As previously mentioned, the red-berried true sumacs have been widely used to brew a tart and refreshing drink. Sumac Lemonade brewed from foraged sumac berries and cool water tastes like lemonade without any lemons! When I mention making a beverage from sumac, many people who have heard of poison sumac think I am crazy. It’s probably the only reason I ever remember to go harvest them! The surface of the fruit is fuzzy or grainy. One of my all-time favorite drinks for the late summer and early fall is Sumac Lemonade. It shares the Latin name rhus with hundreds of other species, several of which are “poisonous,” but not lethal. and easing cramps, a natural diuretic helpful in eliminating wastes and toxins from the body. Foragers call … Just look for the large red upright cone-shaped sumac flower, each with clusters of the edible, soft-to-the-touch sumac berries when the leaves are firey red. Particularly good harvest? The tartness of sumac is partly due to ascorbic acid (vitamin C) so one also has a health incentive to drink this beverage. I once prepared a potent sumac concentrate by soaking four batches of berry heads in the same water, one after the other, for one-half hour each. Staghorn Sumac and smooth sumac are hiding in plain sight! Pick away any sticks or other leaves that might be clinging to your sumac clusters then break apart and remove berries from the woody sticks. is a vine or shrub-like tree that grows wild across most of the united states. Stir thoroughly until honey is dissolved. It’s easy to remember. Unfortunately, the fact that it shares names with a tree of ill-repute has caused many to shun it. This drink is delicious, easy to prepare, fun to gather, nutritious, unique and free. If still flavorful, harvest and use as directed, washing well before using. Your email address will not be published. Why not try some this summer? There are other things that can be done with sumac-ade. The Ojibwa took a decoction of Fragrant Sumac root to stop diarrhea. if you don’t have sumac growing wild nearby chances are you can grow it yourself from seed or cutting. So simply remember: red berries good, white berries bad. This is only a partial list, so wherever you are, you are probably near some useful species of sumac. Strain through a fine mesh strainer, clean kitchen towel or coffee filter than sweeten to taste with sweetener of your choice. The Natchez used the Fragrant Sumac (Rhus aromatica) root to treat boils. easy to forage for in the wild. When researching it’s easy to find a whole slew of documents about the health benefits but very difficult to find much about the risks of sumac. Staghorn Sumac Lemonade. Its source is easily accessible to millions of Americans every summer. It grows throughout eastern North America as a shrub with bright red terminal conic fruit clusters covered in red tart hairs (Figure 22.1).Rhus hirta fruit had the highest activity in all the assays tested for different types of antioxidant activity (McCune and Johns, 2002). In late summer and early fall bright pink sumac clusters pop up on sumac trees growing wild all over North America, especially along the eastern United States. Staghorn Sumac Tea - Top Health Benefits | All Natural Ideas I usually just snap off the twig that bears the cluster by bending it quickly, although some people use pruning shears or a knife. (If you’re using staghorn sumac, then go for the hairiest ones–that’s where the flavor is.) 1 cup unsalt, Just when I thought my holiday baking was over I f, Croissant French Toast Bake // perfect for slow Su, Homemade Irish Cream has been my go-to handmade ho, early pioneers treated coughs, sore throats and fevers with sumac, while American Indians used these berries to treat anything from reproductive problems to stomachaches and wound, Blackberry Infused Earl Grey Iced Tea Latte, full of antioxidants like pyranoanthocyanins with the anti-inflammatory power to neutralize cancer, prevent heart disease + the early signs of aging + help skin conditions & reduce body pain, helpful in increasing milk production (hello, citrusy mother’s milk cookies!) This concentrate made a wonderful and very tart jelly. All of the true (edible) sumacs have dark reddish or purple fruit borne in erect, tight clusters. Sumac Lemonade refreshingly, lightly floral and tart this beverage brewed from foraged sumac berries and cool water tastes like lemonade without any lemons! They are pioneer plants and quickly spread by rhizomes to colonize erosion prone areas. (On some of the western species, the clusters are pretty small and may not be as tight as on the eastern species, but they are still distinctly red.) As far as I can see sumac gets a bad wrap because of the poisonous WHITE-berried sumac and it’s relation to poison oak (also related to mangoes and cashews) and the issue with oxalic acid content is akin to worrying about consuming too much spinach, the health benefits generally outweigh any perceived risk. They are unique looking shrubs, grow without maintenance,… Staghorn sumac (Rhus typhina) is a deciduous shrub or small tree that belongs to the Anacardiaceae family. Also, I’ve seen many medical personnel recommend that people who easily form kidney stones should consume as little oxalate as possible, so sumac “lemonade” would be a “no-no” for those people. Lemonade. The flavor is transformed and weakened somewhat by the boiling, so be sure to use a very strong sumac brew for the jelly. culinary uses and a TON of health benefits. Required fields are marked *, Welcome to Fresh Flavorful where you'll find easy recipes and simple ideas for eating, entertaining and adventuring your way to a fresh, flavorful life. If you make this or any of my dishes, I'd love to know! Sumac is a wild plant that provides a nutritional drink and is easy to locate. Notify me via e-mail if anyone answers my comment. It bears little resemblance to Staghorn sumac, in my mind, principally because poison sumac has white berries. For most people, in small amounts, this is not harmful, but in large amounts, can potentially be toxic. It’s casually called “Sumac-Ade.” Pour into an 8×8 or 8×10 inch baking pan and refrigerate for an hour or more. When made properly it is as universally liked as lemonade. The petite, merci: MN Staghorn Sumac Lemonade and Kombucha! sign up to get all recipes delivered straight to your inbox, November 9, 2019 by ONE armed MAMA 4 Comments. Use it in marinades, dressings, dips and sprinkled on top of all sorts of dishes. Rhus typhina, the staghorn sumac, is a species of flowering plant in the family Anacardiaceae, native to eastern North America. Served chilled. Sumac bobs soaking for lemonade. Cut the bobs–the waxiest ones you can find–oozing the white stuff over the red [or purplish] drupes. I cant believe how potent, viscous and delicious the resulting liquid is. Quite a few people assume that all sumacs are “poison sumac.” Poison sumac, however, is distinctly different from the true sumacs and is, fortunately, less common. Is staghorn sumac poisonous? Sumac has a unique, tart flavor similar to lemon. Cover with water and use your hands to agitate the water and the berries. While driving last week to visit Maumee Bay State Park, I notice beautiful bright red Staghorn Sumac seed heads still attached to the branches, it reminded me of an old recipe for sumac lemonade. My children snack on the sumac drupes and we eat a lot of meals flavored with za’atar as well as use sumac in other ways without issue. Sumac is a shrub or small tree that is common to much of the Great Lakes region and Michigan. The two can be easily distinguished: Poison sumac has large white berries, and Staghorn Sumac has much smaller red hairy berries. Allow to sit for half an hour, and strain. By Sam Thayer – Sumac is a common, well-known and easily recognized feature of the rural North American landscape. Read More →, Inspired by the magic that happens when people gather around the table, connect with one another, and pursue their passions through all the stages of life, Fresh Flavorful was created in the Spring of 2013 (formerly ONE armed helping others eat, entertain and adventure their way to a Fresh Flavorful Life. The first step is to harvest the berries. Sharing a genus with poison sumac (Rhus vernix) has unnecessarily blackballed staghorn sumac (R. typhina) from inclusion in many landscape plans. Staghorn Sumac Germination. Be sure to follow @freshflavorful on instagram and tag me or use #onearmedmamacooks. I’ve tried steeping the sumac both in the refrigerator and in the sun, but I’ve read that the refrigerator version retains more vitamin C. The staghorn sumac plants produce a milky latex that will stain your clothes dark brown. The large clusters are so easy to collect that in just a few moments you can have enough for a pitcher of wild Kool-Aid that kids will love. It’s okay! You can use the clumps right away for lemonade or dry them for later. Your email address will not be published. I spent many hours as a child in the calming shade of sumac domes, following rabbit runs in the short grass below or just listening to the birds, daydreaming and staring skyward. Some people add sugar, but I prefer it without. When ready to serve top with sparking water for a sparkly pink foraged cocktail! What a wonderful gift from nature we can harvest even in … Your email address will not be published. There are numerous other species of sumac in North America, and at least one is found in almost every inhabited part of the continent. Stir 3–4 times per day. It is made from a plant that is widely distributed throughout most of North America and easily identified. Although the current recommendations are that consuming sumac berries is very safe, just as consuming spinach is, anyone who is typically medically susceptible to food allergies and health problems should understand that food writers are unable to list every potential health concern for each individual person of each individual recipe ingredient and should use their own best judgment when trying foods for the first time. Best known for being an essential ingredient in Za’atar spice sumac adds zing to anything you mix it in or sprinkle it on! Amazing free (grows on "weeds" in Ontario) ,delicious, and high in vitamin C. Collect the berries, soak in water for 24 hours, filter through two coffee filters. I also cover some of the medicinal properties of the Sumac. Delicious as-is straight from the glass you could also use Sumac Lemonade as a base for other creations like sumac beer, wine, and kombucha.Or mix up sumac mocktails and cocktails. It’s The poison sumac Toxicodendron vernix is classified in a different genus (along with poison ivy and poison oak). Preparation of the beverage is simple. Required fields are marked *. Staghorn sumac or Rhus typhina grows throughout the northeastern U.S. and southeastern Canada. Add the 1/2 cup of raw honey and fill the container with chlorine-free water. Poison sumac also differs in that it rarely grows in dense, pure stands, and in that it inhabits swamps rather than dry areas. Pouring boiling or hot water over the berries makes for poor flavor, for it leaches tannin from the stems, causing the drink to become bitter. The sumac that is used in the spice blend is one member of the sumac family (genus, rhus), rhus coriraria or more commonly called European Sumac. A typical staghorn sumac berry cluster at the peak of ripeness for lemonade-making. Your email address will not be published. Rhus hirta, also known as Rhus typhina, is commonly referred to as staghorn sumac and lemonade tree. In most of North America, the first clusters are ready to be plucked sometime in July, with the prime time being in early August. Yes, there is some debate among foragers and health professionals regarding the safety of consuming foods high in oxalic acid, such as spinach, chives, and cilantro, due to over consumption possibly forming calcium oxalate crystals and leading to kidney stones. Leave for up to 2 days before straining for maximum color. If you desire a stronger tasting beverage, strain and then add … Euell Gibbons recommended using sumac-ade instead of plain water to boil elderberry and other fruits that need a touch of tartness to liven them up for using in jam or jelly. Cover loosely with a coffee filter or tea towel. Lightly floral, tart and refreshing it’s delicious as-is or used as a mixer in cocktails and mocktails. Crush the berry clusters in the water using a sturdy spoon then allow sumac to soak for at least a few hours or overnight, the longer it soaks the more flavorful it will be. Leave out the lemon juice. O try my favorite sumac cocktail, the Sumac Spritzer. Staghorn Sumac Those striking red berry clusters are edible!! All in all, however, the sumac is a wonderful tree, deserving of much more attention from those who love the outdoors. They are sweet and delicious, much like raspberry stalks. Staghorn Sumac parts were used in similar medicinal remedies. They are quite unlike the berries of the edible sumacs, like staghorn sumac. Hi Mary, I am not a doctor and am not giving medical advice and can only speak to my own experience. Lemonade Sumac ; Sourberry ; Rhus typhina: Staghorn Sumac; Rhus typhina 'Laciniata' Laceleaf Staghorn Sumac; Contact Info. Sumac-ade is pleasantly tart with a light pink color. A dark purple coloration usually indicates that the flavor of the fruit has developed fully, yet some of the best clusters I’ve tasted were light pink. Please be aware that the yummy sour taste of sumac berries is due to their calcium oxalate content. So good on popcorn at family movie nights! Anybody who tries to differentiate the two will have an easy time of it. Staghorn Sumac is such a great tree that I think everyone should take a closer look at it. Sumac Lemonade + simple syrup + vodka (or gin) either mixed ahead of time or mixed straight in the glass. It tastes like a sqeeze or lemon or a splash of vinegar and adds that same essential ‘something’ that really makes dishes sing. Consult a field guide for your region. Staghorn sumac bark is smooth, thin, dark gray, and the inner bark, which is slightly sweet to chew on, is light green. I have personally brewed this beverage from staghorn, smooth, and shining sumacs on many occasions. There are many ways to cook with both fresh and dried sumac. Our favorite way to use sumac is in lemonade. You can expect to find good ones if you taste around, until early October and sometimes later and there are always those with just a hint of flavor. How to make sumac lemonade: The longer the berries infuse, the stronger the drink will be. The leaf edges of poison sumac are smooth, while those of the edible eastern sumacs are toothed. Place sumac berries large pitcher or shallow bowl and cover with water. Also, people who are sensitive or allergic to mangoes, pistachios, and cashews are best advised to avoid sumac due to the fact that they are all related. And sumac’s tart, citrusy berries have many Sumac “berries” are really just seeds covered with a thin coating of flavoring substance and hairs. Keep in mind that my experiences refer to these species in the Midwest, and other kinds might need to be treated a little differently. They are common on rural roadsides, along railroad tracks and fence rows, and in old fields and other open habitats. The berries, roots, inner bark, and leaves of Smooth and Staghorn Sumac were used to make dyes of various colors. The leaves are large — sometimes more than two feet long — and compound, with each leaflet lanceolate and serrated. You want to get the berries when they are dark red and fully mature, so that they have fully developed their tart flavor, but before the rain has had the opportunity to wash the flavor out. To enjoy this refreshing summer beverage in the middle of winter, it pays to harvest the heads in prime time and dry them, so you don’t have to worry about using mediocre material. Its fruits contain high doses of vitamin C and tannin compounds. I have only had it in fall when I was a child and thought this old recipe should be resurrected. A potential mistake is to harvest the berry heads before they are ripe, in which case they will produce an unpleasantly bitter brew. Prairie sumac Rhus lanceolata occurs in Texas and parts of Oklahoma and New Mexico; Mearn’s sumac R. choriophylla grows in southern Arizona and New Mexico; lemonade berry R. integrifolia grows in southern California; shining sumac R. copallina is found over the southern half of eastern North America, smooth sumac R. glabra is found throughout the eastern U. S. and scattered in the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains; fragrant sumac R. aromatica and the very similar basket bush R. trilobata are found in mountainous or rocky situations from coast to coast, south into Mexico and north into Canada. Regularly vetted for accuracy, easy to locate, however, the fact that it shares the Latin Rhus. Cup of sweetened juice, add two envelopes of gelatin, Mix, this is a. 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