SBL Handbook of Style (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1999). Read more about our awards and press coverage. This work is useful not only for tracking down abbreviations, but also for discovering alternate titles or title changes. PB: Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound; Aesch. Buchholz and V. Karageorghis, Prehistoric Greece and Cyprus (London 1973) PIR²: Prosopographia Imperii Romani. For abbreviations not found in these sources, check Wellington's Dictionary of bibliographic abbreviations . Oxford Classical Dictionary listed as OCD Looking for abbreviations of OCD? ISBN: 9780313321412. : Aeschylus, Agamemnon The author comes first; his work comes next, so this abbreviation means Aeschylus, a tragic playwright, wrote a tragedy called Agamemnon. introduction Ion. From the world-famous Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary to our global languages programme, we have since published world-class content in a greater range of languages and formats – print, digitized, online, data – than ever before. 185 1 1 silver badge 6 6 bronze badges. • close up spaces and don’t use full stops in abbreviations (eg 6pm) • use lower case wherever possible • only write out numbers up to ten and use figures for 11 onwards. Oxford, U.K.: Clarendon, 2003. Two systems are in common use, based on the abbreviations lists of standard reference works: The Oxford Classical Dictionary (OCD), which covers both Greek and Latin authors and texts. kilogram/s km. Call Number: PA 31 .W452 2003. Cryptic crosswords often use abbreviations to clue individual letters or short fragments of the overall solution. See more. ... Oxford At The Clarendon Press dc.rights: Out_of_copyright dc.source.library: Government College, Kota dc.subject.classification: Literature dc.title: The Oxford Classical Dictionary. R. Meiggs and D. Lewis (eds. More than half a century in the making, and originally published in a series of fascicles (parts) from 1968, this magisterial reference work was finally published in a single volume format in 1982. What's “NAmE” abbreviated from in “Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary”? Before this date, it included the Epic Cycle, all the Homeric Hymns, and two mock-epics, the Margites and perhaps the Battle of Frogs and Mice (though this last may well be later). Chaniotis, Corsten, Papazarkadas, and Tybout, 1923–) SEG Abbreviation List. Possibly the most comprehensive printed listing of abbreviations used in biblical literature is found from pages 68 to 152 of The SBL Handbook of Style: For Ancient Near Eastern, Biblical, and Early Christian Studies, by Patrick H. Alexander, John F. Kutsko, James D. Ernest, Shirley A. Decker-Lukcke, and for the Society of Biblical Literature David L. Petersen (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1999) R. Meiggs and D. Lewis (eds. What is the abbreviation for Oxford Classical Dictionary? Bohr Bohr. Dictionary of Bibliographic Abbreviations Found in the Scholarship of Classical Studies and Related Disciplines by Jean Susorney Wellington. stratigraphy, stratigraphical: Struct. A Booklist 2012 Editors' Choice Selection For more than half a century, the Oxford Classical Dictionary has been the unrivaled one-volume reference work on the Greco-Roman world. Welcome to Oxford Research Encyclopedias. List of Abbreviations. inch/es introd. Please also note that some abbreviations appear in italics (i.e., underlined in the manuscript) others do not. ), The Oxford Classical Dictionary , 3rd edn. Classical Studies; Economics and Finance; History; Law; Linguistics; Literature; Mathematics; Music; Neuroscience; Palliative Care ; Philosophy; Physics; Political Science; Psychology; Public Health and Epidemiology; Religion; Social Work; Sociology; My Content (0) My searches (0) Users without a subscription are not able to see the full content. It is used in most United States law schools and court systems to properly cite and abbreviate court cases in parenthetical citation sentences of legal documents. The free offline English dictionary and thesaurus with synonyms, related words and great search - and no adverts. SF Saturated Fat. Many historical records utilise standard abbreviations of given names in order to save time and paper. Includes the Encyclopedia of Social Work and the Oxford Classical Dictionary; Have questions about how to use the redesigned website? Abbreviations, initials and acronyms - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. SDA Seventh-day Adventist. Preferred Standard Abbreviations. Access to the complete content on Oxford Reference requires a subscription or purchase. Italian kg. stock exchange: str. studies: subj. University of Oxford or Oxford University? Oxford Classical Dictionary – Abbreviations List in. subjunctive: subord. h�bbd``b`as�S&�`{$[@D�R�����"ރ�� �% X�*��uS�5�A�20�K��)� � �1< ), A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions to the End of the Fifth Century BC, rev. The abbreviations of journal titles in classical studies and related fields found in the Oxford Classical Dictionary and L'Ann é e philologique are widely used. NOTE: full stop after 'al.' We reference documents using the standard scholarly abbreviations. masculine mi. A widget enabling users to look up words in the Oxford Latin Dictionary, ed. Definition of cl abbreviation in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation is a legal style guide. Grove Music Online uses abbreviations for general terms, in bibliographies, and for library archives.. General Abbreviations - The abbreviations for music terms, places, academic degrees, etc. Preferred Standard Abbreviations. The world's most authoritative dictionary of Classical Latin, the monumental, two-volume Oxford Latin Dictionary offers unsurpassed coverage of the language of Rome from its beginnings until AD 200. Seven: Aeschylus, Seven Against Thebes; Aesch. Either Liddell & Scott (LSJ) or the Diccionario Griego-Español (DGE) for Greek authors and texts, combined with either the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (TLL) or the Oxford Latin Dictionary (OLD) for Latin authors and texts. We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to provide targeted advertising and track usage. Academic & Science . modern MS(S) manuscript(s) Mt. Publication Date: 2003 . millilitre/s mod. 10460 0 obj <> endobj statistical: Stock Exch. subordinate clause: Subscr. Possibly the most comprehensive printed listing of abbreviations used in biblical literature is found from pages 68 to 152 of The SBL Handbook of Style: For Ancient Near Eastern, Biblical, and Early Christian Studies, by Patrick H. Alexander, John F. Kutsko, James D. Ernest, Shirley A. Decker-Lukcke, and for the Society of Biblical Literature David L. Petersen (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1999) kilometre/s lb. strong: Stratigr. Scholarly editions of these texts will be subdivided by these schemes, as will many translations. "Standard abbreviations" published on by Oxford University Press. Format: et al. The new Oxford Classical Dictionary transforms the acclaimed 4th edition of the text by offering accessible, interdisciplinary articles in a digital, multimedia-rich environment.Continuously-updated and powered by an expert advisory board, the Oxford Classical Dictionary will be an indispensable resource for students and scholars alike.In print since 1949, the Oxford Classical Dictionary … Important changes in later editions have been taken into account wherever possible. If abbreviations do not appear below, please spell out the word or words. pound/s l., ll. holds hundreds of thousands of entries organized by a large variety of categories from computing and the Web to governmental, medicine and business and it is maintained and expanded by a large community of passionate editors. OCD abbreviation stands for Oxford Classical Dictionary. Definition of OCD in the acronyms and abbreviations directory. The Dictionary is intended to be descriptive, not prescriptive. Academic & Science » Libraries. Auflage) ist relativ aktuell, in der Regel wird auch weiterführende Literatur aufgeführt. The "N" in "NAmE" confuses me very much. : Aeschylus, Eumenides; Aesch. News 1. Includes the Encyclopedia of Social Work and the Oxford Classical Dictionary; Have questions about how to use the redesigned website? Standard Abbreviations for Morphological Glossing (Leipzig Glossing Rules) ... Archives Administratives et Inscriptions Cunéiformes: Ashmolean Museum, Bodleian Collection, Oxford (Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner 1996) AAN: Anthroponymie et anthropologie de Nuzi, vol. Die Einträge sind in der Regel relativ knapp gehalten, dafür aber von ausgewiesenen Experten verfasst. 10491 0 obj <>stream Biblical books: Separate chapter and verse with a period, not a colon. Beazley, Paralipomena (Oxford 1971) PECS: R. Stillwell et al., eds., Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites (Princeton 1976) PGC: H.G. SFA Saturated Fatty Acid . The Oxford Classical Dictionary: OLD: Oxford Latin Dictionary : Paralipomena: J.D. ... Latin Dictionary Abbreviations; NT Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha; OT Pseudepigrapha; SEG = Supplementum epigraphicum graecum (eds. 2nd ed. Abbreviations should be taken from an authoritative source such as the Oxford Classical Dictionary (see below). share | improve this question | follow | asked Nov 14 '13 at 12:05. This page is a quick lookup and reference guide for all those acronyms and abbreviations that you’ll find around the car industry. Abbreviations are a part of everyday life and are becoming increasingly prevalent in the areas of banking, computers, and business. These terms are interchangeable and can either be alternated for … Määratlus inglise keeles: Oxford Classical Dictionary. The Oxford English Dictionary is not an arbiter of proper usage, despite its widespread reputation to the contrary. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 10 months ago. standard: Stat. Anthropology and reception have been added … Buchholz and V. Karageorghis, Prehistoric Greece and Cyprus (London 1973) PIR²: Prosopographia Imperii Romani. The 1913 Webster Unabridged Dictionary is often used as a source for definitions, as its copyright has expired so it is in the public domain. There are different conventions regarding the punctuation of abbreviations. Auflage) ein einbändiges altertumswissenschaftliches Fachlexikon. The Oxford Classical Dictionary (OCD). What does OCD stand for? : royal inscr. Ionic It. Supp. mile/s ml. John Curtis Franklin, Kinyras: The Divine Lyre List of Figures Preface Conventions and Abbreviations Introduction 1. h�Ԙmk�8ǿ�^^9�%Y�B���BJ��nb�>�]��~�ӌ5��׻�%��e=�G�_?�Zpe3ƙ�WǤ�Bƙ��`V:,I��R�Dj,���Ik�Z�R.�eJ���1�d�EǴv� ǙΤa7ɇ�ӓ|]�c$�G������x}W,*_�yr�?�/ʇNJYa�����H:����5KUr�\T''�o����Ƅ� �b�Y>/g������\,ٹ�W�z*�ԭ��YZ !`�E>/���_�?�I�h����. Please also note that some abbreviations appear in italics (i.e., underlined in the manuscript) others do not. Browse all entries american english in from G abbreviation to gyroscope noun Dictionary at This means 'and others'. Help with Abbreviations. 0 Need on loetletud allpool vasakul. Available in print only . Lib. subject(s) subjunct. edn. 1. Welcome to Oxford Research Encyclopedias. not after 'et' Example: 3 to 5 authors (Alberto, Jacobi & Keating, 1993) for the first citation and (Alberto et al., 1993) in subsequent citations. : Aeschylus, Libation Bearers; Aesch. Don’t know your SOHC from your socks? cl. List of Abbreviations. The Oxford Classical Dictionary: OLD: Oxford Latin Dictionary : Paralipomena: J.D. Instrument Gods and Musician Kings in Early Mesopotamia: Divinized Instruments 3. Palun Kerige allapoole ja klõpsake, et näha neid kõiki. These can be used in specifications, sales brochures, warning lights – anywhere. Names of biblical books are never italicized. The existence of a poet called Homer was accepted throughout Antiquity, but the restriction of the Homeric corpus to the Iliad and the Odyssey became acknowledged only in the 520s. The editions cited are normally those used for the original excerpting of material. Numerous abbreviations, sometimes not intuitive, appear in the source; this page catalogs them for reference. It is Oxford Classical Dictionary. Sources: Abbreviations – Auto Dictionary Automotive acronyms and abbreviations – Wikipedia Some works are cited by page numbers of standard, or once-standard, editions. ; Steible ABW 2, 273ff. structure, structural: S.T.S. Please subscribe or login to access full text content. … – Abbreviations . Abbreviations-- page under construction. endstream endobj startxref You will be taken to the document in the original language or in translation, depending on your settings. abbreviations. Muud OCD tähendused Peale Oxford klassikalise sõnastik on OCD muud tähendused. If abbreviations do not appear below, please spell out the word or words. 2nd ed. This was possible in various European countries, and globally in English-speaking countries, due to the relatively small number of personal names in use until relatively recently. Take a look at the list below to find which common words in case names are abbreviated according to the Bluebook – and how you should abbreviate them. Current, peer-reviewed trustworthy research, read in 30 minutes or less across 25 encyclopedias. Starting at Ebla: The City and Its Music 5. Dictionary of Bibliographic Abbreviations Found in the Scholarship of Classical Studies and Related Disciplines compiled by J. S. Wellington (1983). News 10477 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[10460 32]/Info 10459 0 R/Length 84/Prev 644803/Root 10461 0 R/Size 10492/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Public users are able to search the site and view the abstracts and keywords for each book and chapter without a subscription. ), The Oxford Classical Dictionary , 3rd edn. line, lines lit. ... Oxford Classical Dictionary. %PDF-1.5 %���� : Aeschylus, Persians; Aesch. It is used in in-text citations where there are 3 or more authors. This is the law. Active 6 years, 10 months ago. Learn more. Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für abbreviation im Online-Wörterbuch (Deutschwörterbuch). Current, peer-reviewed trustworthy research, read in 30 minutes or less across 25 encyclopedias. edn. %%EOF Oxford Classical Dictionary Abbreviations List . h�b```��,@�$� �X������E|���Ǖ��6��U9�У��S�O���!m挕i�3�pڴ�i�iӦ�%�lQ��z�Q�,���y�ķ& mǷxql��3׷.V��%M��q��R|�IZ�:���v(�*�߸�����BCd_���j'M�����{n�-p1��%��MN���#'l[���[�,� �K!� Ĥ��� ��� �4�1C��*��J�DX R�Y#���4���&4�g��p� &�e��pt0jtP7�� ������bQ� �*0���e�gpe~͔ʹ��2�)�uL�LG�Y�OMg��i��������"8���` ����/�Ng`|`g] �1pM� U& (Oxford, 1988) OCD S. Hornblower and A. Spawforth (eds. A list of abbreviations commonly used in numismatic periodicals and catalogs: Kinyras and Kinnaru Part I: The Cult of Kinnaru 2. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. The Oxford Classical Dictionary Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. The world's most authoritative dictionary of Classical Latin, the monumental, two volume Oxford Latin Dictionary offers unsurpassed coverage of the language of Rome from its beginnings until AD 200. This List of abbreviations for names shows common abbreviations of English given names.. In Australia, contractions (abbreviations from which the middle is omitted, rather than the end, such as Dr, Cwlth) are not usually given full stops.. Viewed 3k times 3. OCD - Oxford Classical Dictionary. What primarily sets this dictionary apart from other English dictionaries of the same magnitude (notably A Copious and Critical English-Latin Lexicon by Riddle & Arnold, 1864) is the fact that Smith & Hall spent considerable effort on going back to the classical texts and reevaluating the meaning of the Latin words and phrases in their original context. Use any of the abbreviations below to go to the associated work. More than half a century in the making, and originally published in a series of fascicles (parts) from 1968, this magisterial reference work was finally published in a single volume format in 1982. subordinate: subord. This dictionary is part of the Oxford Reference Collection: using sustainable print-on-demand technology to make the acclaimed backlist of the Oxford Reference programme perennially available in hardback format. A small number above the line indicates the number of an edition . Names of biblical books are never italicized. Authors and Books Note: [- -] names of authors or works in square brackets indicate false or doubtful attributions . Mari and the Amorite Age: The City and Its Music 6. Pers. Looking for abbreviations of OCD? subject: subj. The Oxford Classical Dictionary profiles every major figure of Greece and Rome, from Homer and Virgil to Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great. In the following list, initialisms consisting only of capital letters (such as AAP, CSIRO, etc.) More than half a century in the making, and originally published in a series of fascicles (parts) from 1968, this magisterial reference work was finally published in a single volume format in 1982. Classics Journal Abbreviations from L'Année Philologique – English-language titles … 4. Maybe you were looking for one of these abbreviations: OXDZR - OXE - OXF - OXFAM - OXFAM-GB - OXG - OXGN - OXH - OXHP - OXI ... Oxford At The Clarendon Press dc.rights: Out_of_copyright dc.source.library: Government College, Kota dc.subject.classification: Literature dc.title: The Oxford Classical Dictionary. �� Eum. Scottish Text Society: Stud. Includes the many abbreviations used in work-lists. The world's most authoritative dictionary of Classical Latin, the monumental, two-volume Oxford Latin Dictionary offers unsurpassed coverage of the language of Rome from its beginnings until AD 200. The Knr 4. Biblical books: Separate chapter and verse with a period, not a colon. literally lt. litre/s L. Linnaeus Lat. Abbreviations of Journals, Standard Reference Works, and Corpora General. Kõigi OCD tähenduste puhul klõpsake nuppu "More ". Couldn't find the full form or full meaning of Oxford Classical Dictionary? (Oxford, 1988) OCD S. Hornblower and A. Spawforth (eds. Check out What's Changed. Learn more. Learn more. endstream endobj 10461 0 obj <>/Metadata 192 0 R/Outlines 218 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 10451 0 R/StructTreeRoot 225 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 10462 0 obj <>/Font<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 10463 0 obj <>stream ` EF�[ subscription: subseq. … Das OCD (in der 4. Audio pronunciations are available with the separate Audio Edition app. The Oxford Classical Dictionary Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Written by distinguished scholars from around the world, it covers all aspects of the classical world from literature and history to religion, science, and archaeology.As well as providing factual information, the Dictionary contains many thematic entries on subjects relevant to the 21st century such as nationalism, race, gender, and ecology. Compiled from the resources of the Oxford English Dictionary and a wide range of newspapers and journals, Dictionary of Abbreviations, Second Edition is the most up-to-date and comprehensive guide to abbreviations available in paperback. Definition of si abbreviation in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. subscription: Subscript. Check out What's Changed. The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology Edited by, Oxford English Dictionary ppt Arun Joseph, Compact Oxford English Dictionary - Oxford Oxford English Dictionary for University and College Students, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Mathematics, 65447723 chapter-1-oxford-pictures-dictionary. The Oxford Classical Dictionary (OCD) ist (bis einschließlich der 4. In the description of Editions used OCT, T, and L refer to Oxford Classical Texts (Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis), Bibliotheca Tuebneriana, and the Loeb Classical Library respectively. statistical: Statist. ), A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions to the End of the Fifth Century BC, rev. B. 1: Les Anthroponymes (Malibu 1977) Aannepada lff. Latin m. metre/s masc. Colon definition, the sign (:) used to mark a major division in a sentence, to indicate that what follows is an elaboration, summation, implication, etc., of what precedes; or to separate groups of numbers referring to different things, as hours from minutes in 5:30; or the members of a ratio or proportion, as in 1 : 2 = 3 : 6. In other words, its content should be viewed as an objective reflection of English language usage, not a subjective collection of usage ‘dos’ and ‘don'ts’. Readers will find entries on mythological and legendary figures, on major cities, famous buildings, and important geographical landmarks, and on legal, rhetorical, literary, and political terms and concepts. Aesch. Beazley, Paralipomena (Oxford 1971) PECS: R. Stillwell et al., eds., Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites (Princeton 1976) PGC: H.G. subjunctive: Subj. ; Bibliographical Abbreviations - Abbreviations used in bibliographic citations for periodical titles, standard reference books, and series. The Oxford Classical Dictionary. It is Oxford Classical Dictionary. List of Abbreviations The Journal of Nutrition, Volume 132, Issue 5, ... SD Standard Deviation. For standard abbreviations of classical works see also the Oxford Classical Dictionary, ed. metre definition: 1. a unit of measurement equal to 100 centimetres: 2. the regular arrangement of syllables in…. 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