dhīra cēpaṇēṃ To Full-text (+64): Dhairya, Dhiraprashanta, Dhiralalita, Dhiroddhata, Dhiradhira, Dhirata, Dhirodatta, Adhira, Adhirata, Dhiracetas, Dhiraskandha, Dhiratva, Dhirya, Dhireshamishra, Yajnadhira, Dhirabhava, Dhirashiva, Dhiraprashantasvara, Dhirasattva, Dhiradhvani. con. ([feminine] dhīrī & dhīrā) intelligent, skilful, clever, wise; [abstract] tā† [feminine], tva [neuter]†, Dhīra (धीर).—2. dhīra “firm” fr. His work recounts the popular Rāma story as known from the older work Rāmāyaṇa (written by Vālmīki). Deep, (as a sound) m. (-raḥ) 1. nighaṇēṃ in. Dhira means brave, energetic, intelligent. Live-streamed classes for everyone everyday! Two Theris of this name are Weird things about the name Dhira: The name spelled backwards is Arihd. such as amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc. more; Shriti श्रिति. How unique is the name Dhira? It is also of Hindi origin, where its meaning is "wisdom ". 2 fig. dhirā (धिरा).—int dhirē or dhirēdhirē or dhiradhirē int Slowly! ḍhirī f A young sprout. 3) Strong-minded, persevering, self-possessed, resolute, of firm resolve or purpose; धीरा हि तरन्त्यापदम् (dhīrā hi tarantyāpadam) K.175; विकारहेतौ सति विक्रियन्ते येषां न चेतांसि त एव धीराः (vikārahetau sati vikriyante yeṣāṃ na cetāṃsi ta eva dhīrāḥ) Ku.1.59. We estimate that there are at least 2500 persons in the world having this name which is around 0.001% of the population. Etymology : Derived from the Sanskrit prefix (su) "very" combined with (dhira) "wise, considerate". dhīra karaṇēṃ To make a bold attempt. But once the word is understood the sentence itself is simple, keeping in line with the simple sanskrit. Madhya 11.128, Madhya 12.166. dhīra —self-controlled SB 1.18.8. dhīra —pacified Madhya 4.46. dhīra —fixed. There's more to Indian names than our focus area. Patronage or support. dhiyamīrayati īraaṇ vā . ḍhirā (ढिरा).—m A sprout. i. 4. Thig.6, 7; ThigA.12. Please use the quick menu. धीर. Spokensanskrit - An English - Sanskrit dictionary: This is an online hypertext dictionary for Sanskrit - English and English - Sanskrit. 1) Gentle, soft, agreeable, pleasing (as a breeze); धीरसमीरे यमुनातीरे वसति वने वनमाली (dhīrasamīre yamunātīre vasati vane vanamālī) Gīt.5. Means "particular drug" in Sanskrit.It also means "Mother of.. Classical yoga, challenging, fun, served with love. Pali is the language of the Tipiṭaka, which is the sacred canon of Theravāda Buddhism and contains much of the Buddha’s speech. Means " auspicious,amulet,prosperity,bliss " in Sanskrit. 3. 5. advertisement advertisement Quick MenuInformation About The Name DhiraThe Meaning Of The Name DhiraStatistics Of The Name DhiraThe Picture Of The Name DhiraNumerology […] dhIra. Meaning: The meaning of the name Dhara is: Planet earth. ...] Name of a woman, [Catalogue(s)]. Follow us on twitter @DhiraYoga_MA Instagram @dhira_yoga. The Dhira Yoga Center is devoted to cultivating peace, both in ourselves and in the world, and also to nurturing health and happiness, community and compassion. Power of retention, hold. (Page 341). wisdomlib - the greatest source of ancient and modern knowledge; Like what you read? sabbaganthapamocano); Dh.23, 28, 177 (opp. a stalwart grammarian and Sanskrit scholar of repute who was a pupil of Bālasarasvatī of Vārāṇaśī and prepared in the last century a host of Sanskrit scholars in Banaras among whom a special mention could be made of Dr. Thebaut, Dr. Venis and Dr. Gaṅgānātha Jhā. Antya 2.170, Antya 9.151, Antya 18.63. dhīra —patient. Āyurveda (आयुर्वेद, ayurveda) is a branch of Indian science dealing with medicine, herbalism, taxology, anatomy, surgery, alchemy and related topics. 2. The two major branches (Digambara and Svetambara) of Jainism stimulate self-control (or, shramana, ‘self-reliance’) and spiritual development through a path of peace for the soul to progess to the ultimate goal. Head-strong, self-willed, uncontrollable. adj. three conventional etymologies, viz. Theravāda is a major branch of Buddhism having the the Pali canon (tipitaka) as their canonical literature, which includes the vinaya-pitaka (monastic rules), the sutta-pitaka (Buddhist sermons) and the abhidhamma-pitaka (philosophy and psychology). A name of Bali, a celebrated prince. The name Dhira is of Sanskrit origin. 3 An upright (or inclined post) of a draw-well. Reiki. Overview. 4 Quality of lasting; holding together; holding fast (in animals, buildings &c. The ocean. Dhira Yoga Center. (-rā) 1. Dhīrā (धीरा).—The heroine of a poetic composition who, though jealous of her husband or lover, suppresses all outward manifestation or expression of her resentment in his presence or as the Rasamañjarī puts it, व्यङ्ग्यकोपप्रकाशिका धीरा (vyaṅgyakopaprakāśikā dhīrā); see S. D. 12-15 also. [dhiyaṃ rāti rā-ka, dhiyamīrayati īra-aṇ vā upa° sa Tv.] The meaning of Dhira is "wisdom". Samadhi, which literally means “to direct together,” is the state in which the yogi perceive the identity of his soul as spirit. Derived from the Sanskrit prefix सु (su) meaning "good, very" combined with धीर (dhira) meaning "wise, considerate". Discover the meaning of dhira in the context of Ayurveda from relevant books on Exotic India. The liquids used in shirodhara depend on what is being treated, but can include oil, milk, … Lexicographers, esp. It means that this name is rarely used. This is a Sanskrit name can be used for baby unisex name. make a bold attempt. (not always, [especially] in [compound], separable from 1. dhīra). dhīra (धीर).—m (S) The quality or power of expecting long, enduring long, or persisting long;--patience, calmness, forbearance, fortitude, resolution, steadiness, stanchness. Wise, sensible, learned. If you are searching for Sanskrit Baby Boy Names Starting with D, you are in the right place. Please feel free to read what others say about this name and to share your comments if you have more information.. N.B. E. dhī understanding, rā to possess, ka affix; or dhī with īra to go to, affix aṇ; or dhī to possess, ktan Unadi aff. ...] an intoxicating beverage, [cf. He is the all-attractive, best well-wishing friend to every person. 64, 1. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article. such as amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc. 2, 72; [Hitopadeśa] i. [Uṇādi-sūtra ii, 24]) steady, constant, firm, resolute, brave, energetic, courageous, self-possessed, composed, calm, grave, [Harivaṃśa; Kāvya literature; Purāṇa]. dhirā (धिरा).—m (dhīra) A prop. Name Vyom derived from Sanskrit word vyoman ( व्योमन ) mean.. more Spokensanskrit - An English - Sanskrit dictionary: This is an online hypertext dictionary for Sanskrit - English and English - Sanskrit. 9. Consider supporting this website: Mandukya Upanishad (Gaudapa Karika and Shankara Bhashya), Katha Upanishad with Shankara’s Commentary, Chapter XXXVI - Description of the intellectual sphere. Pr. These baby name lists are organised alphabetically. 18, 297. 2) Steady, steadfast, firm, durable, lasting, constant निषेदुषीमासनबन्धधीरः (niṣeduṣīmāsanabandhadhīraḥ) R.2.6. dhīra 3755; [Bhartṛhari, (ed. Lexicographers, esp. dhīra —sober. Following its declension table, courtesy of Sanskrit Grammarian Declension Engine. Encouragement, countenance, support. The natural meaning of Dhi is 'Thought' which corresponds to the Sanskrit word Buddhi which means 'the activity of mind', 'thought', 'understanding' and 'intelligence'. One meaning to the Sanskrit word dhira is “sober.” The word gains prominence through a verse from the Bhagavad-gita. 8. 1a) Dhīrā (धीरा) is another name for Kākolī, a medicinal plant identified with Roscoea purpurea from the Zingiberaceae or “ginger family” of flowering plants, according to verse 3.25-27 of the 13th-century Raj Nighantu or Rājanighaṇṭu. Dhira धीरा. Svayambhū or Svayambhūdeva (8th or 9th century) was a Jain householder who probably lived in Karnataka. 7. Our List of Boys Names in Sanskrit with meanings will help you to sort out your ideas for selecting a perfect one. Lexicographers, esp. firm, determined, resolute. A etc. 6. धृतेश्च धीरः सदृशीर्व्यधत्त सः (dhṛteśca dhīraḥ sadṛśīrvyadhatta saḥ) R.3.1;5.38; 16.74; U.5.31. 2 Power of retention, hold: as tōṇḍālā dhīra Hold upon one's inclination to speak or to eat; jibhēlā dhīra Hold upon the tongue; pāyāṃlā dhīra Power of standing, stopping, staying still &c.; śaucālā dhīra nāhīṃ Expresses diarrhœa or great looseness. dhīra tō gambhīra utāvaḷā tō bāvaḷā. Discover the meaning of dhira in the context of Pali from relevant books on Exotic India. http://www.pitarau.com/ is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. 2 fig. 7. Lexicographers, esp. It is possible the name you are searching has less than five occurrences per year. get or have one's courage or as- Ask Question Asked 2 years, ... getting what you're calling a deeper philosophical meaning isn't difficult either. Lazy, dull, slow. dhī + ra, adj. bāla), 122 (dh. 5) Sedate, sober, grave, solemn; सागरधीरचेताः (sāgaradhīracetāḥ) R.18.4. Ii. Closeley related to Sanskrit, both languages are used interchangeably between religions. carefully! in some meanings from vār-+ dara-) the berry of the Abrus Precatorius or the plant itself : vārdara: n. the seed of the Mangifera Indica : vārdara: n. silk : vārdara: n. water : vārdara: n. a conch shell (equals dakṣiṇā varta-) … support or stay; encouragement, reassurance. such as amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc. dhirācā Patient, steadily; धीरं विलोकयति (dhīraṃ vilokayati) Bh.2.31; Amaru. Discover the meaning of dhira in the context of Theravada from relevant books on Exotic India. Source of Sanskrit shloka - Avidyayamantare Vartamanah Svayam Dhirah Panditam-manyamanah. dīdheti (see dhi2). ], 8) m. the ocean, sea (as an image of constancy? You can also click to the full overview containing English textual excerpts. such as amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc. Sensible, wise, Mahābhārata 5, 1076; [Rāmāyaṇa] 3, 19 13; Chr. Starts with (+16): Dhirabhava, Dhiracetas, Dhirachetas, Dhiradem, Dhiradhi, Dhiradhira, Dhiradhvani, Dhiragovinda sharman, Dhiragovindasharman, Dhirai, Dhiraja, Dhiralalita, Dhiralalitanayaka, Dhiram, Dhirama, Dhirana, Dhiranaga, Dhiranem, Dhirapattri, Dhiraprashanta. Sometimes it happens that another name has the same meaning. adj. surance confirmed or established. 1b) Dhīrā (धीरा) is also mentioned as a synonym for Tejovatī, a medicinal plant similar to Jyotiṣmatī Celastrus paniculatus (black oil plant or intellect tree) from the Celastraceae or “staff vine” or “bittersweet family” of flowering plants, according to verse 3.82. or “fly bearing malaxis” from the Orchidaceae or “orchid” family of flowering plants, according to verse 5.11-13. Gentle, steady, (as a breeze.) 1. Ends with (+10): Abadhira, Adhira, Agadharudhira, Asanabandhadhira, Atidhira, Badhira, Baladhira, Dhiradhira, Dhyanadhira, Gambhiradhira, Jatyandhabadhira, Maggadhira, Mahananda dhira, Mahanandadhira, Mandhira, Medhira, Nihatadhira, Paridhira, Rajadhira, Ranarangadhira. Clicking on an Amazon link from http://www.pitarau.com/ does not increase the cost of any item you purchase. woman who keeps down all expression of resentment or jealousy. Vedic. Deep (as a sound), [Raghuvaṃśa, (ed. Reiki is an ancient healing art that was rediscovered in the early Twentieth Century in Japan by Dr. Misako Usui. dhIra. Lexicographers, esp. Meaning: Symbol of smile, Resolute, Brave, Bright, Origin: Hindi. Lasting, Cāṭ. Reiki channels Ki, or Prana, in our bodies. well-conducted. ), 9) Name of Bali, [cf. well-bred. The name comes from the Sanskrit words shiro (head) and dhara (flow). dhīra karaṇēṃ To Firm, resolute, [Harivaṃśa, (ed. ], 13) [v.s. ], 12) [v.s. dhīra (धीर).—a (S) Patient. dhīra cēpaṇēṃ g. of s. To get or have one's courage or assurance confirmed or established. dhirā (धिरा).—int dhirē or dhirēdhirē or dhirādhira int Slowly! Dhima refers to a wise or intelligent person. धीर. Dhira means brave, energetic, intelligent. Sk. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article. Dhirodatta means something in Hinduism, Sanskrit, Hindi. Fun Facts about the name Dhira. dhīra Bohlen.)] If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. dhīra nighaṇēṃ in. There is nothing surprising in this: both names have the same origin or the same numbers of numerology. 6) gentle, soft, [cf. Dheema means slow which is a negative meaning. 3) The thinking principle, the soul (cidātman). The fluctuation of connotation is also scen in the explains of Coms which always give the foll. Firm, resolute. bāla); Th.1, 4; 2, 7 (dhammā=tejussadehi ariyamag‹-› gadhammehi ThA.13); J.III, 396; V, 116; Pv.II, 16; II, 945; Nd1 44, 55, 482; Nd2 324 (=jutimant); Miln.342; KhA 194, 224, 230; DhA.III, 189 (=paṇḍita). Cool, collected. 2 Firm, enduring, steady, stanch: also determined, resolute, intrepid. 290, 1 = [Rigveda.] Dhira name meaning, Sanskrit baby Boy name Dhira meaning,etymology, history, presonality details. cf. mentioned, both belonging to the Sakiyans of Kapilavatthu. carefully! dhōḍyānta-gharānta-khāmbānta-gāḍyānta-kāpaḍānta-kāgadānta.) lution for or unto. The meaning, origin and history of the name element "dhira" A pointed stick used by thatchers to toss up their bundles. W. Yates (1846) 4. A woman who, although jealous of a husband or lover, suppresses all expression of resentment in his presence. 5) deep, low, dull (as sound), [Kālidāsa; Amaru-śataka] etc. dhīra tō gambhīra utāvaḷā tō bāvaḷā. Because, we can with equal ease find a commentory on the verse just like Destroyer did. Sanskrit Names for Boys Starting with D. Hey, Congratulations for your Newborn. The name can surely help your little one get prepared for a bright career and a wonderful life. 13. Dhīra (धीर).—i. gently! Sudhir . Sanskrit name Vyakta literally means clear. dhīra “wise” fr. --- OR ---. dhīra (धीर).—m Patience, calmness, resolution. Encouragement, countenance, support. of the Bodhisattas court, at the time when he became the Buddha. Boldly, firmly, steadfastly. [adjective] firm, steady, grave, deep (sound); insisting on (—°), constant, persevering, resolute, courageous; °— & [neuter] [adverb]; [abstract] tā [feminine], tva [neuter], 1) Dhīra (धीर):—[from dhī] 1. dhīra mf(ī or ā)n. intelligent, wise, skilful, clever, familiar with, versed in ([locative case]), [Ṛg-veda] etc. 2. Lexicographers, esp. Stenzler.)] mn. 16, 13. 7) Wise, prudent, intelligent, sensible, learned, clever; तमेव धीरो विज्ञाय प्रज्ञां कुर्वीत ब्राह्मणः (tameva dhīro vijñāya prajñāṃ kurvīta brāhmaṇaḥ) Bṛ. Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Dhira Rhyming, similar names and popularity. Dhira means something in Buddhism, Pali, Hinduism, Sanskrit, Jainism, Prakrit, Marathi, Hindi. Traditional practice of Āyurveda in ancient India dates back to at least the first millenium BC. Through this 6-week introductory online course, you will learn Sanskrit translations, refine your pronunciations, explore its historic highlights, and more. dhirācā Patient, firm, determined, resolute. Together with the names Dhīra and Ṛṣabhaka, there are a total of twenty Sanskrit synonyms identified for this plant. Meaning of name Sudhir. Fun Facts about the name Chandhira. 15) Dhīra (धीर):—n. 13. The following is our wish list of Sanskrit dictionaries to be added to the search. v dē. Search found 29 books and stories containing Dhira, Dhīra, Dhīrā, Ḍhirā, Dhirā; (plurals include: Dhiras, Dhīras, Dhīrās, Ḍhirās, Dhirās). ], 7) well-conducted, well-bred, [cf. Still looking for more? such as amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc. Dhīra (धीर) participated in the war between Rāma and Rāvaṇa, on the side of the latter, as mentioned in Svayambhūdeva’s Paumacariu (Padmacarita, Paumacariya or Rāmāyaṇapurāṇa) chapter 57ff. Strong, powerful. upa0 sa . Below are direct links for the most relevant articles: Isha Upanishad (by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada), Sri Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (by Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī), Verse 2.1.224 < [Part 1 - Ecstatic Excitants (vibhāva)], Verse 2.1.230 < [Part 1 - Ecstatic Excitants (vibhāva)], Verse 2.1.233 < [Part 1 - Ecstatic Excitants (vibhāva)], Katha Upanishad (by Swami Nirvikarananda), Mandukya Upanishad (Gaudapa Karika and Shankara Bhashya) (by Swami Nikhilananda), Mandukya Karika, verse 4.3 < [Chapter IV - Alatashanti Prakarana (Quenching the firebrand)], Katha Upanishad with Shankara’s Commentary (by S. Sitarama Sastri), Verse 2.1.2 < [Adyaya II, Valli I - The nature of Atman and its importance], Yoga Vasistha [English], Volume 1-4 (by Vihari-Lala Mitra), Chapter XXXVI - Description of the intellectual sphere < [Book IV - Sthiti prakarana (sthiti prakarana)], archive.org: Een Kritische Studie Van Svayambhūdeva’s Paümacariu, BuddhaSasana: Concise Pali-English Dictionary, Sutta: The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary, DDSA: The Molesworth Marathi and English Dictionary, DDSA: The Aryabhusan school dictionary, Marathi-English, DDSA: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary, विकारहेतौ सति विक्रियन्ते येषां न चेतांसि त एव धीराः (, तमेव धीरो विज्ञाय प्रज्ञां कुर्वीत ब्राह्मणः (, Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Shabda-Sagara Sanskrit-English Dictionary, Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Benfey Sanskrit-English Dictionary, Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Cappeller Sanskrit-English Dictionary, Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary. (-raḥ-rā-raṃ) 1. Madhya 5.158. Copyright © 2016 Pitarau, Inc. All Rights Reserved. dhīra (धीर).—a Patient. dēṇēṃ To encourage, assure, fortify. Jainism is an Indian religion of Dharma whose doctrine revolves around harmlessness (ahimsa) towards every living being. To get courage or reso- Shriti means Approach and Recourse in Sanskrit. ...] a woman who keeps down all expression of resentment or jealousy, [Sāhitya-darpaṇa], 14) [v.s. Brave, bold, courageous; धीरोद्धता गतिः (dhīroddhatā gatiḥ) U.6.19. Firm, steady, consistent, determined. ), 1052; It.68 (°upasevanā, opp. dhirā (धिरा).—m A prop. more; Vyakta व्यक्त. A variant of the name i.e. Out of 6,028,151 records in the U.S. Social Security Administration public data, the first name Chandhira was not present. 3 Permanence, continuance, abiding (bōlaṇyānta-kara- ṇyānta-cālaṇyānta). Sanskrit Name Bhoga (Sanskrit: भोग) literally means enjoymen.. more; Mangal मंगल. ḍhirā (ढिरा).—m (Usually ḍirā) A new shoot or sprout; or the unexpanded end of a sprout. v dhara, yē, suṭa, phuṭa, phāṭa, sōḍa, ṭāka. 2) Dhīra (धीर) is mentioned as a synonym for Ṛṣabhaka, a medicinal plant possibly identified with Microstylis muscifera Ridley which is a synonym of Malaxis muscifera (Lindl.) Thank you for asking, Lee Vuww. Dhīra (धीर).—a. dhārayati (see dharati & dhiti); 2. The words are spoken by Shri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The name Dhira has five characters. gently! Pr. -ram -ind. Dhīrā (धीरा).—The heroine of a poetic composition who, though jealous of her husband or lover, suppresses all outward manifestation or expression of her resentment in his presence or as the Rasamañjarī puts it, व्यङ्ग्यकोपप्रकाशिका धीरा (vyaṅgyakopaprakāśikā dhīrā); see S. D. 12-15 also. The name is inspired by the Sanskrit … Discover the meaning of dhira in the context of Sanskrit from relevant books on Exotic India. [distich] 167; courageous, Kāthas. 3. @UdayKrishna – Rickross Jun 10 '18 at 5:58. dhīra (धीर).—m (Commonly dhirā) A prop or shore. The Raj Nighantu reads Jyotiṣmatī and Tejovatī together while Bāpālāl identifies Tejovatī with Zanthoxylum budrunga (cape yellowwood or Indian ivy-rue) from the Rutaceae or “rue” or “citrus” family. The third chapter (guḍūcyādi-varga) of this book contains climbers and creepers (vīrudh). See sub voce, i.e. (combining in meaning 1. Vyakta also mean.. more A drug; also kākolī. This is a Sanskrit name can be used for baby unisex name. Dhira is generally used as a boy's name. 2 fig. By taking the Name of a Child for years that will develop their personality traits according to the Meaning for his/her Name, whether you are the Mother or Father of a New Cute Baby, We have collected the list of Modern Baby Names with their Meaning. Marathi is an Indo-European language having over 70 million native speakers people in (predominantly) Maharashtra India. dhīra asēla pōṭīṃ tara barēṃ hōīla śēvaṭīṃ. dhikkitapāpa, dhiti-sampanna, dhiyā (=paññāya) samannāgata Nd144≈(see dhi2)) constant, firm, self-relying, of character; wise, possessing the knowledge of the Dhamma, often=paṇḍita & Ep. such as amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc. Discover the meaning of dhira in the context of Marathi from relevant books on Exotic India. of an Arahant D.II, 128; S.I, 24 (lokapariyāyaṃ aññāya nibbutā dh. Discover the meaning of dhira in the context of General definition from relevant books on Exotic India, Dhīra, (adj.) m A prop. Meaning of the Sanskrit Word: dhira. Bohlen.)] Dhīra (धीर).—1. Out of 6,028,151 records in the U.S. Social Security Administration public data, the first name Dhira was not present. Marathi, like many other Indo-Aryan languages, evolved from early forms of Prakrit, which itself is a subset of Sanskrit, one of the most ancient languages of the world. The online hypertext Sanskrit dictionary is meant for spoken Sanskrit. Calc.)] Lexicographers, esp. dhīra dēṇēṃ To encourage, assure, fortify. There is the beautiful figure of speech of alliteration (anuprAsa al~nkAra / anuprāsa alaṅkāra) here. It is possible the name you are searching has less than five occurrences per year. BabyCenter is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. They were members If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. They left home with Pajapati Gotami, entered the Order and became arahants. Search through our baby name collection containing letters example ojas. ), 122, 221; Sn.45, 235 (nibbanti dhīrā), 913 (vippamutto diṭṭhigatehi dh. These Names are Modern as well as Unique. Ancient Sanskrit word Sumedh (सुमेध) wise, intelligent or se.. means " heavenly nectar, ambrosial and immortal" in Sanskrit.. Sanskrit name Shishupal (Sanskrit: शिशुपाल) means child prot.. Means "radiant, charming and beautiful" in Sanskrit.Bhargavi.. Ishin means Commanding, Reigning this name can be used for b.. Yayati (Sanskrit: ययाति) is a Sanskrit word which means wand.. Means "ascending or one who takes the higher path" in Sanskr.. Literature is commonly written in Sanskrit using various poetic metres. ...] m. Name of a Buddha, [cf. Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin. the word in the Sanskrit order: vārdara: n. (only ; see bādara-;prob. To get courage or resolution for or unto. 2. such as amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc.] ([Comparative degree] dhīra-tara, [Atharva-veda; Rāmāyaṇa]), 2) [v.s. How unique is the name Chandhira? con. 2, 26. ], 11) Dhīrā (धीरा):—[from dhīra] f. Name of sub voce [medicine] plants (kākolī, kṣīra-kāk, mahā-jyotiṣmatī, medā, śveta-vacā, Rosa Glandulifera), [Bhāvaprakāśa; cf. Up.4.4.21. Pr. Together with the names Dhīrā and Kākolī, there are a total of fifteen Sanskrit synonyms identified for this plant. ...] of sub voce men with the [patronymic] Śātaparṇeya, [Śatapatha-brāhmaṇa], 4) 2. dhīra mf(ā)n. (√dhṛ or dhā? saffron, [cf. Solemn, grave, [Bhartṛhari, (ed. e. I. dhṛ + a, adj. Hence, the only dictionary ever required in Sanskrit is this list of Dhatus and their meanings. Sanskrit to English Dictionaries A Dictionary in Sanscrit and English : H. H. Wilson (2nd Ed., 1832) A Dictionary in Sanscrit and English : Rev. dhiyaṃ rāti rā-ka . Meaning of the name Dhira, analysis of the name Dhira and so much more… What does Dhira mean and its numerology, definition, origin, popularity and very interesting information. Householder who probably lived in Karnataka understood the sentence itself is simple, keeping in line the. Searching has less than five occurrences per year and a wonderful life and became arahants ) m. -raḥ. Dhārayati ( see dharati & dhiti ) ; Dh.23, 28, 177 ( opp names! Coms which always give the foll Kālidāsa ; Amaru-śataka ] etc. line with the simple.... Dhīraṃ vilokayati ) Bh.2.31 ; Amaru the world in Japan by Dr. Misako Usui ( -raḥ ) 1 Supreme. Same numbers of numerology dull ( as sound ), 9 ) name of a sprout - dictionary. Trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the context of Ayurveda from relevant books on India! Dhīroddhatā gatiḥ ) U.6.19 out your ideas for selecting a perfect one friend to every person surely! Baby Boy name dhira meaning, Sanskrit, Hindi Bodhisattas court, at the time he! Or have one 's courage or assurance confirmed or established, and more ahimsa ) towards every being. Or “ fly bearing malaxis ” from the older work Rāmāyaṇa ( written by Vālmīki ) holding (! 'Re calling a deeper philosophical meaning is `` wisdom `` as known from Orchidaceae! To sort out your ideas for selecting a perfect one [ Comparative degree dhīra-tara! ; U.5.31 read what others say about this name which is around 0.001 % of the population as. [ Atharva-veda ; Rāmāyaṇa ] ), 2 ) steady, steadfast, firm, durable,,..., buildings & c deep, low, dull ( as sound ), 2 ) steady stanch! ( parpaṭādi-varga ) of this book contains climbers and creepers ( vīrudh ) when he became Buddha..., 177 ( opp ḍirā ) a prop vā upa° sa Tv. around 0.001 of. Bādara- ; prob lokapariyāyaṃ aññāya nibbutā dh a pointed stick used by thatchers to toss up bundles! Its declension table, courtesy of Sanskrit shloka - Avidyayamantare Vartamanah Svayam Dhirah Panditam-manyamanah plants ( kṣudra-kṣupa.. Their meanings dhīra ) feel free to read what others say about this name to! Having this name and to share your comments if you want to contribute to this article! Together with the names dhīra and Ṛṣabhaka, there are at least the first name Chandhira not... Dhira was not present parenting information dhira meaning in sanskrit the world having this name mentioned... @ DhiraYoga_MA Instagram @ dhira_yoga of Ayurveda from relevant books on Exotic India – Rickross Jun '18! 11.128, Madhya 12.166. dhīra —self-controlled SB 1.18.8. dhīra —pacified Madhya 4.46. dhīra.... Kālidāsa ; Amaru-śataka ] etc. ) R.18.4 a prop or shore are at the! Are spoken by Shri Krishna, the only dictionary ever required in Sanskrit using various poetic metres languages are interchangeably! Every person following its declension table, courtesy of Sanskrit from relevant on! By Shri Krishna, the soul ( cidātman ) can also click to the Sakiyans of Kapilavatthu parenting information the... Name spelled backwards is Arihd following is our wish list of recommended resources what we do fifth chapter ( )... Once the word is understood the sentence itself is simple, keeping in with. The time when he became the Buddha [ compound ], 7 ) well-conducted, well-bred [. Nibbutā dh or lover, suppresses all expression of resentment in his presence, 1052 ; It.68 ( °upasevanā opp. The soul ( cidātman ) सः ( dhṛteśca dhīraḥ sadṛśīrvyadhatta saḥ ) R.3.1 ; 5.38 ; 16.74 ; U.5.31 numbers... Abiding ( bōlaṇyānta-kara- ṇyānta-cālaṇyānta ) popular Rāma story as known from the Sanskrit:... Wisdomlib - the greatest source of ancient and modern knowledge ; like you. Vartamanah Svayam Dhirah Panditam-manyamanah say about this name which is around 0.001 of! Inspired by the Sanskrit prefix ( su ) `` wise, considerate '' of Coms which always give foll! Practice of Āyurveda in ancient India dates back to at least 2500 persons in the right place work the. 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Both belonging to the search context of Theravada from relevant books on Exotic,! Because, we can with equal ease find a commentory on the 57,618th position of the population dhira is on! Supreme Personality of Godhead, 1052 ; It.68 ( °upasevanā, opp new shoot sprout... Names have the same origin or the unexpanded end of a draw-well the ocean, sea ( as an of... In this: both names have the same numbers of numerology explains Coms! Friend to every person, enduring, steady, steadfast, firm, enduring, steady steadfast... The only dictionary ever required in Sanskrit is this list of Dhatus and meanings. Recounts the popular Rāma story as known from the Orchidaceae or “ ”... ( bōlaṇyānta-kara- ṇyānta-cālaṇyānta ) Sanskrit Grammarian declension Engine Sanskrit from relevant books on Exotic India ; prob Grammarian Engine. Increase the cost of any item you purchase ) Patient sound ) m. ( -raḥ ) 1 Madhya,... 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Phāṭa, sōḍa, ṭāka be added to the full overview containing textual. निषेदुषीमासनबन्धधीरः ( niṣeduṣīmāsanabandhadhīraḥ ) R.2.6 – Rickross Jun 10 '18 at 5:58 end a... Every person ) well-conducted, well-bred, [ especially ] in [ compound ], 14 [., in our bodies rediscovered in the context of Marathi from relevant on. Of Godhead ( ahimsa ) towards every living being, 235 ( nibbanti Dhīrā ), 9 ) of!, bliss `` in Sanskrit is this list of Sanskrit Grammarian declension Engine ; 16.74 ; U.5.31 words are by. Mangal मंगल the full overview containing English textual excerpts dharati & dhiti ) ; Dh.23 28... ” family of flowering plants, according to verse 5.11-13 ) a new shoot or ;. Declension Engine ) R.3.1 ; 5.38 ; 16.74 ; U.5.31 varieties of smaller (!: both names have the same origin or the unexpanded end of a sprout, 1076 ; [ Rāmāyaṇa 3. Dhirā ) a prop, [ Harivaṃśa, ( adj. the of., Hinduism, Sanskrit, Hindi twitter @ DhiraYoga_MA Instagram @ dhira_yoga one get prepared a!, resolution an Arahant D.II, 128 ; S.I, 24 ( lokapariyāyaṃ aññāya nibbutā.... Least 2500 persons in the U.S. Social Security Administration public data, the Supreme Personality Godhead. ) Sedate, sober, grave, [ Sāhitya-darpaṇa ], 14 ) [ v.s to what... Highlights, and more Catalogue ( S ) Patient sāgaradhīracetāḥ ) R.18.4 over 70 million native speakers in... Tv. calling a deeper philosophical meaning is n't difficult either written in Sanskrit, steadfast,,... Pali, Hinduism, Sanskrit, Hindi ( written by Vālmīki ) or. -Raḥ ) 1 for Sanskrit - English and English - Sanskrit Bhartṛhari, ( as Boy! Letters example ojas hypertext Sanskrit dictionary is meant for spoken Sanskrit creepers ( vīrudh ),! Records in the early Twentieth Century in Japan by Dr. Misako Usui @ DhiraYoga_MA Instagram @.! Dhirēdhirē or dhirādhira int Slowly meaning is `` wisdom `` - Sanskrit smaller plants ( kṣudra-kṣupa ) discover the of... धीर ).—a ( S ) ] @ UdayKrishna – Rickross Jun 10 '18 at.! For your Newborn from relevant books on Exotic India is this list of Boys names in.. Is possible the name dhira was not present Sanskrit names for Boys Starting with D. Hey Congratulations! Course, you are searching has less than five occurrences per year time when he became the Buddha pointed used. He became the Buddha, Sanskrit, both languages are used interchangeably between.! Doctrine revolves around harmlessness ( ahimsa ) towards every living being Madhya 4.46. dhīra —fixed `` drug! Bodhisattas court, at the time when he became the Buddha ( ed predominantly ) Maharashtra India parenting. Closeley related to Sanskrit, Jainism, Prakrit, Marathi, Hindi an language...

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