The water will slowly evaporate and improve the humidity around the plant. (13 Common Problems). Inappropriate temperature levels lead to the snake plant’s suffering and may even be the end for your plant. Snake plant (aka sansevieria) is showing up a lot these days in outdoor containers. Avoid a high humid environment. So, if you’re planning to grow these plants in your garden, it’s best to do so if you live in an area where the temperature stays above 55 degrees Fahrenheit, even at night time. Don’t leave the dwarf snake plant outside when the temperature goes below 55 °F (13 °C) as it can cause cold damage to the … Spider mites feed on the fluids found inside the leaves of Snake Plants, piercing the waxy coating to access the internal fluids. Inappropriate temperature levels lead to the snake plant’s suffering and may even be the end for your plant. It was pretty rough repotting it alone. Please take the time to check out my recommended resources section, which discusses some of the best books, tools, and resources which have helped me improve my knowledge, skills, and enjoyment of gardening. If you just bought a new ZZ plant home or your ZZ plant has suddenly stopped growing, then you might be wondering if the plant is root-bound. East or west-facing windows work well for sufficient light availability for the plant. Cold damage Native to tropical Africa, snake plants grow better in warmer temperatures. Leaves may be stippled with discoloration, or turning yellow overall. Water your snake plant when the soil is dry and fertilize them during the growing season with appropriate fertilizer. Cold damage. Native to West Africa and similar to other succulents, your Snake Plant prefers warmer temperatures. In this regard, how cold can plants survive? Potting your snake plant in a well-draining pot is essential, but you still want your plant to look well and add to the beauty of your home. My name is Richa and I am here to simplify all your houseplants problems and get you a healthy and thriving plant that adds to the beauty of your home. ; Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra elatior): Like the name implies, cast iron plant is another very tough houseplant that will survive less than ideal conditions, including cold rooms. in pots without drainage holes, root rot can kill the whole plant within ten days. You may have some decorative pots with plenty of drainage that you can plant your snake plant in, but personally, I much prefer to set the pot on a drip tray, or inside a more decorative planter. Use sheer curtains. It is pressurizing the plant with improper care or cultural conditions and not rectifying them on time. Because snake plant likes all light types (it will happily withstand full sun as well as low light) you can plant it on your porch in the shade or out by the pool in full sun. The problems of snake plants are usually related to cultural conditions and care routines. Inadequate watering, overfertilization, and environmental stress is the root cause of a dying snake plant. The Maintain higher humidity around your plants too; spider mites thrive in dry conditions. Make a point of bringing the plant indoors in future freezes. You can keep the soil on the drier side, but dry soil for a prolonged period will harm the plant. Take the plant out of the pot and remove the soil from the roots. Stunted or deformed leaf growth, especially on new foliage as mealybugs inject a toxin into leaves when they feed on the plant’s fluid. Use room temperature water to drench your soil once every two to three weeks. In this article, we will learn all about some common problems that result in the wilting of your snake plant and how we can fix the same and revive your snake plant back to healthy conditions. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and other Amazon stores worldwide. Both of these plant pests will damage the plant and cause its growth to stunt. Leaving a Snake plant outside when the temperature might go below 10°C can result in scarring of the leaves. Don’t forget to clean the leaves of your snake plant every few months. Neem oil will help to get rid of the bugs as they are a natural fungicide and insecticide. Enjoy your stay at Smart Garden Guide. It is crucial to understand why your snake plant is dying to take appropriate action so that you can revive your snake plant. When you do, take a good look at the roots to see if any are showing signs of damage. The best method of prevention is to avoid standing water on the leaves of your Snake Plant. That can affect their growth at the beginning and then lead to the wilting of the plant. Soggy soils encourage the growth and multiplication of Pythium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia, or Fusarium fungi which spreads into the roots, infecting plants. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases made by our readers with no extra cost added to you all! Growth slows down considerably or stops completely during the cooler winter months as plants go dormant to conserve energy. Snake Plants are very easy to grow, making them a favorite houseplant for many, including those that aren’t extremely adept at keeping plants alive. Some links in the post are affiliate links and I get a commission from purchases made through links in the post. Fungal growths first appear as white areas on the leaves, then changes to a deep brown color. No Battery Required -- plug and play, save you from changing the battery. See here for my best ideas for indoor planters. I’ve written a guide to growing and caring for snake plants that covers everything you need to get started. Spring and early summer delicate lightly scented flowers emerge from stalks. Fungicides such as methyl bromide are effective at treating southern blight in houseplants, but it’s recommended that for only a single plant you remove the diseased tissue entirely instead of chemical treatment. There is always some kind of problem in the snake plant’s watering where even the professionals make a mistake. This will facilitate photosynthesis too. You can read all about the impact of low light on houseplants with this really useful article. The ideal temperature for the snake plant is between 65 degrees Fahrenheit to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. (How much and how often). Southern blight is caused by a parasitic fungus, Sclerotium rolfsii,  that attacks many houseplants and garden plants alike. Snake plants usually get disturbed due to too much light or shady light for too long hours. Do not overwater and never keep in a high humid environment for too long. In a worst-case scenario, they’ll suck up so much sap that it’ll cause your snake plant to starve to death. Troubleshooting problems with snake plants are fairly straightforward and most problems can be identified and treated easily. The snake plant has pointed leaf tips which, if they are damaged or broken significantly, this can prevent the individual leaf blade from growing, however the plant is likely to live. The cottony fluff helps protect them from moisture loss and excess heat. Leaving them in a place where the temperature can go below 55°F (12°C) can be stressful. If your snake plant has been too soggy for too long, you may need to repot the plant. A Snake Plant also exhibits wilting of the leaves with white thread-like growths and wet, softened areas of dying plant tissue. link to How To Revive Dying Spider Plants? Snake plants cannot stand too much water, and if the plant remains in waterlogged soil, then the roots can stop functioning, resulting in the plant’s wilting. Sterilize the scissors after using a solution of 1 part bleach to 3 parts water so that fungal spores don’t spread to soil or other plants. The most commonly seen problem with Snake Plants is root rot, caused by overwatering, especially in the winter months. At night the temperatures should be between 55 and 70 degrees F. Intense sunlight I’m here to share my experience and help you have more success and enjoyment growing plants. These cues include: Saving the snake plant is essential and can be made easier by identifying the problem causing pain to the plant. This wide temperature range makes it easy to provide the right temperature. Waterlogged soil and roots become weak, and the pathogens in the soil grow in moist conditions leading to root rot. Do not mist nearby the snake plant and keep cleaning the leaves to remove any dust on them. The best temperature to grow snake plant is between 18°C – 27°C / 65°F – 80°F Keep the plant in good air circulation. Check out the video below where I discuss the main reasons why your Snake Plant might be dying. Bring the plant in if it is going to cool; Keep the plant between 60 and 80 degrees F during the day in the house. Mother in law’s tongue plants aren’t winter hardy and shouldn’t be exposed to freezing cold climates. How To Revive Dying Spider Plants? Avoid pouring the water inside the ring of leaves. This damage interrupts the pathways in which water and nutrients flow, inhibiting water uptake through the roots, causing the plant to perish from lack of moisture. The Sansevieria, most commonly referred to as Snake Plant by Generations X and Y and more distinctly known as Mother-In-Law’s Tongue by Baby Boomers, is not only one of the easiest plants to enjoy over the winter, but according to it’s rated as one of the top 20+ plants for purifying the toxic indoor air we breathe daily. One of the biggest challenges with spider mites is their prolific nature; often times a heavy infestation will occur, unnoticed, before plants begin to show physical symptoms of damage. Another fungal disease, red leaf spot is caused by Drechslera erythrospila. Beneficial mycorrhizae create a hostile environment for unwanted bacteria and fungi; sulfur acidifies the soil, making some nutrients less available and limiting the food source for the pathogens that cause root rot. Spider mite damage appears as small yellow and brown spots on your plant’s leaves. Snake plants are an excellent choice for beginners and will not create much mess for the new hobbyist. The snake plant needs water if the soil is very dry and does not cling to your finger. The excess water should drain out completely within 2 minutes of watering. Alternatively, I would suggest investing in a. Remove the water from the dish after an hour. The dark-green elongated leaves with grey strips get around 4feet in height. Check out my article to see how you can grow plants in pots without holes. The leaves will get scars, light brown patches with little mushy texture. Low light conditions will also cause growth to slow. If the plant has suffered frost damage, that means ice crystals have sucked moisture from leaf tissue, and the plant requires hydration to survive. Water your plant and let the excess water drain out of the drainage holes. (Watering Requirements+Tips), Why Is My Spider Plant Turning Yellow? Hi, I’m Andrew, and Smart Garden Guide is my website all about indoor gardening and houseplants. You will need a tray, pebbles, and purified water. To maintain a high-temperature level during cold weather, keep the plant near the furnace but should not feel the heat. They later become mushy as well. Lg. There should be enough light coming in, but no or very less direct light. how much light snake plants need to grow and thrive. (Causes+What to Do), Why Is My Spider Plant Turning Brown? Also read: Do snake plant need fertilization? It makes the roots turn brown and mushy. Do not propagate any contaminated cuttings. The finger method helps to identify if the soil is dry or moist. Cold damage can be a cause of snake plant leaves curling. Carefully inspect all new plants when you bring them into your home since mealybugs easily crawl from one plant to a neighboring one. (All Possible Problems+Solution). Check the potting mix; it should not be excessively draining. Sansevieria will suffer damage and rot in very cold Winter temperatures. Small red or reddish-brown spots on the leaves with a tan center. If you leave your snake plant outside in low temperatures, you can cause damage to the leaves that results in scarring, wilting and curling. This is a common problem for people growing snake plants as house plants as they are tall and top heavy. If the temperature gets extremely low or high, they will be scarred. Always avoid exposing the plant to cold drafts and temperature below 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Combine 5 tbsp dish soap with 4 cups of water. When exposed to cold temperatures the cell walls within leaves are damaged. (Signs+When To Repot), Do snake plant need fertilization? The soil and roots will uptake the water through capillary action. Be careful to cut to the edge, leaving perhaps a little brown sliver, so that the plant doesn't have a new injury to heal. The problem is not the above-given reasons. Water & Humidity. Hello, My name is Richa, and this is where I share my passion for indoor plants. You can also use any chemical pest control to treat the infected plant. With my experience of keeping plants for several years, I have learned a lot about them and how to keep them alive and thriving and so here I am to pen down my experience for all of you. Keep your Snake Plant in a location where daytime temperatures are between 60 and 80℉ and nighttime temperatures are between 55 and 70℉. As it progresses, leaves also turn yellow, wilted and droop low. Avoid reusing potting soil from previously infected containers, inspect new plants for infestation when bringing them into your home, and maintain good airflow around your Snake Plant. Maintain adequate air flow around plants as well and inspect all new plants for infection when bringing them home. It is crucial to understand these cues so that we can take necessary action to save your plant. ... Because they’re so small, you probably won’t be able to see the spider mites on your plant, but you will be able to see the damage. Some hobbyist loves their spider plant but struggles to keep them alive. (Causes And Solutions). That can lead be an end for your snake plant if not taken care of. Also read: Overwatering vs. To prevent root rot, always water when required, and the drainage system should be proper. A dying snake plant will give you many visual cues to identify the problem as soon as possible. Read on to learn about the ailments Snake Plants succumb to, and appropriate treatments, so you can address the problem correctly and quickly. The plant naturally grows in hot and dry areas so it will not appreciate cold temperatures. Underwatering can also impact the growth of the snake plant. (Brown Tips+Brown Spots). Protecting Plants from Cold and Frost. If the soil is dry it may survive temperatures as low as 5°C / 41°F. You will not experience any serious growing problems under normal conditions. While the snake plant is easy to care for, it’s always good to familiarize yourself with a plant’s basic preferences and needs. Cold damage Cold temperatures can result in permanent scarring of your snake plant leaves which ruins their aesthetic appeal and causes long-term damage. Alcohol spray will repel insects without harming the plant. Mealybugs are usually found in colonies in somewhat protected areas of the Snake Plant such as on the leaves close to the soil surface. Slight infestations can be treated with a sulfur spray or copper-containing fungicide. Leaf tip Damage Prevents Snake Plant Leaves from Growing. Pests make the plant weak by keeping sucking the sap from the plant. Also known as a Snakeskin Plant or Mother-In-Law’s Tongue this hardy succulent has a reputation for being nearly indestructible. To get rid of spider mites wash them off the plant and increase the humidity around the plant; Biological and insecticidal control. The most common issue with this plant is over watering as it is very quick to rot in wet soil. Chemical treatment will not eradicate the current infection but prevents spores from germinating. Sometimes the edges of the leaves become wavy and they fold over. The University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture, How Often Do You Water Spider Plants? It is also very popular among gardeners and plant lovers. They lay microscopic eggs within a mass of white cottony threads and then perish within 5 – 10 days. Snake plants are the easiest to care for. The common names include mother-in-law tongue, Snake Plant, Devil’s tongue, and many others. There are several quite noticeable signs on the snake plant that could point out damage received from the cold temperatures. Keep checking on the plant every few days to find out any issue in the plant at an early stage. Snake plants are ideal plants for the less attentive gardener. Another way is by lifting the pot. This cold may cause browning of leaves. Dig the finger/skewer in the soil up to a few inches for a minute. You won’t have to worry about all the ways to water houseplants while on vacation, as your snake plant will easily tolerate 3 weeks or more without water, even in warm, arid conditions. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases made by our readers with no extra cost added to you all! While saving frozen plants is possible, freeze damage to plant tissue and other cold injuries can often be prevented. Spray neem oil all over the plant at night once every week. Replant the plant in fresh, sterilized soil. The best temperature for snake plants is between 50-85 °F. Please note: Simplify Plants is reader-supported. It affects over 500 plant species, typically causing lethal results especially in warm, moist conditions. While snake plants will struggle to survive in pots without drainage holes, there are a number of solutions to this problem that you wouldn’t immediately think of. Your snake plant is likely to suffer due to stress leading to wilting of the plant. Plants may also exhibit a fine, spider-like webbing between the leaves or at the base of the plant. Next, use a sterilized pair of shears to trim off remaining dead roots. By reading further, you will learn the reasons for the problem and the solution for curing the issue as well. Visible on the roots first causing them to turn brown and mushy — classic signs of rot. And in case your plant is suffering, it is really easy to revive back your plant by monitoring the plant’s needs and providing appropriate care. Overwatering the plant will attract mold and fungal growth and cause rotting of roots. You can also turn the plant upside down and carefully rinse the leaves off with tepid water in the shower, washbasin, or kitchen sink. Welcome to I recieved my plant today, less than a week it is beautiful. Cold Damage – Exposure to the right temperature levels can be the difference between a thriving plant and a plant that looks ugly and unhealthy. Because of their very resilient, nearly indestructible nature, your snake plant may recover if you allow it to dry out and place it somewhere warm to rest. Always take off the watering needs and feed with all-purpose houseplants fertilizer no more than once a month only during the growing season. Cold damaged plants can be watered and given a boost of liquid fertilizer to help aid in their recovery. You can also use a dish under the pot while watering. The snake plant, commonly referred to as mother-in-law’s tongue, is a resilient succulent that can grow anywhere between 6 inches to several feet. Cut the roots that are healthy just above the dead and damaged roots. (All Possible Problems+Solution), link to Does ZZ Plant Like To Be Root Bound? Dish soap and water will dehydrate the bugs. Under watering. Spider plants are easy-going and forgiving plants. Cold weather can damage the snake plant’s leaves by creating a barrier that prevents the normal flow of healthy nutrients, which can lead to plant dying because there wasn’t enough moisture. Use artificial light sources like grow lights, LED, etc. Once symptoms are visible in the leaves the problem may be past the point of rectifying, endangering the entire plant. Its about 36 inches in height. Wash the plant with running water. The cold damage in the winter months can stunt the plant’s growth. Physical damage during repotting can also lead to shriveling in a snake plant. Prune heavily damaged leaves from the plant, making sure to keep healthy foliage intact as over-pruning further stresses the plant. If root rot has spread significantly, dissect the plant, keeping only the healthy portions. Too much light for too many hours will stress the leaves and then soil of the snake plant. The rare bronze-copper coloration shines exceptionally bright in full sunlight. ; Lightweight and Portable -- ideal soil test tool for indoor and outdoor use. Check out my article about the best ways to clean indoor plant leaves, to make this a quick and easy process. Also read: Why Do My Houseplants Keep Dying? Cold Damage Exposure to the right temperatures can be the difference between a thriving plant and a plant that looks ugly and unhealthy. Water the snake plant when the soil is dry. Extreme temperature can generally cause stress among plants. Leaving a snake plant … Although underwatering your snake plant isn’t as bad of a deal as overwatering, but in the longterm, your plant is likely to stress out, resulting in poor growth. Bring the plant indoors during cold weather to protect the plant from cold drafts. Keep the temperature level between 65 degrees Fahrenheit to 80 degrees Fahrenheit during the daytime and 55 degrees Fahrenheit -70 degrees Fahrenheit at nighttime. (13 Common Problems), Source: The University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture, University of Minnesota, Snake plant profile, Lighting Indoor Houseplants. Healthy plants may be able to handle a slight infestation if the plant is in good health overall. Pour the water on the soil near the base of the plant to avoid damage to the plant and increase water absorption. Regardless of how green your thumb is, unfortunately the following can still affect your plants. For safety’s sake, keep your snake plant away from small children and pets. The roots then die back due to lack of oxygen or the overgrowth of a soil fungus. If you want to get just the right light conditions for your snake plant, I’ve also written about how much light snake plants need to grow and thrive. Keep the plant in a somewhat shaded area but should get plenty of indirect light for at least 6-8 hours. You can safely avoid watering them for weeks at a time. If you want to learn more about how to care for succulent plants indoors, check out my full snake plant care article and my guide to growing succulents indoors. When southern blight infects a host plant it penetrates the stem and infects the plant quickly. Sansevieria Kirkii Pulchra Coppertone (snake plant) – Super stiff, shimmery, copper and deep bronze, mottled leaves with wavy edged margins reach 2 to 3 feet at maturity and grow in an open rosette. Use any of the following organic ways to treat the plant. Before keeping your snake plant, monitor the location. Scarring on the leaves, or yellowing, mushy leaves, although the plant hasn’t been overwatered. Pull out the finger/skewer. Snake plant or Sansevieria is a mother in law tongue plant, it is an easy growing indoor plant and is able to thrive in many climatic conditions. If the plant is kept near a window, the light intensity will be filtered. It prefers room temperature and can tolerate mild fluctuations. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, Etsy, and other affiliate programs. It is most commonly seen in spring and summer months when temperatures are warmer but can infect houseplants year-round. Put the plant on the tray. Severe infestation requires pruning off the affected leaves. The challenge with root rot is that it often goes unnoticed because it occurs beneath the soil surface and out of sight. The ideal humidity for the snake plant is about 40%. Cold Damage Snake plants are less tolerant of low weather conditions. Snake Plant care tip 3: Best Temperature to grow Snake plant. You can add a root treatment containing beneficial mycorrhizal species, or dust the healthy roots with sulfur powder to help prevent reinfection. Snake plants don’t need high humidity levels, and low humidity can lead to loss of moisture from the leaves resulting in leaves related issues. Particularly, snake plants hate very … Spray it on the plant. Why Are My Chinese Money Plant Leaves Curling? I had to repot it immediately the container was split and the plant was over grown but healthy. You can use neem oil or horticultural oil spray every month to prevent pest infestation. Wash the roots under running water and gently remove any damaged and weak roots. The Snake Plant is one of the easiest houseplants to grow, making it very popular amongst homeowners. Quarantine infected plants from healthy ones to prevent the spread. Signs. Put the pebbles into the tray and fill it with water just enough to moisten the rocks. Within a week to ten days, external symptoms appear, signifying infection. Increase the humidity of the space. I hope I didnt damage it when i repotted. In extreme cases when conditions are perfect, i.e. Mix 2 cups of 70% isopropyl alcohol with a liter of water and spray the plant. If your snake plant is not getting enough light, move the plant to a brighter location. Water plants when the top 2-4” of the soil has dried out completely. Is A ZZ Plant Poisonous? (And How To Grow Them Safely), guide to growing and caring for snake plants, ways to water houseplants while on vacation. Sometimes your snake plant can become dirty from dust accumulating on the leaves, and this can reduce the amount of light entering the leaves, even if the plant is situated in a bright room. Ideally, snake plants tolerate a temperature ranging from 60 to 80 Fahrenheit (15- 27 °C). Keep changing the position of the plant when the season changes to provide ideal temperature levels. ex D. Prain Snake Plant (Sansevieria laurentii) Other Common Names: Bowstring Hemp, Devil’s Tongue, Good Luck Plant, Lucky Plant, Mother- In-Law’s-Tongue, Snake Sansevieria. Small doses of the toxin may not cause any symptoms; consumption of large amounts of the plant cause swelling and numbness of the tongue and throat, leading to intestinal distress. Native to West Africa and similar to other succulents, your Snake Plant prefers warmer temperatures. Direct sun will burn the leaves by reducing the moisture level from the leaves directly. Learn from experience, for example, if you left a potted plant outside, and it sustained cold damage. Treat any sign of root rot as soon as possible. for homes where too much light is not available. If the pot seems than usual, then the soil is still moist. Sansevieria Trifasciata: The parent plant of Jaboa is one of the most common species in the genus. This damage Repot the plant, if caught soon enough. A mealybug infestation to the untrained eye can have you believe you need to let the soil dry out because mildew is appearing on the plant leaves. If your plant isn’t growing during the spring or summer, troubleshoot through the previously mentioned issues that may be causing growth to slow. On the leaf where the damage is to the side, you can cut the leaf all the way to the bottom of the injury, if you so desire. Also read: How much light do snake plant need? With severe damage to the roots, the plant may die within ten days. This will instantly help to increase the moisture level of the plant. Avoid keeping the snake plant near vents, radiators, or any other heating systems. Snake Plant Care Tips. Over time the spots expand and coalesce to form large, sunken, liquidy lesions. To propagate a new plant there should be enough light, move the plant hasn ’ t exposed... Warmer temperatures, especially in warm, moist conditions, Devil ’ s this..., especially in warm, moist conditions still affect your plants keeping sucking the sap from the dish an. 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