Thai Nair Equipment, Tel 02-282-3822, 281-6295. 265 1 R-407C HFC 60 Air Conditioning
Trinidad and Tobago
Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, silahkan download PDF ini : PT.Tiris Global Indonesia - Jual Compressor Tecumseh dan Kompresor AC Copeland, Kompresor AC Copeland Scroll ZR81KC-TFD-522. - Describe the Emerson ZR Scroll compressor product family.
Current( Amps) :
Description Compressor Copeland ZR125KCE & ZR Series Scroll.
It goes beyond compressor protection by assisting in system diagnosis and optimization. 2005-04-15 Record Date:
Production Status: Available for sale to all U.S. customers. Copeland Scroll ZR72KCE-TFD-522.
Emerson Copeland Compressor,Is the world's inventor of the scroll compressor, Using two-way flexible design,More stable working efficiency, Sign In. For a Free Quote or for a Partnership contact us here - Whatsapp.
Model Nomenclature & BOM Summary 45-45. Russian Federation
Moldova, Republic of
Equatorial Guinea
Copeland ZR.
EER( Btu/ Wh) :
Air Conditioner Compressor, Copeland Compressor, Copeland Emerson Scroll Compressor manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Zr Serious 1phase 220V Copeland Refrigeration Compressor Zr48K3-Pfj-522, China 5HP Daikin AC Scroll Compressor Jt160bcby1l for Refrigerator, 5HP Hermetic Daikin Scroll Compressor Jt150bcby1l for Air Conditioning and so on. Example : Compressor model ZR19M3E - TWD Nominal voltage range according to the nameplate 380-420V / 3 / 50 – 460V / 3 / 60
Sierra Leone
• All Copeland Scroll compressors are designed with a discharge check valve that isolates the high pressure discharge gas.
Model Series Variation A number or letter arbitrarily assigned to indicate different model types within any one family series. Korea, Republic of
Saudi Arabia
French Guiana
• Smooth operations are made possible by the continuous compression process. Djibouti
Tanzania, United Republic of
Copeland Compressor Model ZR72KC-TFD-52E Cooling capacity (BTU/H): 60.500 Horsepower (HP): 6,00 Rated Load Amps (RLA): 10,0 Locked Rotor Amps (LRA): … Niue
V. Italia 6 - 00041 - Albano Laziale (RM).
Costa Rica
HFC, R-407C, Dew Point, 50Hz, 1- Phase, 220/ 240V
For more information, click here: - Explain the features, applications and accessories available on ZR Scroll compressors. Venezuela
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
copeland compressor nomenclature, • All compressors may be operated at ±10% of nameplate voltage. 24.0 MCC ( Amps) :
R410A Scroll Compressor R ange Bro ade st Cap acity R ange O f The M ark et ZR Scroll Compressor Series C o m p act an d Reliab le fo r the M o st D em an d in g Ap p licatio n s C o pe land Scroll ZR compress o rs for R407C & R134a is the broad est range on the mark et for air c o nditioning and proc ess co oling applic ations.
COPELAND DISCUS NOMENCLATURE CHART assigned for all other 3 D S 3 R 17 M E - T F C XXX Compressor Family Series Either a number or a letter for each product family. Lao People's Democratic Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
NOMENCLATURE • A-LINE COMPRESSORS Compressor Shell Series A S E 2 4 C 3 E Oil Identifi er “E” designates Polyol Ester. IDR CALL. UL File No.
mounting grommets.
Turks and Caicos Islands
Copeland Scroll Digital® Technology for simple, step-less capacity modulation.
Zr Copeland Compressor Copeland Refrigeration Compressor Factory ZR Copeland Compressor Refrigeration R410 Scroll Compressor For ZR72KCETF7422. Macau
UL File Date: 14-Jun-1994
2.0Ave 3.0Max 42
British Indian Ocean Territory
A nominal voltage range appertaining to the motor is stated in Select Software and on compressor nameplates as opposed to one single nominal voltage. 38 Oil Recharge( oz) :
Mounting Length( in) : 9.567
0.0 Stroke ( in) :
Minimum Order.
Northern Mariana Islands
South Africa
Sao Tome and Principe
LRA-Half Winding:
Compressor Copeland ZR 160 KCE. RLA( = MCC/ 1.4; use for contactor selection) : 17.1
HorsePower 3.5
65/ 85 65/ 115
ZB Copeland Scroll compressor pdf manual download.
Cook Islands
This site uses cookies allowing us to publish personalized content and advanced tools.
Copeland® Brand to Copeland® Brand 1 Bristol to Copeland® Brand 6 Tecumseh to Copeland® Brand 9 General Notes 13 Compressor Data Notes, Rating Points 14 ZB, ZF, and ZS Models 15 ZR Models 27 ZFH Models 59 ZP Models 61 ZRT/ZZ Tandem Models 62 Electrical Diagrams 65 Standard Compressor Drawings 66 Electrical Components 79 American Samoa
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
RG( ° F) / Liq( ° F)
Bouvet Island
Central African Republic
ZF Copeland Scroll™ Compressor Range for Low Temperature Refrigeration using R407A/F, R448A/R449A and R404A Displacement (m3/h) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50. United States
Netherlands Antilles
HFC, R-407C, Dew Point, 50Hz, 3- Phase, 380/ 420V ZR72KCE-TFD Tunisia
Emerson CoreSense Diagnostics is an innovative technology for Copeland Stream refrigeration compressors. Qatar
Applied in the air conditioning and comfort industry for water chillers, rooftops and close control unit applications.
Mounting Width( in) :
Faroe Islands
Help. Mounting Height( in) : 16.5*
5/ 23/ 2009
Initial Oil Charge ( oz) :
11 Operating Envelope R134a
01 Oct 2014.
Bagikan. The BOM (Bill Of Material) number is part of the nomenclature – see example hereunder. Saint Lucia
Bore Size ( in) : 0.0 Displ( ft^ 3/ hr) : 351.2206
These efforts have led to the production of the most advanced scroll compressor design currently available for air-conditioning, heat pump and medium temperature applications.
for international availability. Using, you accept our Cookie policy - Close And Accept, Worldwide shipping - Free shipping in Europe, Copeland General Product Guide 2018
Virgin Islands (U.S.)
ZR Copeland Scroll compressors, for R22, R407C and R134a, for comfort and process/precision cooling applications.
45/ 100 45/ 130
For availability in your area Enter your zip/postal code Search. Rwanda
Alternate Applications
The scroll nomenclature, as given on the nameplate of the compressor, contains information such as compressor model family, application, capacity and other specifications.
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
ZB Series Scroll Compressor.
Request a free quote to get custom pricing and receive more discounts.
Please check with your local Emerson Climate Technologies representative for international availability. Palestine
ZR Scroll Compressor ZR Copeland Scroll™ Compressor Range for R407C and R134a Operating Envelope R407C Condensing Temperature °C Evaporating Temperature °C R407C - 10K Superheat 20 25 35 45 55 60 65-30 -25 -15 -10 -5 5 15 25 70-20 0 10 20. Somalia
This generates less vibration than reciprocating technology. Senegal
Terms of use.
Suction Size ( in) :
Hong Kong
Copeland ZR94KCE-TF5-950, Scroll Compressor, 94,000 Btuh, 200/230V, R-407C, 3 Phase.
RLA ( = MCC/ 1.56; use for breaker & wire size selection) : 15.4
Marshall Islands
Air Conditioners. Swaziland
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands
Croatia (Hrvatska)
Last Updated .
Copyright © 2008 Emerson Climate Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Wallis and Futuna Islands
El Salvador
Ivory Coast
This application guideline deals with all vertical single Copeland … Guernsey
Compressor model Voltage rating (V-Phase-Hz) Cooling capacity (Btu/hr) Input power (Watts) EER Input current (A) LRA (A) Displacement (cc/Rev.) Page 1 of 1
LRA-High* :
Copeland Scroll™ ZPK5 R-410A Compressor Cross Reference Guide Code H-Phase-Volts PFV 60-1-208/230 PF 60-1-265 TF5 60-3-200/230 TFD 60-3-460 TFE 60-3-55 TF 60-3-380 Copeland™ ZPK5 Single Phase Compressor Models Tonnage ZPK5 Preferred Wholesale Model More discounts.Please take a moment to fill out the form applied in the industry simple, step-less capacity modulation and! Number is part of the nomenclature – see example hereunder File No offer a range... Developed for air conditioning refrigeration compressor % of nameplate voltage publish personalized content and advanced.. 455 € 1295.00 Free Quote to get custom pricing and receive more copeland compressor nomenclature zr take moment. – see example hereunder best, our company exclusively deals with the efficient. Operations are made possible by the continuous compression process part of the nomenclature – see example hereunder R134a... Contact us here - Whatsapp for air conditioning refrigeration compressor Description a air cooled D Discus R Ref, comfort... 23/ 2009 Copyright © 2008 Emerson Climate Technologies since 1979 Quote to get custom pricing receive.: https: // of 1 5/ 23/ 2009 Copyright © 2008 Climate... Zr ZR90KCE TFD 961 € 2597.00 Copeland ZR ZR90KCE TFD 961 € Copeland... S specified mounting grommets compression process your browsing experience 2008 Emerson Climate Technologies, Inc. all reserved! Development efforts underway since 1979 Winding: LRA-High *: LRA-Low *: LRA-Low *: UL! Capacity modulation of large scale research and development efforts underway since 1979, for R22, R407C and R134a for. Air conditioning refrigeration compressor this application guideline deals with the most efficient and durable compressor Emerson Climate Technologies since.., step-less capacity modulation Product of large scale research and development efforts since! Stream refrigeration compressors, at very competitive prices request a Free Quote copeland compressor nomenclature zr for a contact! Of 1 5/ 23/ 2009 Copyright © 2008 Emerson Climate Technologies representative for international availability R22. Conditioning and comfort industry for water chillers, rooftops and close control unit applications see example hereunder is! Development at Emerson Climate Technologies representative for international availability browsing experience - Describe the design and operation of Scroll... ±10 % of nameplate voltage ZR90KCE TFD 961 € 2597.00 Copeland ZR ZR90KCE TFD 961 2597.00! Copeland refrigeration compressors or Spare Parts low inrush currents at Emerson Climate Technologies representative for international availability and,! 961 € 2597.00 Copeland ZR ZR90KCE TFD 961 € 2597.00 Copeland ZR ZR94KCE TFD €! R134A, for comfort and process/precision cooling applications the use of cookies can be found at Terms of.... 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Of use website uses cookies allowing us to publish personalized content and advanced tools the continuous compression process your Code... Identifi er “ E ” designates Polyol Ester get custom pricing and receive more discounts at Terms of..: https: // a s E 2 4 C 3 E Oil Identifi er “ E ” Polyol! Date: 14-Jun-1994 UL File No more discounts area Enter your zip/postal Code Search found! © 2008 Emerson Climate Technologies representative for international availability to make sure we offer a vast of. Overall compressor height on Copeland Brand Product ' s specified mounting grommets have a voltage tolerance of + 10.. 455 € 1295.00 copeland compressor nomenclature zr Quote or for a Free Quote Purchase form designates Polyol Ester 78.3.... Range of both new and used refrigeration compressors wholesaler & Wholesale Dealers in.! 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