Lorraine Nov 23 2020 5:29 am Nam Do-San has to learn to win (and accept that winning does not make him a bad person); Ji-Pyeong has to learn to lose (learning that losing does not mean being a living failure - less catastrophizing and generalizing, man-). And I need to those who the mysterious guy is and what he’s about. It seems too overrated to think this drama is phenomenal from the start. So far, I couldn't feel and see yet the AHA moment. Make a profit making product first, then develop philanothropy app so in the meantime when you find investors you can already sustain the app through your other sales profits, again here they went for luck which dalmi with her usual idiocy defind as "sail without parachute or map or whatever shiz" . What the heck does that even mean. while nds2 said yes which makes hjp not deserve her love, for all i know nds character is pretty charismatic, lovable and funny it's not as i expected, his character presents a guy that's desperate to get recognised by his dream and his talent! Last but not the least I loved dalmi and dosan couple so much. The fact that you didn’t love each other enough to be brave enough to have those tough conversations and be acceptable of the results, good or bad. Of course, the story should be leaning to Dal Mi and Do San being together or showing that they are both growing a lot to like each other, but again, Dal Mi has been thinking he’s the same Do San from the letters. This episode will decide if i should continue watching this drama. Candy Nov 06 2020 7:20 am He deserves all the happiness, Lili Oct 29 2020 2:24 am From the writer to director to production to cameramen, make-up artists, actors, actresses, staff, everyone are amazing...Can't wait for Saturdays and Sundays to come. The best Kdrama Ive ever watched! i'm ready for this! I find myself rooting more for Han Jipyeong, i think would be too cruel that he has such a good backstory, his backstory is actually given focus than Dosan's. It became better with the help of Dal Mi and Sa Ha. I came here for Suzy but can't help to fall in love with Dareum/Seonho. Out of all the actors, he portrayed his character the best. Starting from their letters to their interactions, nothing has changed. That would really be cruel. And the day injae left for usa was the day her dad died and was also the day hjp stopped writing any letters to her. Watch it from tye beggining again. I want dal-mi and ji pyeong come together as soon as possible.. Because ji pyeong deserve dal mi more and understand her more.. Sophie Nov 07 2020 2:46 pm This drama is very relatable to those in their 20s or 30s who are trying to achieve their dream and got lost on their way especially during this pandemic. Good story.. but I want to know about what their doing, the sam san tech, what will happen to them, the sand box, and the one who mentor the Injae Company? Plus Dalmi was cheered by Ji-Pyeong and not dosan... so i wonder how it will turn out when she finds out about all that!!! I know that it mainly started because of the letters and whatever from 15 yrs ago, but if it's just going to be mainly focused on that, then "Start Up" shouldn't be the title. He did a great job as a mentor. Will anyone write fresh new ones while sailing without a map on a yatch and not figuartively? But I prefer Nam do san, his character is more relatable and realistic. Then suddenly, someone sends you letters saying that they're interested in you. Nam do san and dal mi all the way, mikee taruc Oct 27 2020 11:01 pm Dunno if its bec of the casting or just that characters dont make sense. As well Dosan has never been in toxic family. And in the preview of the next episode we see them even holding hands together (even though they shouldn't because i don't want them to start a relationship with the lie still there). I'm excited of his transition in a good way. Yes, its storyline is so compelling that it makes us express so many different and polarised feelings for all the characters but it’s fictional so let’s not get too carried away! Seriously, don't tell me those three years meant nothing. Why Dal Mi and Ji Pyeong, because Dal Mi’s first love was Ji Pyeong, his love letters to her, became her inspiration and strength eversince – period. cliff espanillo Nov 14 2020 11:00 am Sarang hae, Bearmelee Nov 02 2020 6:08 pm I wish Dal mi and Han Ji-Pyeong will end up together. Thank you PD for bringing us such a great drama with such a perfect casts. Kimsunho should be the lead! Love is very tricky. ? Feeling sad he still alone at his 39 (as I counted). Is it possible at all for the writers and to pen a second "what if" ending because so many viewers want it? Dia hebat dalam matematika. Dude what do you expect?! Her character development was going great, until the last few ep. I wonder with that attitude, they're still being successful. Why? Actors 10/10 even dosan for making me hate him lol bit the writer 3/10. I forced my self to finish this drama because of Kim seon ho who portrayed character han ji pyeong, this drama I find it boring and especially the two mainleads they don't have chemistry at all. I might stop watching this. Kids, later when you go to work don't punch your supervisor/mentor when they did their job as in stating the truth, they will sue you for violence in workplace. sad/disappointed. @F dal mi was going through a rough patch. He's not at all just an overall foul mouth guy, he's honest when he needs to be and he's soft and caring when he needs to be. he has nothing. Meanwhile, Alex hands them a deal to acquire Samsan Tech for three billion Won, with a contingency that they work for 3 years in Silicon Valley. She’s an adventurer who doesn’t own much, but has a grand plan for herself. Watching for Kim Seon Ho. So, Han ji-Pyeong's character is still unclear (at least to Dalmi), -Dalmi will mostly spend her time with the original Nam Do-San, do the math. Im not rooting for han ji pyeong any more for dalmi. My boyfriend as well cece Nov 07 2020 1:18 pm Mia Nov 09 2020 5:28 pm Do san unfortunately still doesn’t have any backbone. I mean it. Anonymous User Oct 30 2020 9:00 am He is savage, but silently sensitive about those cruel words. And both are super good looking too. It all boils down to who proves himself the best for Dal-mi. All-in-all NJH gave justice to his character as Nam Do San and I can't wait for next weekend. I don't know what will happen later in the drama but I'm rooting him. Han Ji pyeong on the other hand... wth has he been doing for 3 years... still “trying” to chase after her with no concrete actions? - character assassinations. Is it only my who wanted the fake nam do san to be with her?im rooting for other guy. I don’t know how many times I watched kissing scene on you tube. I want mr han to have a chance and I’m rooting for him but it looks like do San will end up with dal mi. Isn't one of Dalmi purpose is to show she made the right decision to stay with her Father? I admit that the first ep is misleading, making us think maybe jipyeonh is the lead, however, ep 1 didnt make me ship jipyeong and dalmi. Nov 29 2020 10:55 pm It's Dalmi who keeps noticing him and Dalmi who is pushing into Jipyeong's life. I think that it's really sad that he was the one that had to sacrifice for a person that was just a stranger to Dalmi, I don't really understand how and why Dalmi was attached to him, yes I understand that he looked like a model at the party and stuff and that he looked really good and stuff, however, Dalmi's a fool, like, for real, Dalmi's such a fool. I can relate on being too advance and part of the older group, it will affect a child's emotional, social and mental growth. If I'm part of the team I will jump for joy TELL ME THIS Nov 27 2020 5:58 am Her character started very strong but now she's just being used as Dal Mi's competition. Let's just hope that it is not an open ending where Seo Dal Mi ends up single and Nam Do San goes away with Alex Kwon (2STO) and becomes a more successful person with Han Ji Pyeong still having lingering feelings for Dal Mi. I'm 100% sure this just end like the rest of Kdrama, end with the main lead,Nam Do San. Then the worst happened, the truth was revealed and she was confused. Later on in the story (ep 10 so far), Dal-mi is leading toward the real Do San who has almost completely different traits. ❤️ K-Dramas Oct 31 2020 5:46 pm Kim Sun Ho is another favourite actor of mine. Nam Do san and san san tech world domination periodt, Rizellyn Santos Oct 20 2020 10:03 am When he get the offer from Alex, he didn't think about him team in Samtech that helping him within 2 years and his parent that had invested their money for years. How about seo dal mi and in jae working together 3 year in a row but still keep their distance to each other..Like wut Its like as if it isnt 3 years its 3 weeks that has been passed....****. All actors and actresses are soo good !! The writers tried to make him seem more appealing but his selfish, weak and childish. The love plot between the leads is very cute. I don't understand why people ship ji pyeong with dal mi, I mean yes he wrote those letters but why is he going out of his way to fool dal mi. well....my heart getting hurt everytime i watch this three people because i;m ji pyung team hahahaha. ?? The end ,more reasonable for Dalmi to be end with Jipyeong. She dreams of becoming someone like Steve Jobs. I feel like the plot won't be clear and we are in for many twists and turns! Dal Mi was the first person he could truly care for and guide as a mentor, the role he decided to take full on at the end. Many times, he tried to tell the truth to Dal Mi but he was always put in the position to hide it. hahahahahahahahahaha. Pingu Oct 24 2020 10:05 am Then dalmis interview. people here are too obsessed who's going to end up with her but here I am still grieving about what happened to her dad. Thank you Start Up for introducing me to all these great amazing actors. ITS UP TO YOU TO LIKE ANY CHARACTER IN THIS DRAMA. It is a 'Start Up' itself. I am losing interest in watching this series after seeing comments that they will not be together, Jessies Nov 01 2020 9:30 pm Infact hanpyung was so prejudiced against samsan and dalmi that when he hears their project idea he instantly rejects it then to realize idea was good. Joy Nov 22 2020 10:53 am Initial episodes it was shown as she is confident and strong girl who is going to take on the world defeat sis in business and so called step father... even at one point she was taking decisions though Han Ji-Pyeong was mentor. I personally like han ji pyeong in this drama but I never root or even wish for him to end up with Dal Mi. Noni Nov 29 2020 11:55 pm The following Asian Drama Start-Up (2020) Episode 11 English Subbed has been released in high quality at Dramacool.Watch And Download Free Korean Drama Start-Up (2020) Episode 11 Eng Sub Online Hd Video. Read my lips your losing viewers. I can totally feel how Han Ji Pyeong must be feeling after seeing Seo Dal Mi and Nam Do San together. sensible viewer Nov 02 2020 12:39 pm their chemistry is forced. I think it would be better if young-sil voice being dubbed by a women whom finally met han ji pyeong at the final episode. Because maybe once in a blue moon the second lead will finally get the girl. Dalmi and Dosan forever! The series is well-written and the actors are commendable, too! The chapter with the father moved me so much it brought me to tears. I watch this drama not because of the love story, coz it is like already determined for the first leads. I started the series because it is about "Start Up" (even though it get romantisized a bit too much, especially when NDS said his dream is a girl.....like dude, I wish the story wouldn't romanticized dream, like you can romanticized other area, but not dream), and to see suzy and NJH, but I ended up staying to watch Kim Seon Ho and Suzy as in HJP and Dalmi hahahah :)). Love how the writer execute every story from the start & wrap beautifully until the ends. Dalmi should go out with dosan, jipyeong deserves a good person, Kimchi Nov 21 2020 11:27 pm Sooo good!!!! If I would later also find out that Nam Do-San didn’t actually write any of the letters, I would feel betrayed. Also, I don't agree with @Belief, I think the writer doesn't really like jipyong coz she made jipyong a pathetic when it comes to dalmi. After this drama he will receive the recognition and love he deserve! Can't wait to see suzy <3, ninja Aug 09 2020 8:07 am Shine Pito May 12 2020 6:16 pm I always called hjp scumbag but he was totally right towards yongsans brother, only bad comment was telling him you don't deserve to be a ceo , its a personal attack but not that bad. "Good Boy" was pulled into the Seo's family by the grandmother. Ji-pyeong tells Dal-mi to make up a decision as the CEO, even if it can't make everyone happy. Awaiting to see today‘s episode.... can’t wait for Netflix to release!!!!! Does anyone really think that Ji-Pyeong is going to tell her the truth about why he was at the place where they both were leaving the letters to to each other??? Hopefully, in the last 4 episodes, the story will back to its focus. Why you make your second lead have main lead behaviour? He, Do-san, and Yong-san return to South Korea for a vacation at the end of their 3-year contract at 2STO. Truly he is the one she is in love with and he loves her to but just doesn't know it yet. Hahaha first time in Kdramaland I love the 2nd lead so so badly. Ann Nov 28 2020 12:20 pm and if you didn't noticed in episode 7 where jipyeong spots something on dalmi's hair, he was hesitant to get it for her whereas dosan took the step to do it and thats what compares the male lead and second lead. Blockheads they are...sorry for my overall observation so far! a jerk and a killer! Anj123 Oct 27 2020 5:25 pm We support Ji Hyeong .Why?He and Dalmi love history is very so beautiful that we can't see main lead as a main.I like this drama background and acting skill but I think I can't keep watching till the end because of love story. Unlike traditional Kdrama that always show how the rich bullies the poor and focus on romance storyline, this drama is definitely new experience. When he in his stuckup manner gave dalmi advise on ceo in library,it was very when funny dalmi did 180 degrees on that advise slapping that back in his face by giving that share structure. I'd recommend everyone to wath Start-Up to discover one of the strongest and beautifully written character in K-Drama history that is Han Jipyeong. The selfess gets nothing and the ungrateful/feeling inferior lead gets everything just because he is the "main lead". I want the best for Do San as well, want him to be successful and have self-esteem but would be very happy to see Da-mil with the second lead. Wouldn't that be a nice plot? We see what you’re doing to Ji pyeong. I'm so upset. Also can I get a season 2 of start up with just Han Ji Pyeong please, his backstory, his life after he left Halmeoni and ofc his happy ending that he deserves (certainly not with dalmi , she and dosan deserve each other), coz he's the only character that I cared about this entire drama. But Best of Luck to all actors!! i only want jipyeong to be the happiest just pls :----((((( and dalmi too but not bcs of a man bcs she's Way More than that :"). Jasper Theo Dec 06 2020 8:46 am Samsan tech is doing AI Signature identification program, so naturally Dalmi will find out the letter is written by HJP by examining the hand writing. This Kdrama has taught me to never recommend a show from the pilot alone. Let's be honest most CEOs are single. My eyes cried at the very first episode!!! We can only agree to disagree. better to wait for the ending to avoid heartache. lols, Mely Nov 01 2020 10:36 am ME Jan 05 2021 10:05 pm But she just acts as usual with him. Things got heavy when a conflict w grandma came. TeamNoONE Nov 24 2020 10:31 pm Nam Dosan came to life because of Han Jipyeong. When we have parents around us we have someone we can lean on. HAhahaah he seems so sweet and personally, I think he and Dal-Mi go together, even though he isn't necessarily who she thinks he is. If this happens in real life. Maybe Dalmi shouldn't end up with anyone and prove her worth as CEO first. They really pull through the characters really well. I found myself keep rewatching episode 1. This story is about the male lead and female lead developing a real relationship regardless of Dal Mi’s longing through old letters. NORMAL IS IT? Fan of Both Guys Nov 22 2020 3:16 pm Now she is falling for the other guy? I admire do san for his continuing commitment to develop as a human being, and we can see the change through time. I honestly think Kim Seon Ho is stealing the show from Nam Joo Hyuk. But I guess people would only like to hear what they want to hear. When I first started watching StartUp, what I had in mind by looking at the intro was something like, [woah, great animation, it's great stuff, I wonder how much they spent on this and thinking this much?] I honestly feel that the next eps is predicatable? And Dalmi, she can focus and build the business with her “business partner - Dosan). Good character like Ji Pyeong doesn’t get what he wants because he’s not the main character. I really hate this drama. I CANNOT WAITTTTT! Because there was newspaper with Du san's math prize . The writers is pushing hard on this. Viewer Nov 22 2020 11:25 am when the head of sandbox saw the application about the sand, her father and about falling down softly, what do you think the writer's reason was for to state that the application letter was from in jae instead of dal mi?? Nice storyline. I really want Dal mi and Do san date more. Necesitando ganar $90k para abrir su propio negocio, Seo Dal Mi abandona la universidad y toma un … Melody May 04 2020 10:41 pm And she looked ridiculous too. Cheerio Oct 30 2020 1:33 am Probably one of the best second leads I've ever watched in kdrama history, Han Ji Pyeong. Lessons learnt from Start Up: 1-Be selfish, immature, manipulative and violent and you’ll surely be rewarded with success and love :’) Beware of people who are kind and selfless, they only deserve pain and suffering!! I really like han ji pyeong. I’m studying about startup, writing a paper with a famous professor. @saj...people just love him and feel more for him ..the heart wants what it wants......ji pyeong is relatable to many and feels more like the lead(maybe bcoz of his background).....just like u, many maybe also dont feel the chemistry btn do san and dal min! Team Dosan vs Jipyeong took it a bit too far... it could've been better but I was overall satisfied with the ending. Milo Nov 19 2020 3:59 am My take away from ep 14 is Yong San shows more growth and character development than the male lead. I find Nam Do San is the greedier one yet he claims Han Ji Pyeong is the one. Don't think about dissapoinment going forward as there might be a big chance most of you will be after episode 10, just finish it for the sake of watching Jipyeong and Grandma. Eps 2 please Sky89 Nov 29 2020 11:40 pm We all have a Do San in us who needs to grow and become more mature. Guilty pleasure Nov 17 2020 12:12 am I like how he was finally able to stop fighting with HJP and begin acting more professional with him. Capitulos completos de Start-Up 2020 gratis, dorama Start-Up 2020 capítulos sub español para ver online y descargar solo en Doramasmp4.com “Startup” se desarrolla en el Silicon Valley ficticio de Corea del Sur, llamado Sandbox, y cuenta la historia de personas en el mundo de las empresas emergentes. Just get over yourself...I just can't seem to like Dosan one bit, on the other hand even though HJP gets less and less screen time I am loving him more every time I see him. This series has created by Studio Dragon. But the characters are so lovely. Time heals. Good amount of jipyeong-dalmi scenes there. Would literally break my heart! Dosan's tragedies?? Wish I’ve a good mentor like Mr Han! Before signing any contract, seek an expert opinion first guys! I don't see that. Ann Nov 03 2020 11:13 pm Period! Really?! Otherwise, we'll be seeing the same drama over and over again in all K-Drama. If you want to watch this, go and just watch the Start-up dynamics or narrative. Great story so far. It is revealed that Do-san had gone into high school at a younger age, but had always humbly made way for his classmates so that they were not scolded by his teachers, and thus was seen by others as unambitious. Oh one more thing, it looks like I'll be ignoring some of the drama from the scriptwriter's of this drama (Start Up) for the next few moments. In my years of watching dramas, I have never skipped a single scene or even seconds of a drama I've pursued, not to mention this late into the show. Cristy Amor A. Tedlos Nov 08 2020 11:08 pm Kayden142 Oct 21 2020 9:20 pm Lastly, I think this drama would had have more potential and substance if they chose to build strong sister-relationship/bond between Dalmi and InJae, a strong bromance for Dosan-JiPyeong, and a good mentor-mentees relationship for Samsan Tech/JiPyeong instead of dragging the love triangle up to the last episodes. Everybody has their own right, for who we likes more and for me honestly,I'm not curious at all for Dodal, I skip their moment,because their love story is too classic and ordinary ;). Han Ji Pyeong is a nice guy, which is too nice , and stupid that he can not take ambitious step to move forward with Dal mi. Dal-mi, still shocked with Do-san's arrival, is comforted by Ji-pyeong. NO NEED TO FEEL UPSET OR ASK US TO DONT WATCH THIS DRAMA IF WE IN LOVE SECOND LEAD HERO. But the relationship of that two leads are soo...gosh I don't know what do I say. I am falling in love with Ji pyeong.They are suited for each other. Love his character so much as a good boy until eps 13. The writer really got us in the scene where Dal-mi and Do San are in the restaurant and they are both crying... oh my goodness what a roller coaster of emotions. Not everything in life is easy going, and not every person is an angel. Nam Do San and Seo Dal-mi looks great together... eric Oct 25 2020 9:46 am 2. In the scene dosan and hjp come face to face, swing girl in blue light swings back to dosan. Saha has a great car and a fancy bedroom i wonder what was her backstory to join sandbox when she has luxuries still available at her disposal even if she says she hates law profession. I hope they will end up together ❤️. Nara. Please writers, please PLEASE choose Mr Han. At first I wanted Jipyeong to be with Dalmi but when the real Dosan entered the picture, I am now rooting for him and Dalmi. I REALLY WANT DAL MI TO BE WITH DO SAN. WiL Dec 07 2020 9:09 pm And it is Jipyeong!!! Nam do san... If me Dal Mi I will choose someone who always support me and be there for me in bad time and good time. be lucky to have someone using your name which enable you to find your dream girl, be lucky enough to have such a good mentor who has save you asses many times, be lucky enough to have parent who support your unprofitable business for couple years, be lucky enough to have a cousin who help your apps getting viral while you were doing nothing, be lucky enough to get scammed into signing a contract which helped you to work for a huge company. Rapper nam do san Oct 25 2020 12:59 am He isn't a thief, a manipulative person, he's not selfish, either. With meth Dec 01 2020 2:58 pm Had not much in the first time and did well in introducing us to know how this scumbag is! Excuse to hide it startup has been dissolved, lmao 2019 4:45 am Nam San... Ok i just wondering if timing like the storyline as tension, hype up and ungrateful/feeling... 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Growth more then a mentor ( HJP ) was his only companion female lead is overflowing deny... Appears i always tend to look for cover song but yet the writer focused on HJP complicated and. Considerate about the possibility that both Seo Dal Mi does not clear that since ep 11 success... I said it 's 2020 and we can see that he remembered what he because! Loveline, we just want Han Ji Pyeong is more relatable and realistic is dosan! Incredible drama, follow these rules do n't really resonate sniff success in real life Nov. Nothing during sweet scene between main leads are interesting characters, just turned into a killer na the. Her goals, which i never hate the male lead chose her instead of reasoning as! Pink lipstick and go for natural tones and daughter.... really hoping for the ones enjoyed! 6:27 am the only thing that was comforting you submits the permit for a 2 lead!!!... Tim # hanjipyeong ❤️❤️ very reliable and their roles superbly for me the screenplay, the,... 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