day Giveaway 2020, you will have to find the 12 icons scattered throughout the pages of the December 2020 issue of O, The Oprah Magazine. It make the software easier to maintain (a lot) It improves stability and performances. Advent of Code is a series of challenges that are given once a day. CodeDay is a non-profit providing welcoming and diverse opportunities for under-served students to explore a future in tech and beyond. CS is more important than ever. I entered the product of these two numbers — 877971 — and completed the first challenge. ; Gray –Typical Non-working Days. Prime Day is an annual deal event exclusively for Prime members, delivering two days of special savings on tons of items. Choose from 22 Walgreens Photo promo codes in January 2021. To solve this problem, we need a way to generate all the possible combinations of two numbers taken from the list. Helen Jones Kelly (Executive Director, ADAMHS Board for Montgomery County) will speak about civic leadership and how her time as the Junior League of Dayton President enabled her to lead in other aspects of her career. April 20, or 4/20, is known as "Weed Day" in some circles because the date corresponds with a numerical code for marijuana. 7. Once you have the solution, you enter it on the website to earn points. As you walk to your high-speed train, the Elves … The Microsoft November 2020 Patch Tuesday fixes 112 vulnerabilities, 24 of which are remote code execution (RCE) bugs. A consistent and quality code is a code that make new devs motivated to lean and hack. Choose from 29 Chewy coupons in January 2021. Get 19 Enterprise Car Rental promo codes and discounts for January 2021. We will update this page when more become available. The theme of the day is “The Shero’s Journey” and will feature an all-female speakers line-up including: Additional information about each of the speakers and more will be shared leading into the event. Thanks for introducing to combinations. Day 19 - Advent of Code 2020 --- Day 19: Monster Messages --- You land in an airport surrounded by dense forest. I entered the product of these three numbers — 203481432 — and completed the second challenge. DELETE FROM twitter WHERE username = “realdonaldtrump”; I watched a lot of “Top Programming Languages for 2021” videos so you don’t have to, What’s happening in the Tampa Bay tech/entrepreneur/nerd scene (Week of Monday, January 4, 2021). Day 20 - Advent of Code 2020 --- Day 20: Jurassic Jigsaw --- The high-speed train leaves the forest and quickly carries you south. Not only do I plan on participating in this year’s Advent of Code, but I might even use a couple of the challenges in the Python class I’m currently teaching on behalf … You can use whatever programming language you want, and you don’t need to be an expert — as the site says, “just a little programming knowledge and some problem solving skills will get you pretty far.”. / Python. Your email address will not be published. Andy K says: ... International Labor Day Bonus code! Members of the Junior League of Cincinnati will give a preview of the Junior League Annual Conference. The 2020 edition began on Tuesday, December 1st at 12:00 midnight Eastern time (UTC-5). Go to the official PlayStation page and sign … Codes expire after a few hours / days, here are some expired codes that don’t work anymore: BOOYWL3AT94W – 03/18/2020: redeem this gift code and claim your rewards; BOOYY6XL6QYR – 03/15/2020: redeem this gift code and claim your rewards; BOOYK4Y9SGLM – 03/11/2020: redeem this gift code and claim your rewards; BOOYUYWJSDHF – 03/09/2020: redeem this gift code … Prime Day 2020 was on Oct. 13-14 and marked the two biggest days ever for small & medium businesses in Amazon’s stores worldwide. Collect stars by solving puzzles. Our site is rich of carefully selected content and presented in a user-friendly format. None of the currency exchanges seem to have heard of them, but somehow, you’ll need to find fifty of these coins by the time you arrive so you can pay the deposit on your room. We will update this page when more become available. Given a list containing a small number of integers, it generates a list of the possible 2-number combinations you can get from the list, without repetition (that is, a number can’t appear more than once in any combination): itertools also has a combinations_with_replacement() method. Brandy Guinaugh (VP and Assistant General Manager, Dayton Dragons Professional Baseball Team) will share tips about asking for in-kind gifts, corporate sponsorship and community donation fatigue. So, yesterday I was chatting with my daughter. Public Four -Year Colleges and Universities. It’s the 14th anniversary of the original iPhone Stevenote! The Junior League of Dayton is pleased to host CODE Day on Saturday, February 8, 2020 from 10 AM – 4 PM at the Marriott at the University of Dayton. I named the array split_input: split_input is an array of strings which needed to be converted into integer values. Here are the expense numbers that were provided for my account: I decided to use a Jupyter notebook running a Python kernel solve the problem. My solution to Advent of Code 2020’s Day 2 challenge, in Python, My solution to Advent of Code 2020’s Day 3 challenge, in Python, Lots to listen to on Tampa Bay’s tech podcasts, Tampa Bay Product Owner Meetup tonight: Stakeholder Management — Tips from FBI Hostage Negotiators, What’s happening in the Tampa Bay tech/entrepreneur/nerd scene (Week of Monday, January 11, 2021). The Elves in accounting are thankful for your help; one of them even offers you a starfish coin they had left over from a past vacation. 2018, 2021 So, yesterday I was chatting with my daughter. I decided to give the Advent of Code challenge a try this year. Well, code EHRE doesn’t work for NA-server. ... Mag is offering a listing of the best online sweepstakes along with helpful information such as the word of the day, code words, and rare pieces to win these sweepstakes. Try it on all servers (EU/NA/RU/Asia) To celebrate this day and to express our gratitude, we offer the code “2020MAYCELEBRATION” for an additional day of World of Tanks premium account . Why do we have Free Application Day? They offer you a second one if you can find three numbers in your expense report that meet the same criteria. Let's build the future we want. Codes above are the only working promo codes for December 2020. Expired Codes. December has arrived, and so has the great programming exercise known as the Advent of Code! Of a starfish ; the locals just call them stars 2020 are 979, 366, improving... Same problem, each user gets their own ( presumably ) unique data set is having a bad Day parts..., October 13, 2020 at 3:36 pm used there have a little picture a. We run into performance issues latest information expect government offices and most businesses to be closed on Dec. 25 of. Coupons and discounts for January 2021 '' to give the Advent of Code takes place year. 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