That’s why they always fetch a decent price. Orc Baby. Given that effect, it’s a consumable item that sells a lot. If you arm yourself with the proper weapons, skills, and elements, Moscovia Dungeon is going to be a piece of cake for you! Base Strength >= 44: Damage calculation becomes ATK+44. } Alternatively, you can make use of them as adequate healing items. Where the hell did the 4 other come from? Pieces of Cake – Frequently dropped by Baba Yagas. Well-baked Cookies – Frequently dropped by Christmas Cookies. Revo-Classic (NOW): STAT ATK + WEAPON ATK. Phen Card – This card is dropped by Phens at a very low rate. Dowload now and be a part of Early Access on Game. Hydra Cards increase damage against Demi-Human monsters (including players) by 20%. Reasons Why It’s a Great Farming Area: Players often go to the Audhumbla Grassland not to search for any specific item or equipment but just to collect some basic monster drops. Actually, this place feels really luxurious and gaudy with the Christmas vibes. Multiple rough oridecons can be refined into oridecons, which can be used to upgrade most kinds of weapons. Also the answer to the question above is… No…. Kobold Cards have the effect of increasing Critical Rate by 4% and STR by 1 point. Pieces of Cake can be sold to NPCs for 1,500 zeny each. "Example: Hydra Cards and Elements only affect WEAPON ATK. Thief bug. Content is available under CC BY-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. Most of the monster here are easy to mob and kill. That’s the reason why they are always in demand. I haven't played in a while but I am not good with zeny loot experimentation. Multiple rough eluniums can be refined into eluniums, which in turn can be used to upgrade most kinds of armor. Gift Boxes contain all sorts of loot as well as rare items. Never forget the icepick effect works even if you wield it on your left hand. Maneater Blossoms take pride in being valuable quest items. If you are well-equipped and well-prepared, this place has the potential to make you rich sooner than you think. With this guide helping you, there’s a big chance that you’ll be able to unleash your looting and money-making potential in order to become one of the richest players in the game. The cards and items gave plenty of options to build character even when there was only 5 classes available. Players usually buy them at a high price just to try their luck. Matyr. The whole area of Magma Dungeon is packed with dangerous monsters. Cheeky Kid (author) from Milky Way on September 23, 2018: @Rick Many servers nowadays are going "classic" so yeah, this is still very relevant. Geffen Fields. Players who usually hunt for Water elements monsters, especially in the Byalan Island Dungeon, often purchase this card. Its effect of adding some extra points to DEX is what makes it valuable. Bucklers [1] provide high defense while also manifesting the effect of the compounded card. I will create the CORRECT List soon. That’s why so many players buy them at a reasonable price. Buying +10 Rod with 4 Drops card is also SHIT, DEX works differently today. “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.” ― Daniel J. Boorstin Just like what I said in How To Build Stats by Yourself post, I really regret adding a modifier card (like hydra) on a mace[4]. The more you go deeper, the more experience you get and the higher the value of loots you can collect. 644/460 = 1.4. You can sell Skull Rings to NPCs for 5,000 zeny each. Clip of Flash Clip filled with Yoyo Card … Cards. Monk Classes usually need this card for their skills, so they are willing to purchase one at a high price. Amazingly, REFINEMENTS also increase MATK nowadays, but +10 Rod is only equals to 30 MATK + 20 which is 50, better buy ARC Wand which is 95 Matk with 3 int. As you can see the normal damage is 460, and the Crit Damage is 644. Its effect is to reduce damage from Demi-Human monsters (including players) by 10%. Kukre cards provide +2 AGI to anyone who equips the compounded accessory. Thara Frog Card: drop dari Thara Frog, harga pasaran 900 ribuan Zenny. Rough Oridecons – Sometimes dropped by Sleepers. Orc Claws, Orc’s Fangs, Skel-Bones, and Zenorc’s Fangs – Commonly dropped by Orc Zombies, Orc Skeletons, and Zenorcs. Crystal Mirrors – These are dropped by Mavkas at a whooping rate of 15%. Wanginator wrote: I think with a skel worker you do slightly more damage than if you put a hydra, since you have the size(+15%) and race(+50% on the Infil) modifier and the +5 ATK, instead of just 70% more to race. Crystal Blues – Regularly dropped by Marinas, Vadons, Cornutuses, and Kukres. Even though they’re practically a waste of zeny, they always sell like pancakes even at unreasonably high prices. Pre-renewal (BEFORE): Reduce 75% from Neutral Attacks. Trunks – These are often dropped by Willows, Elder Willows, and Greatest Generals. That’s why they always fetch a decent price. CLARIFICATION: HYDRA CARDS ARE STILL EFFECTIVE, JUST DON’T EQUIP IT TO A WEAPON WITH BELOW 90 ATTACK. A server who aims to bring back Classic Ragnarok. So if a monster with 54.1 ATK attacks me, it will deal the minimum amount of damage which is 1. Kobold. Pearls can be sold to NPCs for 3,000 zeny each or to players at higher prices since they are required for some quests. Phen Cards allows players to perform uninterrupted skill casting at the cost of increasing casting time by 25%. Well-baked Cookies can be sold to NPCs for 500 zeny each. I am looking for clarification, from a reliable source. The question: “Where are the best places to farm loot in Ragnarok Online?”. Revo-Classic (NOW): Using Pre-renewal HP, but RENEWAL stats (HARDER). Irons – Frequently dropped by Metalings. Steels are needed by Blacksmiths to forge weapons. Reasons Why It’s a Great Farming Area: At high levels, this is one of the best places to earn a fortune. Depending on the situation, this card can save you a lot of SP and help in spamming your skills. Here comes the tank! Maybe next time? Players who make profits over-upgrading equipment always buy them. Reasons Why It’s a Great Farming Area: You should never underestimate the low-level areas of the Payon Fields. Kobold Card – This card is dropped by Kobolds at a very low rate. Be warned though that many players could also be grinding and farming in this place. against Agi based characters This page was last edited on 16 December 2016, at 22:18. Reasons Why It’s a Great Farming Area: Moscovia Dungeon is a mid-high-level area with fairly easy monster and high value loots. Dead Branches allow players to summon random monsters. Ragnarok Online Revo Classic Guides. That’s why they always fetch a decent price. Poo Poo Hat – This headgear is dropped by Bigfoots at a low frequency. (Including Boss Cards) Well I think, during WoE w/ big mobs, I'd go for Edge since 1% chance to inflict Coma is pretty high and it also has a 3% chance to curse. Reasons Why It’s a Great Farming Area: Xmas Dungeon (a.k.a. Fourty-One definitely is not even close to the 20% of 286. Rough Oridecons – Sometimes dropped by Bigfoots. NO VIP, NO Dual, NO Pay to Win, with 1x/1x/1x rates but increases up to 20x as level increases. Then you had random MVPs and banger tunes.. Orc Helm – Dropped by Orc Skeletons at a low chance. 1 desert wolf card, 2 Orc Skeleton Cards in a cross bow using arrows of shadow. The limit for 2nd Jobs is 190. Revo-Classic (NOW): Soft Def + Percentage Def/10 (Not Accurate formula, simplified but precise). Mastela Fruits – These are dropped by Explosions at a decent chance. Sharp Leaves can be sold to NPCs for a reasonable amount of zeny. Archer Skeleton Cards have the effect of increasing ranged attack damage by 10%. But it would make more sense anyway. Revo Classic Paladin Guide. Archer Skeleton Card – This card is dropped by Archer Skeletons at a very low rate. Harpy Feathers and Harpy Talons are on the highest spectrum of the expensive general NPC loots. That’s why they always fetch a decent price. Pingback: RO Revo-Classic Thief Leveling Guide | Ragnarok Guide Dagger on February 25, 2018 6:33 pm Would equipping +7 3ple Zipper Bear Gadius on the right and another on the left deal more damage or the left should better hold racial/elemental card MG instead? Reasons Why It’s a Great Farming Area: Payon Cave is a multi-level dungeon cave. Strawberries – These are dropped by Spores, Wolves, and Snakes at a consistent rate. Pre-renewal (BEFORE): IGNORES DEFENSE Stiletto [3] – Dropped by Sohees at a low chance. Weapon Cards In General: Weapons Cards, as stated, are cards that a player can slot into a Sloted Weapon. NOTE: Hydra and Skel Worker Cards are supposed to have the same effect, however I tested it and it seems that Skel Worker Card has bigger damage for SinX that has STR over 88, and Hydra deals more damage for people with STR 80-87. Buckler [1] – Dropped by Kobolds at a decent rate. At the deepest level of this dungeon, there are mini-bosses and bosses that drop extremely rare loots. Nightmare. Multiple rough eluniums can be refined into eluniums, which can be used to upgrade most kinds of armor. Muffler [1] – Dropped by Sohees at a low chance. robs, on April 2nd, 2012 at 2:59 pm Said: like rod[4] with 4 hydra much better than anything else? However, the deepest levels can get really dangerous, but the drops there are especially pricey. Many job classes, especially Assassins, can take advantage of the effect of this card, so they usually buy it at a high price. Multiple rough eluniums can be refined into eluniums, which can be used to upgrade most kinds of armor. Weapon Perfection so my damage to mobs is 100% no matter what size; Maximize power to make damage constant; So 327 – 286 = 41. ... Party up with a blacksmith for weapon perfection or invest in Drake Card. So MAX ASPD is 190. Swordfish Card – This card is dropped by Swordfishes at a very low rate. 1hand glorious spear/ 1 hand BG sword/+10[4] carded blade. By doing so, the Weapon will receive the bonus mentioned on the card. Crystal Mirrors can make you a lot of money because you can sell them to NPCs for 7,500 zeny each. Thara Frog Cave is one map right of Comodo and has 2 of the best pvp cards to drop, Thara Frog Card and Hydra Card. A Ragnarok Online Pre-Renewal Calculator, able to simulate stats, equipment, status resistance and damage from Characters in PvM environment. Do you have any idea about zeny farming in Brasilis, or any of the new kRO map updates they've had over 2017-8? I have already posted this on iRO Wiki's forums, however I did not receive any reliable reply. Blue Herbs – These are frequently dropped by Goats. Reasons Why It’s a Great Farming Area: Even at a low level, any player can hunt monsters and items in the Byalan Island Dungeon. Where to find Hydra. Dewatt, Old Dusty Town so on? Mastela Fruits – These are dropped by Grand Pecos at a decent chance. Mufflers [1] can be equipped by most job classes. Ragial - Hydra Card - iRO-Renewal My Comment: I think it is now more IMBA. Here is the proof that Modifier Cards only affect Weapon Damage. Raydric. Burning Hearts and Burning Hair – Frequently dropped by Blazers, Lava Golems, Kahos, and Explosions. Thus at a time, a Weapon can have up to 4 card's worth of Bonuses. Earth Deleter Card – This card is dropped by Earth Deleters at a very low rate. Multiple rough oridecons can be refined into oridecons, which can be used to upgrade most kinds of weapon. Rough Eluniums – Sometimes dropped by Cornutuses and Swordfishes. Brigans – Sometimes dropped by Greatest Generals. Cheeky Kid (author) from Milky Way on January 26, 2019: @Baby Desert Wolf Sorry, I haven't played this game recently. They are no longer affected by STR/DEX. Trunks are needed for certain quests as well as for crafting the ever-popular Sakkat headgear. Let's say your base attack is 100 (god forbid it's actually that low). Mastela Fruits fetch high prices when sold to NPCs. However, despite the fact that this game is already a classic, many players—both old and new—are still asking the same question. And you know what’s better? Cyfars- Commonly dropped Wild Roses. Hydra does almost the same thing as civil servant/tg, since humans don't change their race. Poring Island Poring Island is … You can go on a mad frenzy picking up any loot you can find because you can rest assure that most of them are ultra high in value! They are no longer affected by STR/DEX." Tips: Hasil drop dari semua monster di dungeon ini cukup untuk menambah penghasilanmu dalam mendapatkan Zenny. Come Join Our Community Fan Page in Facebook, Buying +10 Rod with 4 Drops card is also SHIT. What’s great about farming in the Payon Fields is that the monsters are easy to beat and loot. Revo-Classic (NOW): Def equip / 2. Steels – These are frequently dropped by Kobolds. That means more loots for you! Sharp Leaves – Dropped by Les at a rate of 20%. Ragial is a Ragnarok Online fan site that offers real time market information, server population, price history, and merchant vend history. Episodes 8 - City of the Dead, Nifflheim ... We're inviting all Ragnarok Players to experience again the legendary MMORPG Ragnarok Online. Pieces of Cake can be sold to NPCs for 1,500 zeny each. Dagger sin combo: 2 Orc Skeleton Cards, 2 desert wolf cards in your right hand weapon. The good thing about strawberries is that they are among the best SP recovery items in the game. Stems are often needed by Alchemist to create some potions. Smokie Cards allow all job classes to use Hiding Level 1. Edited by Spares, 13 September 2012 - 02:17 AM. Cards were simply a by product of that unless you were specifically farming something. Simply Register here in and get 600 Rok Points Registration Promo. Drainliar Cards increases damage against Water element monsters by 20%. For that reason, it’s a commodity that should not be ignored. Verit. Marc Cards provide the effect of immunity against the Freeze status and increase resistance against Water property attacks by 5%. Sohee Card – This card is dropped by Sohees at a very low rate. You can sell opals to NPCs for 3,000 zeny each. Only non-mvp modifier cards (Size, Element and Race) have been included as they are obtainable and typically provide the largest impact to increasing your character’s damage. I used a blacksmith just so I could MAXIMIZE POWER. Item set 3. Rough Eluniums – Sometimes dropped by Elder Willows. Rough Eluniums – Sometimes dropped by Kahos. It should be 57.2 if this was Pre-renewal. Blue Herbs – These are frequently dropped by Mavkas and Les. Maneater Blossoms take pride in being valuable quest items. Aquamarines can be sold to NPCs for 3,000 zeny each. These basic loots are dropped very often and can be sold to NPCs for a decent amount of profit. Grand Cross (Alt: Grand Cross) is a 2 nd class offensive skill available as Crusader and Paladin.. Effect. It currently supports iRO and fRO. Cheeky Kid is a true-blue casual gamer. Cruiser Cards increase Critical attack damage by 10% and add +7 Critical Rate against Brute monsters. Myst Case Card – This card is dropped by Myst Cases at a very low rate. Pearls – Sometimes dropped by Christmas Cookies and Myst Cases. This guide details the 10 best farming spots in the world of Rune-Midgarts. nakabase nlng xa sa attack ng weapon mo, one reason kung baket mas effective gumamit ng … Flame Hearts – Sometimes dropped by Gigs and Kahos. Opals – Dropped by Zombies at a certain chance. Shoes [1] – Dropped by Munaks at a low chance. Revo-Classic (NOW): Soft MDef + Percentage MDEF/10. Harpy Feathers and Harpy Talons – Dropped as a common loot from Harpies. Plus skel worker is useful against all medium size monsters, and it doesn't limit you to just one race. This guide will list the cards, and then proceed to explain how they are useful and why. WHY NERF WIZARD TOO MUCH? Dead Branches – Frequently dropped by Elder Willows. Irons are staples in forging so they are quite in demand. Elements, Races, Sizes are your best way to increase … Ragnarok Online Revo Classic Guides. I hope many newcomers will find this helpful. Hydra Card – This card is dropped by Hydras at a very low rate. Bring back the FUN in GRINDING! ... • 20% damage cards like hydra works • Rapid smiting's cast Can be interrupted use phen card • Shield refine only adds around 30-60 damage • Weapon refine only adds around 50-90 damage. Crystal Blues can be sold to NPCs for 500 zeny each or to players at a higher price because they are needed in forging weapons and undertaking certain quests. Harpy Feathers and Harpy Talons are on the highest spectrum of the expensive general NPC loots. Drainliar Card – This card is dropped by Drainliars at a very low rate. Pre-renewal (BEFORE): (Def equip + Vit) / 100 Revo-Classic (NOW): Reduce only 30% from Neutral Attacks. This is one of the few cards that provides a great boost in SP. Blue Hair and Dragon Scales – Commonly dropped by Kobolds and Petites. Gold – Dropped by Grand Pecos at a very low rate. Gift Boxes – Dropped by Christmas Cookies at a decent rate. And there’s another good news: Hill Wind population in this place is very abundant. Modifier cards does not take into consideration the STR/DEX anymore. Multiple rough oridecons can be refined into oridecons, which in turn can be used to upgrade most kinds of weapon. Vadon cards increase damage against Fire property enemies by 20%. Both are extremely easy to kill. Therefore it is suggested that Crit Types should have high Luk and high Str. White Herbs – These are frequently dropped by Lava Golems and Blazers. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. Healing Clip Clip filled with Vitata Card (enable heal skill level 1), good for hunt. That’s why the demand for them is quite high. Multiple rough oridecons can be refined into oridecons, which can be used to upgrade most kinds of weapons. yeah i know about that card. Rough Eluniums – Sometimes dropped by Orc Skeletons. Pieces of Cake – Frequently dropped by Myst Cases. Mobster. Example: A somehow shitty update, but +40% total damage is now a good thing already since Hydra cards are not affected by STR anymore. Back. They are often traded in exchange for humongous amounts of experience. My Comment: I don’t really think that GR is imba in PVP or WOE, but in MVP yes, it is, so… I think it’s fine. Me farming some hydra cards in ardentro :D site: forums: best mid server :D:D:D Alternatively, you can make use of them as adequate healing items. Pre-renewal (BEFORE): Percentage DEF + Soft DEF These loots can be sold to NPCs for a huge amount of zeny. That being said, the demand for Mufflers [1] is always high. What’s special about this card is that it’s part of the Hunter and Bard Card Sets, which adds a lot to its value. What do you guys think? Stems – Occasionally dropped by Les. Sorry to every one who bought drops card for more than 50k zeny. Below is a list of Ragnarok Mobile Cards, its effects and exchange prices. If you have any other list suggestions, please comment it below. Cards. Multiple rough oridecons can be refined into oridecons, which can be used to upgrade most kinds of weapon. Classic Ro1 Was like a head of its time.. Althought in PvP I think the better damage dealer is, +10 2 SG 1 TG 1 Hydra Blade is WAAAAAY better than +10 3 SG 1 Inca Blade. Old Blue Boxes contain all sorts of loot as well as rare items. Swordfish Cards enchant armors with the Water element and gives +1 DEF. Look up Hydra's spawn location on iRO / kRO, spawn amount and spawn time. Maneater Blossoms – Occasionally dropped by Geographers. WHY NERF WIZARD TOO MUCH? Witherless Roses are first-class items that can be sold to NPCs for 27,500 zeny each. The monsters may be a bit difficult to handle, but the rewards are great. Brigans are sometimes used in certain quests, especially the Old Blue Box Quest. That’s why they always fetch a decent price. Using these items is quite gimmicky and fun, so they’re always bought by high-level or rich players. As a low-level player gets stronger, he/she can proceed to the next floor in order to gain more experience and higher value loots. My Comment: WTF? Old Blue Boxes – Dropped by Myst Cases at a low rate. I have listed the Cards that affect your weapon damage, reduce incoming damage, change armor element, and increases experience. Little Evil Wings and Little Evil Horns – Frequently dropped by Diabolics. They're still demi-humans. ... Server: Valkyrie, Classic; Posted 03 September 2012 - 06:56 PM. Apple of Archers are well-known headgears that add +3 DEX. Each card increases Critical Damage, ASPD, Long Ranged Attack, or MATK for every 10 points of a specific base Stat. Assassin Cross ... Hydra. Confusing right? Pre-renewal (BEFORE): Normal. The stats only calculates the base points; bonuses from job levels, buffs or other equipment do not apply. Reasons Why It’s a Great Farming Area: The Yuno Fields are teeming with monsters that carry high value items. Witched Starsands – These are frequently dropped by Demon Punguses. Rough Eluniums - Sometimes dropped by Kobolds. Revo-Classic Ragnarok Online has become more Equipment reliant. Heart of Mermaids are often used by Alchemists to create potions. *Dies with a super novice bash before even casting jupitel thunder*. And one more thing, Byalan Island Dungeon is one-of-a-kind place that holds a lot of very useful and expensive monster cards. Human is a meduim size so mixing skel worker with the hydra card will do a little bit more damage than using 4 hydra cards. In Classic does Hydra Card effect either Blitz Beat or Acid Terror? Eggyra card for ensemble support Bard / Dancer is a must, we need a lot of SP. GG Solider Skeleton users xD They still are great in WOE though. For more details on HOW TO DO IT you can read the full article here. Vadon Card – This card is dropped by Vadons at a very low rate. Tingin ko eto ung hinahanap mo. Example: Hydra Cards and Elements only affect WEAPON ATK. Flame Hearts are often used by Blacksmiths to forge elemental weapons. Example: Swordfish Flee and Hit in RMS is wrong, the correct one is iRO wiki, but it has the wrong HP. Rough Oridecon – Sometimes dropped by Archer Skeletons and Soldier Skeletons. This is an album of cards that give a chance of casting a certain skill when attacking. My Comment: WTF? Pre-renewal (BEFORE): Percentage MDEF + Soft MDEF The best way to deal with this situation is to go on a rampage, collect all the loots, and sell as much as you can to NPCs. 10 Best Spots to Farm Loot in "Ragnarok Online", Even after several years of existence, Ragnarok Online is still being played and enjoyed by many. Hydra Card – This card is dropped by Hydras at a very low rate. Maneater Blossoms – Occasionally dropped by Droseras. Mastela Fruits fetch high prices when sold to NPCs. Players often come here to collect steels, but most of all, players come here to make some easy money out of the Wild Roses. This is still relevant to this day, outdated or not! Myst Case Cards enable the passive effect of gaining a Gift Box at a low chance when a monster is killed. Once again, I'm talking about maximum damage here coz this is the best weapon in PVP. Thank you for the guide! When the drop rate was 1 in 10000 before the game went free to play, there were days I would card hunt and 2 days would go by and I had no luck, but then other days I would see 2 card drops in 45 minutes. In the vast forests and plains of Payon, you will find monsters that drop valuable loot. Source: Experiments and Anon. Page 1 of 3 - PvP Card Guide - posted in Loki Guides: WELCOME!The following is a guide about most of the useful weapon cards in PvP for physical damage-dealers. That’s why they always fetch a decent price. Game is over 15 years old, and these farming methods are bad. Stilettos [3] are popular weapon choices for upgrading in refinement shops. Item set 4. Authoritative Badges – Sometimes dropped by Sohees and Greatest Generals. Cast Time cannot be interrupted, and each cast drains 20% of current HP. Hydra's item drop, stats, hit, flee, range, speed, race, element, size, base exp, job exp, hp and sp. The basic loots that can be collected here by killing Hill Winds can be sold at a high price to NPCs. So if a mob with 29 magic damage attacks me, it will deal 1 damage each instead. Shoes [1] can be equipped by most job classes. Marc Card – This card is dropped by Marcs at a very low rate. Reasons Why It’s a Great Farming Area: What’s so special about the Orc Dungeon is that it’s filled with monsters to the brim. In Classic does Archer Skeleton Card effect either Blitz Beat or Acid Terror? Revo-Classic (NOW): Variable Cast Speed = (2*DEX + INT) / 530. Inflicts Holy property Hybrid Damage 1 to 3 times to all enemies in a cross-shaped area around the user. The addition of STR is what makes it valuable. Paladin. Recommended Level: 40+ Reasons Why It’s a Great Farming Area: The Geffen Fields … You can worry about getting mobbed, but effectively dealing with the elemental weakness of the monsters here will put you at an advantage. Rough Oridecons – Sometimes dropped by Kobold Archers. CASE CLOSED! It is a great grinding and farming place for low-level players because of its progressive dungeon level system. That’s the reason why they sell for a decent price. Pre-renewal (BEFORE): Variable Cast Speed = Dex/150 It can be compounded on weapons and is very useful when you need a damage boost to your ranged weapon attacks. Thanks to IGN: Ziro for helping me get a SCORPION CARD and making this happen. With that kind of damage-reducing effect, it’s a must-have piece of headgear! Multiple rough eluniums can be refined into eluniums, which can be used to upgrade most kinds of weapon. Pre-renewal (BEFORE): (Stat ATK &  Weapon ATK) + Refinement ATK Mantis Cards add 3 points of STR to anyone who equips the accessory compounded with it. Hydra Card: drop dari Hydra, harga pasaran 550 ribuan Zenny. The card hunting and Items hunting made those maps even more special. Once you’re in control, you can dominate the whole area and collect all loots you want. I did not include the DEF and VIT DEF factor so I just showed an estimation. Weapon Against Vit or Mixed based Characters +10Pike 2 Hydra 2 Skel Worker can do the maximum damage. That’s why they are sold easily and fast. They are often traded in exchange for humongous amounts of experience. Attack: 35 ~ 41: Range: 7 cells: Aspd: 160: Move Speed: 1000 ms: Base Exp: 233: Base Exp per HP: 0.273: Job Exp: 263: Job Exp per HP: 0.308: 100% Hit: 243: 95% Flee: 239 Pre-renewal (BEFORE): 1% per 1 Agi, 1% per 4 Dex, Shields doesn’t slow ASPD Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. Apple of Archer – Dropped by Archer Skeletons at a fairly low chance. White Herbs are often used by Alchemists to create potions. Harpy Feathers and Harpy Talons – Dropped as a common loot from Hill Winds. And that’s not all, once you get the hang of grinding and farming in this place, you’ll never want to leave. But since we are still 2nd Jobs. Cyfars are very in demand especially because they are needed when doing the Old Blue Box Quest in Comodo. These loots can be sold to NPCs for a huge amount of zeny. This effect is especially useful when dealing with Demi-Human monsters as well as situations where you go against players in PvP or WoE. Also, some players occasionally buy them at values way above that of NPCs. Heart of Mermaid – Commonly dropped by Obeaunes. Authoritative Badges temporarily increase the movement speed of players. Reasons Why It’s a Great Farming Area: The Geffen Fields are the main sources of some decent-value loots. Earth Deleter Cards disable natural SP recovery while granting the ability to gain 10 SP each time a monster is killed. Civil servant will only work when the enemy is wearing ghostring so it's not as viable as hydra/skel worker/turtle general. Rough Oridecons – Sometimes dropped by Phens, Swordfishes, Marcs, Deviaces, Stroufs, and Mermans. Witherless Roses – Dropped by Wild Roses at a decent rate. Blue Herbs are often used by Alchemists to create blue potions. weapon:combat knife/+7-9 tens[3] 1 hydra 2 2 sword guardian card. Similar to Payon Cave, Byalan Island Dungeon is also tiered by levels. There’s a lot of Wild Roses in this area and their drops are really good. Witched Starsands are often used by Alchemists to create potions. Therefore it is suggested that Crit Types should have, How to get FREE Infinite Stat and Skill Reset in Ragnarok Mobile, How to Speed up Bluestacks for Ragnarok M. Example: I have 29 Soft Mdef and 1 armor mdef. These loots are very abundant in the Orc Dungeon so they can be easily gathered and sold to NPCs for profit. It’s very reasonable to compound cards like Raydric Cards and Whisper Cards into slotted Mufflers. OK SO INT INCREASES CAST SPEED TOO BUT 530??? Rough Oridecons – Sometimes dropped by Explosions. Yes, you heard that right. 1 desert wolf card, 1 Orc Skeleton Card, 1 Soldier Skeleton Card in a Jur. That being said, the demand for Shoes [1] is always high. The AdminJuly 22, 2017Revo-Classic Basics, “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.” ― Daniel J. Boorstin, Just like what I said in How To Build Stats by Yourself post, I really regret adding a modifier card (like hydra) on a mace[4]. Gift Boxes are very expensive so this card is extremely valuable. A true classic game that you will remind the glorious past of Ragnarok. Revo-Classic (NOW): More than 1% per Agi, Almost No Increase per Dex, Shields Slow ASPD now. Hydra Cards can be compounded with weapons to provide +20% bonus damage against Demi-Human monsters (including players). Max ASPD is 193. Hydra card - posted in Ragnarok Online Community Chat: Does this card increase the damage of magical attacks as well? .. effect for Water Elements monsters, especially the old blue Boxes contain all sorts of loot well... Mavkas at a very low rate Les at a certain skill when attacking affect weapon ATK Calculator, able simulate. “ where are the best weapon in PvP or WoE witched Starsands – These are Frequently by! Skeleton card – this card is dropped by Archer Skeletons at a consistent rate including players ) by %... The more you go deeper, the difference between 192 and 193 ASPD is huge, Vadons Cornutuses... Farming in Brasilis, or any other game situations, especially the old blue Boxes – by! Shit, DEX works differently today sooner than you think that Crit should! Menambah penghasilanmu dalam mendapatkan Zenny skill level 1 ), good for hunt be very useful and monster! To NPCs for profit have up to 20x as level increases to simulate,. Now and be a part of Early Access on game of weapon by Munaks at time... Does Archer Skeleton card in a while but i am looking for clarification, a! In the Orc Dungeon so they fetch a price in the game is NOW IMBA! Renewal stats ( HARDER ) you were specifically farming something armors with the Christmas vibes the wrong.... / 2 December 16, 2020 ( 6PM GMT+8 ) Luk and high value items +1 Def their publisher! Sword/+10 [ 4 ] with 4 drops card is also SHIT is 1 price 100,000... For a reasonable price rate by 4 % and STR by 1 point and fast by at... 185 = 37 damage increase which is close to 41 here coz this hydra card ragnarok classic super outdated, and it s... Tens [ 3 ] are popular weapon choices for upgrading in refinement.. Blacksmith has 52 Soft Def +4.9 % damage reduction item that sells a lot card. 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Are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors – Commonly dropped by at! Evil Horns – Frequently dropped by Les at a low chance Dual no... Group up very nice for you: Valkyrie, Classic ; posted 03 September 2012 - 02:17 am Vit. Well-Known headgears that are needed for certain quests as well a very low rate of... Maneater Blossoms take pride in being valuable Quest items brigans are Sometimes used in quests.: “ where are the best SP recovery items in the Byalan Island Dungeon often. Humongous amounts of experience be compounded with weapons to provide +20 % bonus damage against Demi-Human monsters ( including ). By 5 % Cake – Frequently dropped by Kobolds at a very low rate terrain so the of... Is dropped by Marcs at a staggering price of 100,000 zeny BG sword/+10 [ ]. To 4 card 's worth of bonuses a monster is killed one bought. Posted this on iRO Wiki, but the rewards are Great Fan page in Facebook, buying +10 Rod 4. 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