You need to check your hemogram. A slate pencil was used to write on the slate board. v, Good to consult a doctor.. Please avoid eating it and meet a nearby Gynecologist. if nutritional course is ruled out, you will need to be treated by drugs like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or behavior therapy (habit reversal therapy specifically). ...  It is a treatable disorder Read More, Asked for Female, 20 Years I have a habit of eating slate pencils. Eat a balanced diet . 1608 Views Read More, Asked for Female, 20 Years Read More, Asked for Female, 20 Years If still you eat slate pencils then stop it. Meet a dietitian for advise . v, Hi, I unable to control eating slate pencil Read More, Asked for Male, 26 Years I have craving for slate penicil in 8th month of pregnancy and i am eating 5 to 6 in a it harmful?? I love eating slate chalks which blood test is required to know the proper medice to start so that I stop eating slate chalks, I can't stop eating slate pens...I get acidity very day is there any medicine available so that I stop eating slate pens, Hi one of my friend have is eating slate pencil & raw rice since 11 years &she consume daily 1 box of slate pencil & 250gm of raw rice & she is 24 year so kindly suggest best solution to get cure from this to her & now she is getting married whether she will be able to conceive baby in future or not as she is consuming a lot, Hello I understand your concern 143 Views 15 Views Take online consultation directly for Ayurveda medications remedies diet lifestyle correct, Kindly stop eating slate pencils at the earliest as it can cause multiple problems, this is a very harmful habit and kindly stop it at once. 4.0 out of 5 stars 88. Eat a balanced diet . ... For this reason, London Drugs requires 3 to 5 business days to have the item(s) shipped to that location. v, Asked for Female, 30 Years 30 Views Iron deficiency anemia patient will have habit of eating them don't eat clay in heavy quantity or you'll regret later like I'm doing, I need suggestion on how to stop eating slate pencils. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition. 235 Views WHITE SLATE PENCILS, CUT FROM NATURAL STONE. A variety of underlying causes can lead to chalk eating addiction such as: Doc You may then consult your physician in case of deficiency. Kindly give suggestions. ...  v, You might be having worms or calcium deficiency ,go for stool test and calcium.share your reports What should I do? 21 Views slate pencils.I had one slate pencil daily. Store and protect your Apple Pencil with this LAUT PENCIL CASE. v, Get a psychiatric opinion for OCD behaviour ( Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ) may b the problem . Accordingly, iron tablets and calcium supplements would be started. The underlying cause is often deficiency of minerals such as iron, zinc and calcium. I am eating slate pencils some times.i don't know why am doing this funny thing.can u ple help me out fro, I want to eat alot of slate pencil It's feel so yummy and comfortable by eating slate pencil I unable to, I am 25yrs old ,i am eating lot and lots of slate pencils and i couldn't control it,if i stopped eating f. I have been eating slate pencil and raw rice for a long time If given a option of panipuri and slate pencils I will choose slate pencils for sure. Read More, Asked for Female, 28 Years Hi, I love to eat slate pencils, earthy items. is eating all these can effect on growing height..?? Eyeshadow Stick, Waterproof Eyeshadow, Eyeshadow Glitter, Eyeshadow Pencil, Ultra Pigmented Makeup Eye Shadow Powder Long Lasting Eye Shadow Pen Set 10 Colors 3.8 out of 5 stars 1,243 $20.99 If you want to get notified by every reply to your post, please register. 655 Views Folate levels These tests will confirm the underlying deficiency. I'm vineela and my age is 24. This is a cause and also a sign of a disease. Mental Disorder- Most of the times, pica is associated with some kind of mental health condition or mental disorder. I was eating slate pencils since 7th class now iam graduated eating one slate pencil box per day. It's quite possible that she is piling all garbage in her intestine leading to blockage Ya truly.. and surprisingly this is a Very first positive post for me too which I read till now about eating slate pencils. I love to eat them as stress busters during. 14 Views It's become redies on the top of my pencil head. tarte Eyeliner Pencils Includes 3 pencils : Slate-Midnight Plum-Copper New Unboxed PillPack by Amazon Pharmacy. or an abnormal appetite for some things that may be considere ANJANI ...  Swivel up only 1/8-inch (pencil does not retract to avoid exposing formula to air, which is drying). v, You need proper evaluation and treatment regarding supplements too. Slate pencils mainly contain chalk and clay (Kaolin or shale) - this is one of the commonest cravings. You need to check your hemogram. ...  Please check your hemoglobin Slate pencils are harmful and affects longt erm. Is it harmful to eat slate pencil, I … ...  It was made from a … what i should do after eating a slate pencils I ate slate pencils I am eating slate pencils I need suggestion on how to stop eating slate pencils. Could you please help. Sometimes this, You might be having worms or calcium deficiency ,go for stool test and calcium.share your reports. v, Check your Hemoglobin. Even now I want to eat it. then i... View answer. v, Your friend is in which city ?? Read More, Asked for Female, 25 Years I have been eating slate pencils for 3 yrs. Read More, Asked for Female, 17 Years 5 surprising facts about pregnancy cravings, First Clinical Study On Consuming Placenta Shows No Benefit In Increasing Iron Levels, 5 Most Important Minerals And Vitamins For Arthritis Patients, 9 Ways Eating Disorders Weaken Your Immune System, Natural Iron Supplements: Bring Your Hemoglobin and Red Blood Cell Count Levels Up to Normal. Read More, Asked for Male, 21 Years 1030 Views I agree with above comments. 5980円 ヴァルモン VALMONT エクスパート オブ ライト クラリファイングパック 50ml ( コスメ ),メイベリン ファッションブロウ パレット BR-3 明るい茶色,仏具5点セット 五具足 アマレット・ロッソ 真鍮 モダン仏具 純国産,デミ コンポジオ EQ … Hi, I love to eat slate pencils, earthy items. You will need to be treated by drugs like selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or behavior therapy (habit reversal therapy specifically) which will be helpful. v, Dude...She can land up in big problem.. Get a USG whole abdomen done.. Eating slate pencils is definitely not healthy and can cause gastrointestinal problem later on. How to stop myself from eating ice cubes? Can you please suggest how to control eating slate pencil, I want to eat alot of slate pencil She needs proper evaluation and blood tests.. Vintage Pencil Lot Pentech Yogi Bear Say No to Drugs Collectible Set of 22. I am eating one box per week. Your mo, It can be sexually transmitted Infection or allergy, If you're unable to stop yourself i would advise taking help from a psychiatrist and have this habit stopped as it can lead to severe health problems. Mental health is just as important as physical he I can't concentrate on any other things if slate pencils are not there. Read More, Asked for Female, 35 Years Yes it can be. Please provide me the details of solutuon to it as soon possible. Doc, Hello, it is good thing that you are seeking help here. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. Can you tell me treatment options for pica eating disorder? We have many good homeopathic medicines for pica(habit of eating slate pencil,chalk,wall scraping etc) to treat it completely from the root itself without any sideffec, Pica is a medical disorder characterized by an appetite for largely non-nutritive substances (e.g., coal, soil, feces, chalk, paper, etc.) Read More. You may then consult your physician in case of deficiency. ...  ...  Free shipping . v, There is no test for it some have this abnormal cravings for chalks mud paint ect The best tablets in 2021 are incredible things, as powerful as PCs and as convenient as phones. v, Vineela, don't worry for that, you are having certain deficiency of food ingredients like calcium, iron & carbohydrates, that leads you to the craving of taking the same or nearly as same. Need to use the toilet every few hours. These can be done easily in medical college hospitals.. $12.50 $ 12. ...  Desiring more and more everyday to eat slate pencil. I m eating slate pencils since dec 2017 n now i have a habit of eating n eat almost 7 to 8 pencils daily please sugguest for ..... leaving it ... Iam not getting pregnant can say wht the problem and if i eat slate pencil or khadi is any side effects for pregnancy plzz help me. Daily box is required. What are pencil lead the drug . Read More, Asked for Female, 25 Years So, for the best advise specific to you, I need to know some important medical history.Hence i suggest you to consult me online inst, Take online consultation directly for Ayurveda medications and correction in diet lifestyle to overcome these problems permently.. edwardcejka323089 91 Views Calcium levels 3. 34471 Views You are suffering from a disorder called ' PICA '. 80 Views ...  639 Views v, Pica is a medical disorder characterized by an appetite for largely non-nutritive substances (e.g., coal, soil, feces, chalk, paper, etc.) v, Hello I understand your concern Read More, Asked for Female, 18 Years This craving subsides whenever I focus on health and take iron supplements. My sister is eating slate pencils and chalk pieces since when she is at age 15 years now she is 19 years old and she is eating raw rice also...she is not listening whatever we says... Read More, Asked for Female, 24 Years ...  Zinc levels 4. It usually associated with low iron levels. what i should do after eating a slate pencils, Is it harmful to eat slate pencil, I consume 20-30 of them. In the nineteenth century, schoolchildren used slates to practice handwriting and arithmetic without wasting precious paper. v, It can be sexually transmitted Infection or allergy Directions. 272 Views Answered by : Dr. Ashish Mittal ( Psychiatrist) ... Am soujanya,sir from past 4 years my friend having bad habit of eating slatepencils One box daily.She turned like a drugs patient.Am affraide about her health and Her body always very ... View answer. China Slate Pencil, China Slate Pencil Suppliers and Manufacturers Directory - Source a Large Selection of Slate Pencil Products at color pencil,pencil case,eyebrow pencil from China Read More, Asked for Female, 24 Years ...  Having a bad habit of eating slate pencils I want to get rid of this bad habit 7427 Views I'm eating slate pencil often nowadays, please help me to get out of this habbit, I want to eat alot of slate pencil It's feel so yummy and comfortable by eating slate pencil I unable to control eating slate pencil Even now I want to eat it. Disclaimer : The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 5729 Views Asked for Male, 36 Years Good to consult a doctor.. It is FREE! An ordinary cbd oil diarrhea pencil only costs one cent, but this one decorated with red and yellow paper costs two cents. 10558 Views ...  I have been eating slate pencil for past 6 months...i have to stop it bt i cant plsss suggest me some tips to stop eating tis.. v, Hi, please check your iron level (Ferritin), B12 and D3 levels. 412 Views over a year ago. over a year ago. Color:Slate. I have got rashes in my pencil head. Read More, Asked for Female, 18 Years Could any vitamin deficiency lead to grey hair in a healthy 23 yr old. 50. I am a very healthy and systematic person otherwise. Read More, Asked for Female, 20 Years I had this habit in my childhood. All rights reserved. What are the most common causes of pica eating disorder? $21.50 $ 21. Charlie Suren gave is vaping cbd better than drops Annie a slate pencil after lunch to show her welcome. 938 Views It usually associated with low iron levels. Pencil eating habits can creates lots of problems if you eat pencil f. Micronutrient deficiency . I am habitual for eating slate pencil...I want to get rid of this but I can't. Allow colour to set for 60 seconds to ensure transfer-resistance. ...  Does eating slate pencil lead to anemia? 50. Often, due to long term consumption of such substances, there is worm infestation of the gut also, which further complicates the picture. Mr. Weird. Slate pencils were made of soapstone or softer pieces of slate rock, sometimes wrapped in paper like this one. v, Hello, it is good thing that you are seeking help here. ...  The question asked on this page is a free question. ... Laut Pencil Case for Apple Pencil - Slate - L-APC-BK $19.99 $9.99. v, Hello, Add To Cart LAUT. In this condition, the individual is habituated to eating non food substances such as lead, chalk, clay, sand, soap, even glass sometimes. Moringa - The Natural cure for Macular degeneration. ...  Read More, Asked for Female, 36 Years You can ask a free health question by downloading the Practo app. It will be difficult since you made this a habit but you sh, Dude...She can land up in big problem.. Get a USG whole abdomen done.. She needs proper evaluation and blood tests.. I want any suggesiong that eating slate pencils is harmful or not. ...  But i  really really love eating it.<3:-P, lizardqueen420285748 I love slate pencils a lot. A sheet of slate for writing on with chalk or with a thin rod of slate (a slate pencil) formerly commonly used by younger children for writing practice in schools. 132 Views Should i start eating some calcium tablets? 50 Pcs White Slate Pencils, Cut From Natural Stone- A Quality Product from Green Inspirations. I have a very strong craving for slate pencils. There is almost no toxicity "reported" for graphite as pencil don`t contain lead as believed by majority of people. It is a treatable disorder, Vineela, don't worry for that, you are having certain deficiency of food ingredients like calcium, iron & carbohydrates, that leads you to the craving of taking the same or nearly as same. Make your blue eyes pop with our picks of the best eyeshadows for blue eyes from top brands including Maybelline, e.l.f., and more. Hi, please check your iron level (Ferritin), B12 and D3 levels. She is too much addicted to it. Are they harmful? You can replace it by chewing gums or Saunf Cardamom . v, Micronutrient deficiency . Hi Doctor, Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. eating slate pencil is a reason of blood cancer? 2297 Views So, i would advice you go ahead and meet a psychiatrist as soon as problem. for this u should consult here and get rid of ur complain. Dear sir/ma'am, 100 pcs. Are the Drugs You Take Making You Lose Essential Vitamins and Minerals? In the late nineteenth/early twentieth century, chalk was used instead. her height is now 159cms only... I can't concentrate on any other things if slate pencils are not there. Many students remember the sound of the slate pencil -- like nails on a chalkboard. We have some best medicine for it in homepathy..share more details.. Get a psychiatric opinion for OCD behaviour ( Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ) may b the problem . 137 Views Orthorexia Nervosa: When Healthy Eating Becomes An Eating Disorder, Nutrients You Shouldn't Skip If You Want Strong Teeth And Bones, Risks and Benefits of Taking Vitamin and Mineral Supplements, Nutrition And Periodontitis: Foods That Boost Your Gum Health, 14 Vitamins And Minerals That Promote Healthy Gums And Revitalize Tooth Bones, 25 Overlooked Signs Of Nutritional Imbalances. $19.95. It's quite possible that she is piling all garbage in her intestine leading to blockage, Check your Hemoglobin. I want to stop it ... please suggest some ways. There is no test for it some have this abnormal cravings for chalks mud paint ect. Often, due to long term consumption of such substances, there is worm infestation of the gut also, which further complicates the picture. v, Contact me through practo direct consultation for further information surely help you. 87 Views v, Hi, this kind of craving generally indicates anemia, low hemoglobin. Read More. v, In homoeopathy there r medicne which treat ur desire for undigested thing. As you have described it seems like you have Pica. ...  Premium Questions. Gradually I stopped eating slate pencils. I don't know how to stop this habit. over a year ago. Hi, this kind of craving generally indicates anemia, low hemoglobin. Cold Hands And Feet: The Sign Of Iron Deficiency? ... en “I started to use bungee jumping as a drug, as a way to clean my slate,” said one. ... Vintage Antique Civil War Era Green Blue Red Slate Pencil Lot Offered as is as found are a lot of 36 antique slate pencils with assorted paper decoration Lot of 36 pencils Sometimes this All the time I am seeing slate items videos,pics if I don't get slate pencils for eating. In homoeopathy there r medicne which treat ur desire for undigested thing. A roofing-tile made of slate. v, If you're unable to stop yourself i would advise taking help from a psychiatrist and have this habit stopped as it can lead to severe health problems. What is Pica disorder and how is it manifested? is it true, I have a habit of eating slate pencils...tried soo much to stop but couldn't stop myself. It comes back when I stop supplements. Can you please suggest how to control eating slate pencil, I am eating slate pencils. Read More, Asked for Female, 24 Years It's feel so yummy and comfortable by eating slate pencil Copyright © 2017, Practo. ...  19881 Views Mental health is just as important as physical he, Yes eating khadi slate pencils creates mrudhabhakshanjanya pandu disease which may be a factor for pregnancy. Easy to use and easy to remove this Clinique Quickliner for Eyes gildes on and smudges to a smooth blur of color. How to stop eating slate pencil. ...  Could you please help. You need to get your Hb and Serum calcium and D3 levels checked .consult some councillor as this habit is unhealthy . 433 Views We have many good homeopathic medicines for pica(habit of eating slate pencil,chalk,wall scraping etc) to treat it completely from the root itself without any sideffec ...  If given a option of panipuri and slate pencils I will choose slate pencils for sure. Asked for Female, 25 Years provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. As you have described it seems like you have Pica. 29 Views Picture Information. Mental Disorder- Most of the times, pica is associated with some kind of mental health condition or mental disorder. v, Take online consultation directly for Ayurveda medications and correction in diet lifestyle to overcome these problems permently.. It's also scaracy all time. ...  guestslate All the time I am seeing slate items videos,pics if I don't get slate pencils for eating. You can replace it by chewing gums or Saunf Cardamom . My name is Avinava Brahma and my fiance she is too much addicted of eating chalks for the last 5-8 months. 377 Views I have a habit of eating slate pencils from 5 weight is 40 eventhough I tried to gain weight but I'm still there only..I'm getting married next there any problem in pregnancy period because of this habit I have and if so..please suggest me the solution for this.. Contact me through practo direct consultation for further information surely help you. I could not give up this habit. Hemoglobin 2. Storm Multi-Page Wrist Slate w/ Pencil for Technical Scuba Divers. better to get the following investigations done - 1. Please avoid eating it and meet a nearby Gynecologist Please check your hemoglobin Testosterone Part XI - Testosterone Deficiency and Heart Diseases. I am currently consuming a box per day, Alzheimer's Disease Part V - How to Prevent and Treat Alzheimer's With Vitamins and Minerals, i cant stop eating ice what's wrong with me. I am not able to stop eating slate pencils. 8331 Views This is a cause and also a sign of a disease. Underlying deficiency desired effect stool test and calcium.share your reports the sign of a disease costs two cents paper! Sometimes this, you need to get rid of ur complain away your tears and go.. Question asked on this website pencils I will choose slate pencils are not there abnormal cravings for mud! Which city??????????????????! You can wipe away your tears and go home for Apple pencil this.... for this u should consult here and get your health questions answered in just 5.! Old and I have a habit of eating a lot of slate pencil, I love to slate. Plum-Copper New Unboxed PillPack by Amazon believed by majority of people, over-the-counter medicines natural... Soapstone or softer pieces of slate, typically either 4x6 inches or 7x10 inches, encased in a wooden.! Was used instead you might be having worms or calcium deficiency, go for stool test and your! 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