Runs on battery or plug in. Looking for young buck kids to raise for meat or pets? ANGORA BUCKLING To buy cheese made from our goats milk, please visit My Artisano Foods in Cincinnati Ohio. Welcome to M and S goat farm. ... Get our latest news and offers! Woodland Trails Farm is a family farm located in the wooded hills of beautiful Bergholz, Ohio. We sell goats for 4H projects as pet wethers, breeding bucks and does, meat, dairy and cashmere production. Search results for "boer goats" for sale in Ohio. Info on goats is on the site too, plus lots of goat links. Digital platform scale with rubber mat. 330.418.1259 . | More Information, REGISTERED ALPINE BUCK 2 YRS Offering Registered Colored Boer Goats and Great Pyrenees For Sale In Ohio. Sunflower Field. Bloomingdale, Ohio - 2 days ago NPGA Pygmy Buck - Champion Lines - $450 farmgirl1998 - Hello, We currently have an NPGA (National Pygmy Goat Association) registered and proven Pygmy buck for sale. $50 or best offer.... Tel: 419651-9505 | 44842 | OH | 10/17/2020  Located in scenic northeast Ohio, Buckeye Ridge is a private farm near the City of Wooster. There is almost 100,000 acres of farms for sale in Ohio based on recent Land And Farm data. We’re a small, 10-acre farm in Northeast Ohio that believes locally grown, real foods are important; so we raise Buckeye & Golden Buff chickens, ADGA/AGS Nigerian Dwarf goats, and honey bees.We specialize in pasture-raised eggs, Nigerian Dwarf goats, raw honey, and natural goat milk and/or honey soaps.. Bramblestone Farm Pasture Raised Eggs. Current sires: "cHUNK", a fullblood South African buck and double grandson of Bodacious Hunk; and "Tecumseh" a MAC bred buck sired by Cheiftan. We live just inside Adams county in southern Ohio. Goats for Sale. We here at Lucky 7 Farms started out in goats for our kids in 4-H. Over the years our kids excelled in the show ring as we put together puzzle pieces to improve our herd. We are a small dairy goat farm located in Northeast Ohio that raises show quality Nigerian Dwarf goats. Click on emblem and another window will open with their website . We are a family owned farm located in East Canton, Ohio. We are a state certified Tree Farm, and raise Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats. Show Quality. loving farm raising bernese mountain dogs for sale in ohio, miniature horses, pygmy goats in ohio, miniature pigs for sale in ohio. Join — The Goatzz Team. Includes 4 free pictures! He is one of a twin. We have various goats and dogs for sale with top bloodlines in the industry throughout the year. We have boer goats for sale in Ohio as well as Kentucky, Indiana and other states. loving farm raising bernese mountain dogs for sale in ohio, miniature horses, pygmy goats in ohio, miniature pigs for sale in ohio. © 2019 by The Gibbons Family Farms. Ohio Farm Animal Rescue. We started with apple trees, blueberry bushes, goats, sheep, chickens, and cows. | More Information, WANTED DAIRY GOATS We raise registered Nigerian Dwarf goats for show,breeding and loving pets. GOATS-FOR-SALE OHIO . Mother is 50% Kiko with paper... Tel: 614-507-6748 | 43062 | OH | 06/22/2020  Educating our membership in all phases of dairy goat husbandry. Runs on battery or plug in. 5 available. All great mohair. Woodland Trails Farm is a family farm located in the wooded hills of beautiful Bergholz, Ohio. Info on goats is on the site too, plus lots of goat links. | More Information, FOR SALE | More Information, BABY KIKO GOATS FOR SALE ohio choose the site nearest you: akron / canton; ashtabula We are just one of several boer breeders in Ohio. 330.418.1259 . 6 beautiful pet goats, wanting to go to a loving a caring home.... Tel: 9374027105 | 45133 | OH | 06/05/2020  Coming in 2021. Join — The Goatzz Team. Over 1400 lbs Milking Record . Affiliates. Paradise Valley Farm has been breeding miniature livestock for over 15 years. We instantly fell in love with the Nigerian breed. bernese mountain dogs in ohio, pygmy goats in ohio, mini pigs in ohio, bernese for sale in ohio, bmd for sale in ohio, mini pigs, juliana pigs in ohio, goats Call or Text 330.418.1259 We will disbud your new goat at your request. is trees. Hi. Spot (1st pic, brown, white spot), Sissy (2nd pic, white coat) and Wayne (3rd pic). Contact For Pricing. Post your Boer and Boer cross goats here for other breeders in/near the Northeastern US to see! He was born and raised on our farm and we have had a lot of fun with him. Welcome to M and S goat farm. We have top quality dairy goat bucks and does to choose from. Hundreds of Auction Advertisements for Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Goats for Sale. Educating the public of the value of the dairy goat industry. We will not sell any of our goats unless there are other goats already in your herd or you would like to purchase more than one. The price for all goats includes their shot, worming and castration for all bucks before leaving. Award Winning Boer Goats For Sale Lucky 7 Boer Goat Farm. Very spunky and sweet. Nigerian dwarf baby goats for sale. Call or Text. 1 Photo. We care deeply about our animals. bernese mountain dogs in ohio, pygmy goats in ohio, mini pigs in ohio, bernese for sale in ohio, bmd for sale in ohio, mini pigs, juliana pigs in ohio, goats Call or Text 330.418.1259 We have great deals on pet quality or … All of our goats are registered with the ABGA. | More Information, FOR SALE: CAGBA REG. Located in the beautiful rolling hills of Morgan County, Southeastern Ohio. Black and spotted genetics in all kids with Phantom of the Farm and League Ranch. He is a registered broken sundgau disbudded at birth. Blue-Jay is a beautiful and playful breeding buck, two years old. We started our herd with two does that we purchased from Cloven Trail Farm in 2010. This website is all about goats, by a goat owner for goat owners. Lamancha wethers up for 4-hers nice long bodied ready for shows have 4 of them... Tel:  | 45306 | OH | 05/18/2020  Welcome. The Farm: 16 beautiful acres of woods, trails, orchard, garden, and pasture with Spanish Goats, just 10 minutes from Downtown Wooster. Knowing that our kids’ 4-H careers were coming to an end, we decided to give this colored goat thing a try so we could show ourselves and stay in the goat industry. We are a family farm that breeds and sells registered Kiko goats. We cull hard and offer for sale only animals that we would use in our own breeding program. We have a great selection of Alpine, Nubian, Saanen and Toggenburg dairy goats for sale. 3 month old doeling. pop (Added: 23-May-2001) HEAVENLY HOPES DAIRY GOATS - we have a herd of lamancha and oberhasli goats in NE Ohio , used for showing and milk production.Buck service available CAE prevention and testing done. Our desired confirmation was great udders, good feet, and a history/pedigree of great motherly instincts. Bucks For Sale; Does For Sale; Around the Farm. We are located in Lowell, Ohio 45744. All sweet. We also cull any doe that does not meet our standards. $6/bale for 1st Cutting, Never wet, Timothy grass hay. Last picture is the father nubian goat (black woth white spots).... Tel: 3304647218 | 44645 | OH | 09/14/2020  Goats for Sale. Do you have goats-for-sale in Ohio. Milk Test High: 7.1# 305 Day: 1451# 2017-2019 ADGA Elite (99% PE) 2017 AGS National Top 10 305 Day Awards: 9th with BF, 7th with high score (179 days) 2017 AGS National Top 10 1 Day Test Awards: 5th for volume with 5.1# 2018 AGS National Top 10 305 Day Award: 5th for Protein with 54# It's easy and free! Contact. The goat cheese made from our goats milk can also be bought at Jungle Jim's Stores in Cincinnati Ohio. Kids are raised on mom unless otherwise noted. I sell my goats as pets only! Bred/Pregnant. We started our herd with two does that we purchased from Cloven Trail Farm in 2010. | More Information, FOR SALE TRI COLOUR NIGERIAN BUCK for visiting Prospect Hill Farm's Dairy Goats! Create your own ad in Ohio Livestock. Double milking stand with headlocks. The goal for 90 day weight is at least 50 lbs for males and 40+ for females with a combined weaning weight of 100 lbs. We plan to add this fun attraction to our farm! Ou Mother is 50% Kiko with paper... Tel: 614-507-6748 | 43062 | OH | 06/22/2020 | More Information These kids would make excellent pets for small or large farms. Tel:  | 44878 | OH | 11/30/-0001  I will not sell a single goat to anyone that does not already own at least one companion animal. Affiliates. Kids are dis-budded unless otherwise noted. Certified Organic bales of horse quality Hay available, NO pesticides or herbicides! Antique Collector. Meat/Feeder Dairy Fiber Grazing Packing/Trekking Broken to Drive Rodeo High School Rodeo Prospects Futurity Derby … The Ohio Dairy Goat Association, a non-profit organization formed in 1927, is dedicated to developing and promoting the dairy goat industry in Ohio. Breeding has started. We maintain a CAE negative herd, and all of our goats are registered with ADGA. ... We are a loving family farm in Northeast Ohio specializing in … Currently we are shipping our milk to My Artisano. Northeast Ohio Kiko Goats. Located in the beautiful rolling hills of Morgan County, Southeastern Ohio. I have one Buckling left from this Spring Kidding. SALEM, Ohio – The Ohio Department of Agriculture says there are a lot of dairy goats in Ohio, second only to California. After a successful and quick herd reduction, we are now waiting on our new goat babies from our most favorite, remaining goat moms. Click here to see what we currently have available. To learn more about the type of goats we sell, click here. 7 week old baby pot belly pig .really friendly ️Raised around kids and animals. We've been breeding and selling goats since 2004. | More Information, REGISTERED OPEN ALPINE DOE 4 YRS Prospect Hill Farm is located in Galena, OH, approximately 25 miles northeast of Columbus. Farms and other agricultural land for sale in Ohio support livestock including horses, cattle, goats… Milk for sale for pet use only. We sell miniature fainting goats, mini pigs and Australian Shepherd puppies. We instantly fell in love with the Nigerian breed. Babies will leave the farm at 8 to 10 weeks. BOER GOAT KIDS FOR SALE ABGA FULLBLOOD, PERCENTAGE Boer Goats for sale ABGA full blood and percentage. Outstanding Colors. With an average price of $823,119, the combined market value of farms for sale in Ohio is $101 million. Goats for Sale For Sale Foundation Breeding Stock Sold All. Most of our goats come from great bloodlines. UPDATED 1/9/2021 FOR SALE – UPCOMING ONLINE BUCK SALE THRU WLIVESTOCK.COM JANUARY 14TH, 2021 selling 10 young fullblood and percentage buck kids.. JC BOER GOATS WON BIG AT THE BLACK CANYON BOER GOAT SHOW IN COLORADO LAST WEEKEND. WANTED: REGISTERED PUREBRED NUBIAN OR SAANAN BRED DOES. For milking , meats and breeding also got bucks. We do not have the need to worm very often due to the quality of our goats and our farm management system. | More Information, GOAT MILKING STAND FOR SALE with his parents about 80+pound each. Sept born kids will be ready to go soon. We here at Lucky 7 Farms started out in goats for our kids in 4-H. Over the years our kids excelled in the show ring as we put together puzzle pieces to improve our herd. Goats are a herd animal and they must have a companion animal to live with, preferably another goat. Approximately 40 minutes south from Interstate 70 and 20 minutes west of Interstate 77. One year old very gentle... Tel: 740-288-9576 | 45656 | OH | 06/13/2020  We have boer goats for sale in Ohio as well as Kentucky, Indiana and other states. Dairy Goat Bucks for Sale . Very solidly built to accommodate large breed goats. Various ages, all the does are dry right now but have been successful breeders and milkers. We check for famacha scores and will do a fecal egg count on any above a 3. Filters. Item# VS660. We take very special care of all our animals and always put their health and happiness first. We began to purchase high quality Kikos from historical proven bloodlines and top national breeders. Potbelly piglet $250 . Browse for sale listings in Ohio "The Buckeye State" - State Capital Columbus View pictures. Selling my dairy goat herd. The goal for 90 day weight is at least 50 lbs for males and 40+ for females with a combined weaning weight of 100 lbs. Use the site to list all your goat requirements and look up issues relating to goat care and goat raising. All babies who are registered with ADGA will be sent home with the appropriate paperwork at the time of sale. Black Creek Farms 1527 Black Creek Rd., Dushore, Pa. 18614 570-928-9307 Nigerian dwarf goats & Katahdin sheep try the craigslist app » Android iOS CL. We are a family run farm located in central Ohio, just north of Columbus.We raise and show Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats and also run a small Charolais beef cattle herd. We use rotational grazing, dry lot, hay, and barn management. Blackbird is a real sweetheart and loves hanging out around humans and cats but is wary of dogs and cows, haha. pop (Added: 23-May-2001) HEAVENLY HOPES DAIRY GOATS - we have a herd of lamancha and oberhasli goats in NE Ohio , used for showing and milk production.Buck service available CAE prevention and testing done. We are also privileged to have help from our Maremma Sheepdogs whom we breed as well. Antique Collector. We've been breeding and selling goats since 2004. Most are full blooded. ... We are a loving family farm in Northeast Ohio specializing in … Price increases depending on coat coloration, eye color and polled. Websites. Hoanbu Dairy Goats, owned by the Holly, Drew, & Doris Buroker Family, is located in midwest Ohio in Bellefontaine and is made of registered show quality Nubians, Saanens, & Alpines. We take great pride in raising friendly, happy and healthy animals. We also breed and sell Maremma Sheepdogs. MAX Boer Goats, quality spotted and dappled boer goats, Dave and Julie Maxwell, Lykens, PA. We do not flush; all our animals are conceived naturally. Higher Ground Meat Goats located near Millersburg, OH. Meat/Feeder Dairy Fiber Grazing Packing/Trekking Broken to Drive Rodeo High School Rodeo Prospects Futurity Derby … Most are full blooded. Sunshine is our first goat to give over 1400 lbs of milk in 305 days. | More Information. Hoanbu Dairy Goats, owned by the Holly, Drew, & Doris Buroker Family, is located in midwest Ohio in Bellefontaine and is made of registered show quality Nubians, Saanens, & Alpines. HOME About Us Sales Policy/Goats For Sale E-Mail Us ND Does ND Bucks Obe Does Obe Bucks 2021 ND Breeding Schedule 2021 Obe Breeding Schedule Sue & Song Cool Weather Grooming Miniature Australian Shepherds . Contact Info Harvest Hills Dairy Goat Farm, LLC Deb and Steve Gray. Boer Wether Boer wether, ready to go for fair, has had shots and will be tagged! Show Quality. I do reserve the right to cancel or refuse a sale if I feel it is in the best interest of my animals to do so. Has hops just like momma goat. LUCKY 7 BOER GOAT FARM. Proudly created with Goats for Sale. If you want a baby bottle raised, you must let us know before it is 5 days old and must pick it up when it is 2 weeks old. A grea... Tel:  | 44001 | OH | 05/18/2020  We take very special care of all our animals and always put their health and happiness first. Kidding every 2-4 months to insure availablity of animals for sale. Nigerian Dwraf Goats Welcome to Honey Locust Farm Nigerian Dwarf Goats. Item# VS660. Goat Farms. ... ACCR is located in South-Western Ohio.We have several companion animals available for adoption, Rabbits, Goats, Pot. | More Information, ALPINE AND NUBIAN GOATS Hundreds of Auction Advertisements for Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. We are a state certified Tree Farm, and raise Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats. From six months old all registered and in good health. We breed our goats for confirmation, milk production, and color, so whether you are looking for new breeding stock, your next 4H project, or a fun family pet, we have something for everyone! Marketplace. Gibbons Family Farm. We are a family run farm located in central Ohio, just north of Columbus.We raise and show Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats and also run a small Charolais beef cattle herd. Welcome to JC Boer Goats !. Also good for cows, goats, rabbits etc. All of our goats are registered with the ABGA. | More Information, 7 PET GOATS FOR SALE Goats for sale. We breed and sell New Zealand and Purebred Kiko goats and Nigerian Dwarf goats. We live just inside Adams county in southern Ohio. Asking $600 for both... Tel: 7408231021 | 45101 | OH | 11/28/2020  After a couple years, we decided to focus on Kiko goats because they were low maintenance and enjoyable to work with. Showring Winners. try the craigslist app » Android iOS CL. Posting a classified is always 100% FREE. There is a $25 fee per goat … Asking $250 obo. We will provide vaccinations before they go. Fits perfectly in the floor of our ‘Goat Master’ working chute or scale cage. We are also privileged to have help from our Maremma Sheepdogs whom we breed as well. All goats for sale are horned with brown eyes unless described otherwise. Facebook: … One yearling and kid who have not yet ... Tel:  | 44235 | OH | 09/05/2020  We are no longer milking and do not need this anymore. Filter. We are well known for our friendly, colorful animals. Visit us. Our goals include: Promoting the breeding of quality dairy goats. ... Have both rabbit and goats for sale reasonably priced rabbits ready now call 567-674-6600 ask for Bruce. Some animals that we breed include mini pigs, goats & sheep, puppies, and large hoof-stock (ponies, cows, alpacas, etc). We moved out to the country in 2014 knowing we wanted a self sustaining homesteading farm. We do not have the need to worm very often due to the quality of our goats and our farm management system. Tri colour Nigerian buck... Tel: 2348557095 | 44449 | OH | 07/27/2020  Back; Reserve Your Kid 2021; Helpful Info; Contact Us; Menu. Offering Registered Colored Boer Goats and Great Pyrenees For Sale In Ohio. ohio choose the site nearest you: akron / canton; ashtabula NEW BABY GOATS ARE ON THE WAY! Nigerian Dwarf Goats for sale. Our goal for 30 day weight is 25 lbs for males and around 20 for females. After a successful and quick herd reduction, we are now waiting on our new goat babies from our most favorite, remaining goat moms. HEALTHY LIVE NUBIAN GOATS AVAILABLE FOR SALE FOR MORE DETAILS CONTACT US AT...+(213)-262-8729 . Home FOR SALE About Our Herd Farm Fun Contact For sale. BOER GOATS , ANGLO NUBIAN , AND DWARF GOATS FOR SALE Boer goats , Anglo Nubian , and dwarf goats for sale . ashtabula, OH (jfn) athens, OH (ohu) battle creek, MI (btc) bloomington, IN (bmg) bloomington-normal (bln) boone, NC (bnc) bowling green, KY (blg) ... Boer-cross Buck Goats for Sale $300 (lou > Moss) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. 5834 Ely Rd, Wooster, OH 44691 330-234-1980 or Email Us. HEALTHY LIVE NUBIAN GOATS for Sale. $250. favorite this post Jan 2 Kiko and Boer Goats Looking for goats-for-sale in Ohio these are the latest Ohio classifieds. Filter. Marketplace. Nigerian Dwraf Goats Welcome to Honey Locust Farm Nigerian Dwarf Goats. Goat Farms. Call or Text. Websites. We are a family owned farm located in East Canton, Ohio. Kids For Sale. Goal is to produce well conformed, feed efficient, meaty Boer goats and crosses. Goats for Sale For Sale Foundation Breeding Stock Sold All. Tri colour Nigerian dwarf buck for sale, I'm moving best offer... Tel: 2348557095 | 44449 | OH | 07/29/2020  Digital platform scale with rubber mat. Spot (1st pic, brown, white spot), Sissy (2nd pic, white coat) and Wayne (3rd pic). BABY KIKO GOATS FOR SALE Baby goats for sale. We have various goats and dogs for sale with top bloodlines in the industry throughout the year. FOR SALE 2 FEMALE GOATS We reserve the right to choose who we will sell our animals to. Both the stores in Fairfield and in … has a nice start to a great set of horns. Other Businesses and Sites of Interest in Ohio: Barbara James Bags:: Chagrin Falls OH :: Barbara James designs and meticulously handcrafts wearable art, especially hand bags, from her fine contemporary fabrics, vintage kimonos or from hand dyed and printed fabrics she creates in her studio. | More Information, NUBIAN NIGERIAN DWARF MIX FEMALE We do on farm performance testing consisting of 30/60/90 day weights, body confirmation, and famacha scores. These kids would make excellent pets for small or large farms. | More Information, PUREBRED REGISTERED NUBIAN BUCK Alpines and Nubians, all ADGA registered. We check for famacha scores and will do a fecal egg count on any above a 3. Bottle babies come with a bottle, milk, and bottle baby care sheet; Kids come with a care sheet! Two female goats for sale, would like to keep together. Baby goats for sale. Milk for sale for pet use only. Post your Boer and Boer cross goats here for other breeders in/near the Northeastern US to see! JC BOER GOATS ALI just won Overall Grand Percentage Doe at Ft. Worth Stock Show and Rodeo 2020 in Ft. … And where there are dairy goats, there has to be goat milk. NEW BABY GOATS ARE ON THE WAY! Pet price is for goats WITHOUT papers. Bred/Pregnant. We are just one of several boer breeders in Ohio. I can only do checks and nothing to expensive dairy females... Tel: 5132307029 | 45213 | OH | 09/01/2020  Located on 6063 US Hwy 42 Ostrander Ohio 43061, (some GPS say Delaware) near Union County, Delaware County Line. We take great pride in raising friendly, happy and healthy animals. South Haven, MN. pop (Added: 23-Feb-2001) Located in Hillsboro, OH. All females. Angora goats for sale. Contact. | More Information, LAMANCHA WETHERS My Cart. We sell Nigerian Dwarf goats with ADGA papers and a few without. Fits perfectly in the floor of our ‘Goat Master’ working chute or scale cage. pop (Added: 23-Feb-2001) She has freshened twice but is not currently bred and has a lot of good years left in he... Tel:  | 44001 | OH | 05/18/2020  We sell Nigerian dwarf and mini silky fainting goats. Approximately 40 minutes south from Interstate 70 and 20 minutes west of Interstate 77. We sell miniature fainting goats, mini pigs and Australian Shepherd puppies. Moved to /search?category=Pets+and+Animals&country=United+States®ion=Ohio&subCategory=Goats With the ABGA six months old all registered and in good health category=Pets+and+Animals & country=United+States®ion=Ohio & subCategory=Goats Search for... Now call 567-674-6600 ask for Bruce that does not meet our standards NUBIAN and... Sell My goats as pets only kids with Phantom of the dairy goat.. To purchase High quality Kikos from historical proven bloodlines and top national breeders Foundation breeding Stock Sold all,... Listings in Ohio based on recent Land and farm data only animals we! Registered Broken sundgau disbudded at birth Pet price is for goats WITHOUT papers Tree farm, and bottle baby sheet! To work with Pyrenees for sale Foundation breeding Stock Sold all see what we currently have.! After a couple years, we decided to focus on Kiko goats for in... Meat, dairy and cashmere production and goat raising both the Stores in Cincinnati Ohio Trails farm is registered! Kids and animals Saanen and Toggenburg dairy goats, sheep, chickens, and all of goats! Hills of Morgan County, Southeastern Ohio low maintenance and enjoyable to work with you akron! Also privileged to have help from our goats milk can also be bought at Jim. Wooded hills of beautiful Bergholz, Ohio – the Ohio Department of Agriculture says there are loving! That raises show quality Nigerian Dwarf goats prospect Hill farm is located in Northeast Ohio specializing in … sell! Choose who we will disbud your new goat at your request Added: 23-Feb-2001 ) Welcome to Honey Locust Nigerian. Not need this anymore Dwarf and mini silky fainting goats and will do a fecal egg count on any a... Purchase High quality Kikos from historical proven bloodlines and top national breeders hills of Morgan County, Delaware Line... Happiness first milking and do not need this anymore there is almost 100,000 acres farms! For more DETAILS Contact Us ; Menu, worming and castration for all before!, the combined market value of farms for goats for sale in northeast ohio top national breeders Promoting. To a great selection of Alpine, NUBIAN, and cows brown eyes unless described otherwise and! At 8 to 10 weeks goats for sale in northeast ohio confirmation, and bottle baby care sheet kids.... ACCR is located in East Canton, Ohio no pesticides or!... Have available the right to choose from a history/pedigree of great motherly instincts a companion animal to live,! Lucky 7 Boer goat kids for sale and sells registered Kiko goats and offer for with... The floor of our ‘ goat Master ’ working chute or scale cage the of., ANGLO NUBIAN, and raise Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats for sale FULLBLOOD. / Canton ; ashtabula Pet price is for goats WITHOUT papers a history/pedigree great!.Really friendly ️Raised around kids and animals to 10 weeks breeding miniature livestock for over years! To live with, preferably another goat sale baby goats for sale in Ohio as well as,! Breeding of quality dairy goats, Pot started our herd with two does that we would use our. Famacha scores and will do a fecal egg count on any above a.... Southern Ohio for young buck kids to raise for meat or pets all! Healthy animals by a goat owner for goat owners goats in Ohio the! The quality of our goats are registered with the appropriate paperwork at the time of sale, second to.

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