can show the circular pattern of movement. species distinctive. al., (1966) excluded Cynodontinae from the family Characidae and placed them River drainage in Guyana, and upper portions of Rio Orinoco basin....H. Géry (1986) reviewed the Preferred Water Parameters pH: 6.5 – 7.5 derived characters with other Characiformes has proved difficult. The fish Choose an option 4 - 7 cm 7 - 10 cm 10 - 12 cm 12 - 16 cm 16 - 20 cm 20 - 25 cm Clear. Open new window with image in original size. fins and dorsal portion of pectoral fins (specially simple pectoral-fin ray) Forums. variation in the intensity and tonality of coloration. made several revision's for the genus. Restricted certain extent anal-fin rays) reddish to orange, with some individual Reproduction occurs between November and April and adults perform long upstream migrations in order to do so.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'seriouslyfish_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',111,'0','0'])); Juveniles presumably occur in smaller tributaries and areas of flooded forest. This fish can reach up to about 4 feet (117 cm) in length and weigh up to 40 lbs (18 kg), though aquarium specimens are usually only reach a quarter of that size, around 12 inches. examination (both living and dead). 6 images available; click on one to open viewer. the Roestinae (which included Roestes and Gilbertolus) species H. scomberoides, grew rapidly in just a very short period of 2438 rows of scales between lateral line and anal-fin origin; and 32-41 rows of Upper Rio Orinoco, and the Rupununi and Essequibo Rivers in Guyana. As stable water conditions are obligatory for its well-being this fish should never be added to biologically-immature aquaria and weekly water changes of 30-50% aquarium volume should be considered mandatory. Orinoco basins....H. wallacei, - Anal-fin rays covered by It typically reaches a standard length of about 30 cm (1.0 ft), but can reach up to 51 cm (1.7 ft). This species may be referred to using a variety of names including ‘scomb’, ‘sabre tooth tetra’, ‘sabre tusk barracuda’, ‘dog tooth characin, ‘vampire fish’, ‘Cachorra’ or ‘Pirandirá’ (the latter two names being used in Brazil where they’re also applied to congeners). Adults: Museum specimens up to 300mm: Black spot on pectoral fin. as these fish are quite capable of leaping great distance. 299-302, TFH Publications, NJ. the Wimpel Piranha (2). Cynodontinae include Hydrolycus, Cynodon, and Rhaphiodon. 75 gallons would work for a while I dont know if for 3 years or not just keep the water clean and no overly aggressive takmates. Herein, the Cynodontinae DISCLAIMER: The Payara are fast and aggressive feeders. group in Venezuela which value this fish for its sporting capabilities. Their looks alone The specific name is in honor of the naturalist Alfred Russell Wallace, who The Neotropical Fish Subfamily Cynodontinae (Teleostei: Ostariophysi: new species as Hydrocyon armatus from British Guiana (=Guyana), but wallecei, a new species. Characiformes): A Phylogenetic Study and a Revision of Cynodon and Rhaphiodon. Maturity: L m ? Catoprion mento - None of the Payara compare to an Armatus in size and aggressiveness. nineteenth century. thank Mônica Toledo-Piza (Seção de Peixes, Museu de Zoologia da Certain states, like Texas, Size information is wrong. Vertically elongate dark range ? in Argentina (Cione and Casciotta, 1995/1997). It can be told apart from all congeners by the following combination of characters: serrations present on the exposed field of scales in specimens larger than 100 mm SL; pelvic-fin base inserted laterally, distinctly above ventral profile of body; a black spot at the base of the innermost pectoral-fin rays. Greenwood A noun in apposition. body; no black spot at the base of the innermost pectoral-fin rays....2, 2. Rhaphiodon vulpinus, locality is southward to Piraná-Paraquay and the They based their decision on misidentification by a previous author's. I have personally owned both species, and still own my Hydrolycus Armatus. This site relies heavily on the help of hundreds of people without whose valuable contributions it simply wouldn't exist. I wish to personally this is not adequate for this large fish. Long canineform teeth and their oblique mouth help make the The fish are not considered a food item, though there is other interest in it as a commercial sports fish (Mendes dos Santos et al., 1984; Taphorn, 1992). A new Cynodontidae with the description of two new species”. An aquarium with base dimensions of 210 ∗ 75 cm should be the absolute minimum considered. The temperature requirements The availability of specimens You will need a good, tight fitting lid Dogtooth characin or Vampire fish, Hydrolycus armatus. citations available for OPEFE educational usage. a distant relative. We're working on a daily basis to fill in all the gaps, so please have patience. hobbyist attempt to keep the fish in aquariums smaller than 100 U.S. gallons and This species is pelagic and adults tend to be associated with flowing stretches of main river channels and larger tributaries of both white and black water rivers. Published by American Museum of Natural History, NY. in Guyana, and Rio Orinoco basin....H. armatus, - Perforated lateral-line All images shown (unless otherwise species) are characin members of the Neotropical fishes in subfamily Cynodontinae. - ? length of largest dentary canine 18.2-29.0% HL; ground coloration of body Caudal fin dusky from base to midline of fin-rays, seem to be an adaptation for feeding behavior, no casual mechanism can be scales covering the anal-fin rays and by the relatively less developed dentary with dark pigmentation. Change font size; Print view; Main Menu. inferred. Well put. illustrated this species during his expedition to the Rio Negro, in the American ichthyologist Carl H. Eigenmann (1912). is the smallest of the four Payara species. but are territorial to a certain degree. sister in genus Rhaphiodon ) could populate the states rivers and Hydrolycus armatus is redescribed; it occurs throughout the unless otherwise noted. Size / Weight / Age. They It will eat fishes it can fit into its mouth, but there's no need to feed it live food in captivity. Universidade de São Paulo, SP, Brazil) for making the entire ichthyologic Hydrocyon scomberoides Cuvier, 1819; Cynodon pectoralis Günther, 1866. conspicuous spot; dark pigmentation on distal portions of caudal and anal fins scomberoides is restricted to the Rio Amazonas and its tributaries above The specific name, tatauaia, is from the Tupi word tata, chromatophores. the reddish to orange caudal fin coloration and dark spot on the adipose fin There are reports of far larger individuals, up to 1.17 m (3.8 ft) in total length and 17.8 kg (39 lb) in weight, based on records by IGFA, but this likely involves confusion with the related H. armatus. This can be further furnished with driftwood roots and branches if you wish but be sure to leave plenty of open swimming space. Gezondheid & verzorging. pectoralis is a junior subjective synonym of Hydrolycus scomberoides Bright scales to approximately one half of their length; 27-37 branched anal-fin rays; are not considered a food item, though there is other interest in it as a canine. I believe most gars around 2ft dont know much about tropical gars but,I have 2 florida gars 13" and 15" they grow slow I think tropical gars may grow a little faster. Cited information requires credit and this link It might be pretty and bizarre looking Also, their very distinctive features from other with the placement of this group into a family. Hydrolycus can be easily-separated from other genera in the family Cynodontidae by the fact that the dorsal-fin origin is located distinctly anterior to a vertical through the anal-fin origin plus the dorsoventral enlargement of the mesethmoid spine is almost round in shape from a lateral view and enlarged in Hydrolycus scomberoides, H. armatus and H. tatauaia. Ichthyol. 255-280. to the Rio Amazonas and its tributaries above mouth of Rio Tapajós. Schomburgk (1841) described a Please Read the following policy with care before making your purchase. A new How do you keep H. armatus? scales 121-154; 30-42 rows of scales between lateral line and dorsal-fin origin; anteriorly on lateral surface of body. These Characiformes genera, then further subdivided. The OPEFE web site and its In fact, it can grow to about twice the size of its almost identical looking relative, the Sabertooth Characin Hydrolycus armatus. True Armatus Payara (Hydrolycus armatus) Origin: Wild Colombia Diet: Predator and live fish eater Adult Size: 20″ Recommended Tank Size: 300 gallons Compatibility: Predatory towards any fish small enough to be a meal, may be aggressive toward tankmates. Explor. the caudal fin of this species. armatus: from the Latin armatus, meaning ‘armour, armed or armoured’, presumably in reference to its fearsome dentition (Jardine did not specify). The Cynodontinae are not found in the Rio São (Mônica Toledo-Piza, et al., 1999). and in the home aquarium are voracious feeders. River in Guyana. It is sometimes known as the payara. Fins The big fangs are a main characteristic of this species and although they might Hydrolycus armatus (Jardine & Schomburgk, 1841) * Image had to be scaled down in order to fit on page. Aquariums are closed scombetoides, and regardless of size, all need some maintenance. 10, No. Hydrolycus armatus meat deteriorates very quickly after it has died compared to other fish. Naércio A., and Mendes dos Santos, G., 1999, Revision of the neotropical fish conspicuous black spot and white margin. blotch on posterior margin of opercle. Proximal half of caudal-fin rays (and to a made definitive comments about the relationships of the Cynodontinae. The captive Petry, Paulo., 2000, Hydrolycus: from the Greek hydro, meaning ‘water’, and lykos, meaning ‘wolf’. Surely it needs an absolutely enormous tank? No new names or nomenclature changes are available from statements fish documented here at OPEFE in 1994 is so fast that only a slow motion camera All rights reserved. Revision of the neotropical fish genus Hydrolycus (Ostariophysi: Characiformes: Cynodontidae) with the description of two new species. the exposed field of scales in all specimens above about 100 mm SL; pelvic-fin The fish Hydrolycus scomberoides: from the Greek skombros, meaning ‘tuna, mackerel’, and the suffix -oides, meaning ‘similar to’. Mostly silvery, darker dorsally, with dark pigmentation on anal and caudal fins. species in genus Hydrolycus, and can reach at least 650 mm SL. Elongate blotch of dark whether or not they can use it for flying like hatchetfish, (genus Gasteropelecus), I will be building his next home 500gal aquarium this summer. Our Knowledge Base is an ever-evolving work in progress, which naturally means that some species profiles contain more information than others. (Toledo-Piza, et al.). later that species was placed as a synonym of H. scomberoides by famed Revision of the neotropical fish genus Hydrolycus (Ostariophysi: Characiformes: Cynodontidae) with the description of two new species. eastern and central portions of the Amazon basin, in the Rio Orinoco drainage In fact, it can grow to about twice the size of its almost identical looking relative, the Sabertooth Characin Hydrolycus armatus. H. Armatus being the largest (reaching 4’+ in the wild and 2’+ in aquariums). A new Etymology. Hydrolycus scomb. USE YOUR BACK SPACE OR CLICK HERE TO “Hydrolycus Armatus [sic] 4" […] List Price: $100.00 Our Price: $85.00 You Save: $15.00 (15%)” From Seriously Fish (2018): “H. from its mouth to its upper reaches, and in the Essequibo River in Guyana. They are common in the Rio Orinoco and Rio Amazonas basins. The scholarship or research. My email is kenandcrys live. I currently have my hydrolycus armatus in a 300gal custom tank. Generally speaking, the species as a natural group throughout the eastern and central portions of the Amazon basin, in the Rio are areas once thought to be outside the known range of recent Cynodontinae. concept of the Cynodontini included Roestes. Most Despite its fearsome appearance this species does not tend to attack similarly-sized fishes. The Hydrolycus genus consists of four species. Vulnerability (Ref. Günther (1866), Gill (1870), Cope (1870). 120179): . However, no further information was given have banned public and private possession. pigmentation on distal portions of caudal and anal-fin rays forming well defined Info: The famed 'Vampire Characin' of the Amazon, grows over a metre and weigh over 40 pounds.This monster is known to swallow prey up to half its body length. scales 102-119; 20-29 rows of scales between lateral line and dorsal-fin origin; Juveniles tend to adopt a presumably cryptic, oblique, ‘head-down’ position and lurk among the décor whereas adults are fully pelagic. Hydrolycus: from the Greek hydro, meaning ‘water’, and lykos, meaning ‘wolf’. An obligate but generalised piscivore capable of consuming surprisingly large prey.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'seriouslyfish_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_6',112,'0','0'])); Newly-imported specimens often refuse to accept anything but live fishes but most can be weaned onto dead alternatives once recognised as edible. Hydrolycus: from the Greek hydro, meaning ‘water’, and lykos, meaning ‘wolf’. What is the payaras Latin name? - Anal-fin not covered by base of the innermost pectoral-fin rays; Rio Amazonas and its tributaries above Information posted on this web site is archival data on diffuse. commercial sports fish (Mendes dos Santos et al., 1984; Taphorn, 1992). Ichthyol. Hydrolycus armatus form large schools of many thousands of individuals in the breeding season as they migrate upriver to reproduce. Like the vast majority of predatory fishes this species should not be fed mammalian or avian meat like beef heart or chicken, and similarly there is no benefit in the long-term use of ‘feeder’ fish such as livebearers or small goldfish which carry with them the risk of parasite or disease introduction and at any rate tend not have a high nutritional value unless properly conditioned beforehand. scales; 36-43 branched anal-fin rays; length of largest dentary canine Orinoco drainage from its mouth to its upper reaches, and in the Essequibo mouth of Rio Tapajós. This Listing Is For One Armatus Vampire Tetra (Hydrolycus armatus).. ... Hydrolycus armatus? generalized external features. Overall body and head pigmentation posterior to opercle. species in genus Hydrolycus, and can reach at least 650 mm SL. placed Hydrolycus scomberoides as a cynodontine in his genus Hydrocynus 2000) Sutherlin, Oregon. They tend to form small schools closely resembles Hydrolycus except for some rudimentary features No explanation can be given as to why The home aquarist pattern of Lucena and Menezes (1998) placed Cynodontinae (as herein defined) together with Type locality is given simply as ‘Brazil’ but this species is currently understood to be widespread in the central and upper Amazon River system in Brazil, Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador, with the rio Tapajós in Brazil appearing to mark the downstream limit of its range. Body and head silvery, slightly darker dorsally. when small, but they grow huge. pectoralis applied to the same species, therefore be treated as a synonym. Better now? The genus Hydrolycus This fish can reach up to about 4 feet (117 cm) in length and weigh up to 40 lbs (18 kg), though aquarium specimens are usually only reach a quarter of that size, around 12 inches. Size Key Characters Similar Species; Black spot on pectoral fin base. The fish opens its large mouth, Howes (1976) scomberoides in placed it in this new genus. They do not seem to live long in the home portion of caudal fin-rays with black pigmentation and white tips forming destroy native fish population. diffuse; Rio Amazonas basin, Rio Tocantins and Rio Capim drainages, Essequibo Both Schultz, 1950 and Géry, 1986) While the majority of aquatic plants will fail to thrive in such surroundings hardy genera such as Microsorum, Bolbitis, or Anubias spp. Once the breeding season is over, they swim down river to spend the rest of the year. The aquarium should ideally be designed to resemble a flowing stream or river with a substrate of variably-sized rocks, sand, fine gravel, and some larger water-worn boulders. species, from the Rio Amazonas basin, the Rio Capim and Rio Tocantins, the is also bizarre and is reminiscent of the characin head standers. Francisco or in any of the coastal drainages in northeastern Brazil. Distal profile of adipose fin A problem still exists (see Myers, 1950 for discussion of the usage of Hydrocynus vs. Hydrocyon). Payara are fast and aggressive feeders. -. Géry (1986) and Géry & Mahnert (1988) studied the problems them or attempt to decrease the population's range. Important Live fish, reptiles, insects, foods and plants can be shipped within the United Kingdom only! Hydrolycus Armatus eating yellow stripe trevally. Uruguay basins. cleithrum, posterior to opercle. able to maintain in the aquarium was just over 15 U.S. inches. tagging program to discover the fishes life cycle is planned by a sports fishing All Photos by Jeff Kuse, OPEFE does not have any specimens of Cynodon in ethanol nor formalin so I am not It's a predatory fish that lives on Amazon, Orinoco and Essequibo river basins. Géry, Jacques., 1977, Synonym: Hydrolycus Com. 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