(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); link to Britains' Favourite Walks - Top 100 with Julia Bradbury and Ore Oduba. Obviously if you are walking with a dog, then they feel that the dog may be a threat to their herd. We looked at the footpath and this went straight through the area they were grazing, so opted to follow the hedges and fences at the side of the field, to stay out of their way. If they are approaching at a leisurely pace they are most likely curious. In 2015, an article by The Independent reported that in the previous 15 years there were 74 deaths caused by cows, but that 56 of these were farm workers. From personal experience, we have encountered cows that took absolutely no notice of Paco, even if I felt a bit nervous of their possible reaction. Yet there are such a minimal amount of injuries and dangerous situations. However, cows, like all animals, don't like being surprised or threatened. Britains' Favourite Walks - Top 100 with Julia Bradbury and Ore Oduba. Farmers are typically happier for you to do this than stamp though their fields anyway. I have a dog and would never let it bound up to people. After licking Paco and Nicky’s leg, which helps the cow get a better scent of them, Nicky eventually managed to slide by the fence far enough to where there was a gap into another field. don’t run as the cattle are likely to start running as well and they can run fast. Never, ever walk in a field where there are cows with their calves. I think you can see that whilst there is little chance of being killed, a bit of common sense and knowledge about cows will ensure you don’t become a statistic. From giving to volunteering, people like you play a vital role in supporting our work -. First of all, you must remember that cows are friendly characters in the main, but if they feel threatened then they will try to protect themselves, just as we all would. link to Why pay more for expensive walking poles? “The One Show” demonstrated recently that cattle are much faster than us, and we cannot outrun them across a field. If in doubt (regardless of where the footpath may go) walk around the edge of the field, avoid the cows as best as you can. Never believe you can run to safety. Evaluate surrounding terrain carefully if you encounter cows … Cows tend to match their pace to yours, so if you speed up they will too in order to keep up with you. I'm still in one piece. For about 10 minutes he just stood there, and despite me trying to distract him so they could escape, his focus was not shifting. Ever since, as a traumatised youngster being dropped off after school, I had to walk through a field of cattle to reach my front door. But their large frames and occasional tempers can make walking through a field of them an intimidating prospect. This is the first step towards learning how to stay safe around cattle whilst walking a dog. Calmly wave hiking poles towards cows resting on a trail and speak in a normal voice to encourage them to move out of your way. All was going well until we reached the top of the field, about halfway through our journey, when one solitary cow came over. Funny story someone my mother knew used to be a farmhand and on a walk once in a field of cows for a laugh he whooped and hollered and had them running round and round the field. The cows may sniff and lick you and your dog, this is them taking in more scent of you both and getting a better look at your dog, because cows do not have a good depth of vision. The farmer's gate where the cows enter the field is tucked away over the brow of a shallow hill. The Farmer’s Union the NFU is warning about the dangers of walking on footpaths that cross fields with cows and calves in them. Even if there are no calves with the cows in the field, if you can find an alternative route, do so. The 63-year-old woman was out for an afternoon stroll with a friend when the tragedy unfolded. Be aware that cows are inquisitive creatures and will most likely come towards you to investigate you and your dog. Watch for top tips to keep you and your dog safe on countryside walks. One of my most popular posts is where I review some budget walking poles, ranging in price from a little over £10 up to about £35. The advice given generally seems right (see How to stay safe when walking and hiking through fields of cows). stay quiet. Farmers have a duty of care to walkers as well as to their animals. This tends to freak people out as they think they're charging. It is an offence to allow a bull over 10 months old and on its own to be at large in a field crossed by a public right of way. Only do this if your behaviour is not going to upset your dog. Don’t walk through the middle of the herd, because you don’t want to separate one from its mates and spook it. Wear and tear was low in field tests so a trap should last for several seasons. Ok - there is a big field where i live, where i walk my dog, i normally let her off her lead, and she runs around for a bit, does her business, and thats it.. About Rich and his farm. If you reach a situation where you feel that you and your dog are in danger, you may decide to let your dog off the lead so you can both reach safety. If you do suffer from Bovinophobia can you link this back to something traumatic that happened back in your childhood? WalkingAcademy.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. If cows get too close turn to face them, stretch your … Takes a bit of courage to just walk through a field of them sometimes but they're rarely anything more than disinterested. So we decided to climb back over the stile quickly. You need to grab the ring and twist it. I will make a detour or cut a walk short and yes there is a danger walking through fields of cattle so our fears aren't unfounded. stay calm so as not to spook the animals. WALK AWAY CALMLY & QUIETLY TO AN EXIT OR TO THE EDGE OF THE FIELD Cows initally are inquisitive, so stay calm if they approach you and quietly and calmly make your escape. Rejoin the footpath as soon as it is safe. Therefore, walkers are advised to remain calm and refrain from making any startling or quick movements when they come across cows. If you are wearing a jacket, unzip it, fold it backwards and raise it over your head – again, this makes you look much bigger than them, although it may feel a bit daft. But really it should never come to that. Tips To Cross A Field With Cows Make yourself as large as possible; put your hands out to your side and wave in order to make you seem larger. There is land near me we like to walk on (National Trust but not a "property" and not busy) that often had cows on it, but today they were in the main bit between us and the car. Cows don't always attack just dogs and their owners unfortunately! Always keep your dog on a lead when walking near livestock. They want to know if you are going to cause them harm, and being short sighted they need to come close. If you walk through a field of cows and there happen to be calves, think twice; if you can, go another way and avoid crossing fields. The way we behave around cattle can also be a factor. The fear of cows is called Bovinophobia (the fear of bulls is known as Taurophobia). try to walk near to a hedge or fence so that you can get close into the hedge if need be. keep any dogs on a lead so you can control the dogs. Our encounter happened yesterday afternoon, my fiance and I were walking through a field near Marsh Gibbon in Bucks. Rich Heady is a mixed farmer in Buckinghamshire. If cows know one thing, it's when there is an open gate--they will generally attempt to get to the greener grass on the other side. At first we stared it down, thinking it would be afraid of us, but clearly it saw Paco as a threat. If they are approaching at a leisurely pace they are most likely curious. However, lets just clarify the situation when walking with a dog. If you have a close encounter with one you can (in theory) use the ring in its nose to control it. If you feel confident enough, you can turn and clap your hands and say something like ‘hey, hey, hey’ to shoo the cows away. With the help of Mo the dog, farmer Rich shares his advice on safely walking a dog through a field of cattle. Since then we have had hundreds of lovely walks, and I thought it would be good to share some of the things I've learned along the way. This reflects the threat that dogs may have in the eyes of the cows protecting their calves. Try not to antagonise the cows (especially if they have calves). It seems that the biggest risks are: walking with dogs. Subscribe, © 2020 - NAWT | Registered charity no:1090499Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy | Accessibility, I'd like to make a one-off or monthly donation. 4. From there we were safe, although he did follow in his field to make sure we were not coming back. The idea of a walk through fly trap to protect cattle from horn flies was first presented in 1899 with some additional work in 1930. Be aware that cows are inquisitive creatures and will most likely come towards you to investigate you and your dog. This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. I was interested in getting some to try them out, so wanted to... Hi I'm Paul, I have taken up walking since my partner Nicky rescued our dog, Paco, from the streets of Romania through a charity, Perrera Dogs UK. Once they have smelt you and your dog they will realise that you are strangers and so a potential threat to their calves. You are out on a walk in the great British countryside, enjoying the fresh air and taking in the fantastic landscapes, when the footpath you are taking cuts across a field of cows. Don't shout at them, or wave your arms aggressively. Of course, if the herd of cows that you come across are used to the farmers dogs, then they may be completely disinterested and not even move after casting a cursory glance. Don’t walk through a group of cattle. Keep up to date with the latest news and stories. After all is said and done, I will say again, thousands and thousands of walkers pass through fields of cows ever year. Once we crossed the busy road, we popped into another field with cows in. There were no calves but several young bullocks." It’s probably wisest to turn around and find another route if they come over to protect their young from your dog – surely it’s better to be safe than to cause harm to your faithful friend. Keep calm. The cow came right up the stile and let us feed it some grass and pet it, but there was no way it was going to leave the stile available for Paco to cross the field. Cows, horses and deer are normally docile creatures. They can worry the cows and make them unpredicatble, so if you are approaching a field of cows and see a dog is loose, you may wish to ask the owner to put it on a lead or wait until s/he and the dog have left the field. If they have young calves in the field with them, then that protection increases greatly. If there is no alternative route, stay on the footpath and walk calmly through the field. The field had about half a dozen cows grazing seemingly peacefully and not bothered by two walkers. Look out for any animals and watch how they are behaving, particularly bulls or cows with calves; Try to avoid getting between cows and their calves ; Be prepared for cattle to react to your presence, especially if you have a dog with you ; Move quickly and quietly, and if possible walk around the herd In the UK fields … Don’t stress, respect the surroundings, have fun, enjoy the great outdoors. Are they worth it? Keep your dog on a lead First shown in 2018, I watched Britain's Favourite Walks Top 100 today, presented by Julia Bradbury and Ore Oduba. Walkers advised to 'be bold' and walk through cattle. It can seem intimidating when the cows start to follow you but try to keep a steady pace and remain calm. How do you get from one side to the other without putting yourself in danger? As part of NAWTs Cow Safety Campaign, we sent NAWT CEO Clare Williams to face her fears and learn how to confidently walk through a field of curious cows. He has cattle, sheep and crops on his farm. If you feel threatened, just carry on as normal, do not run, move to the edge of the field and if possible find another way round the field, returning to the original path as soon as is possible. I am scared of cows. Take time to read these tips, although they may not always work, in the main they should keep you safe. Always keep your dog on a lead when walking near livestock. If you enter a field with cows in, you may well find that one, or more, decide to come over and be inquisitive. If walking through cattle is unavoidable, then always try to skirt around them (rather than walking through the middle), try not to run, stand still and wave hands (or stick) in the air if they come too close. However when we climbed into the field, with Paco in tow, one lone cow came running towards us. Walking with your dog through a field of cows can be an intimidating and nerve-wracking experience, so here are some tips to help keep you and your dog safe: Are you afraid of cows? 5. In the first field, we spied a group of 4 or 5 walkers ahead, who had crossed this field with no problem. If you do decide to walk through the field try to give it a reasonably wide berth and walk as quietly round it as you can (try not to run!). Matthew Pike discovers how to keep the peace I’ve never liked cows. Generally speaking, be aware of the herd, assess any risks to you, your walking party, and any dogs you have with you, and take the sensible approach to each individual situation. If you enter a field and cows are obstructing your path, find an alternative route through the field, away from the cows. This site is owned and operated by Paul Gent. Only do this in the most serious circumstances, and do be aware that your actions may risk in you and your dog being prosecuted for livestock worrying. A walk-through gate will come in handy in this situation. This made great viewing for New Year's Day 2021 - a nice way to plan some walks for... Why pay more for expensive walking poles? Whilst you won’t come across cows in your normal everyday life, there is a fair chance that you will come across cows grazing if you walk in the countryside. They looked up, but largely ignored us, and continued to graze. Talk to them quietly - to let them know you are around. What to know when walking a footpath through a field of cows. If you have a dog and are being charged by cattle, unleash the dog and try to make your way out of the field as quickly as possible. Signs should be displayed to warn of livestock, especially when cows are with calves or a bull is in the field. A pensioner has been trampled to death by a herd of cows as she walked her dog through a farmer's field. Bear in mind the cows will move away quite skittishly, but they will most likely come back, so do not run towards the exit of the field, walk briskly but calmly. But now, some gormless farmer has decided to dump 50 cows in the field, Is it safe for me to walk my Dog through the field full of cows… If your dog is a livestock-trained border collie, no problem. Also there is a council owned area we like to walk in that has zones the cattle graze in - these are usually nowhere near us but occasionally theres a couple of cows on the path. He ignored me, but pinned Nicky and Paco against the fence, next to a tree. A herd’s curiosity towards someone walking through their field can be mistaken for animosity, and a walker’s impulsive actions can increase any perceived threat. Opening a gate with your arms full while trying to keep a herd of cows from also getting through the gate is a challenge. If they are in the way, just push them gently. His top tip? So how do you cross a field of cows safely? I also hate dogs that are not kept under control and have had the odd cross word. Of the remaining 18, all but one were lone walkers or two people, and all of these were with dogs. We retraced our steps and found another route that brought us out nearby. They may not mean harm, but due to their size it is not surprising if you became anxious. Stop, look and listen on entering a field. "As I continued walking I saw about 30 of them. Watch our video on cow phobia (a fear of cows) to understand more about their body language and behaviour. On other occasions we have either been forced back over the stile we had just crossed, pinned against a fence by a lone protector, or charged by a whole herd (thankfully there was a fence between us and them as the footpath passed to the side of the field). And remember to close the gate." You will be putting yourself and your dog in serious danger. Cattle can get very excited when they see a dog nearby – and it can feel a little scary. We took a lovely walk from Bodiam Castle in Sussex one summer day this year (2019), but we came across two fields of cows, one after the other. The media has let the general public know that bulls are dangerous, but the ability to escape or avoid a threatening bull is something that may be of importance to you if you live on a farm or ranch with bulls, or have to walk by or through a field or pasture that is known to hold bulls in it. The outside area around the trap should be fenced to exclude cows. Keep a respectful distance from the calves and avoid walking a dog through a cow field, other than that it's all good. He or she will clear you a path or round the whole bunch up in one corner of the field, if that is your wish. Are they worth it. If there is no alternative route, stay on the footpath and walk calmly through the field. Bulls and Public Rights of Way. Walkers should "be bold" and walk on through threatening herds of cattle, according to a farming union. If it’s a field you come across often, learn about the herd – do they get let out to graze often, or are they kept couped up most of the time. Move slowly but assertively forward, don’t run or look them in the eye. Move slowly, keep calm and act authoritatively but peacefully. Stay quiet and calm. Cows tend to run at you and then stop a few feet away and just stare at you. I walk around the edge of a field so I can leap over a fence if necessary. 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