Travel Guide: Things to know when traveling for the University of Arkansas. White, Jr. Engineering Hall 790 W. Dickson St. Suite 120 Fayetteville, AR 72701 Phone: 479-575-4667 Fax: 479-575-5619 479-575-5351 Launch "Safari" app. Department of Civil Engineering 4190 Bell Engineering Center Fayetteville, AR 72701 Phone: (479) 575-4954 Fax: (479) 575-7168 This is required for all University related travel. We offer 2 types of travel pay reimbursement for eligible Veterans: General health care travel: This benefit covers regular transportation, like car, plane, train, bus, taxi, or light rail. The health center can file claims with most health insurance plans. i��Eʼn8+y� �����a�u>g+b���r�
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... Insurance & Billing for Medical Services. �{|8��89?֠����%�z�CS�Up|5w�ۇ�����;!�����:Ab4�H��Nxwp�����w�G/t�7���>�������u���ԫ���^�q�8�!�)���i��>�@�C�����/��J�r'�3H��Q��^�� �Hȵ
Worksheet for Filing a Travel Claim Traveler Name: $0.00 (This is the date and time the trip ended) $0.00 Parking: Registration: Mileage Rate: $0.00 TAXI (METRO) Car Rental: Official Hwy Miles: Vicinity Miles: Airfare: Travel Card Total: $0.00 Miscellaneous Reimbursable Expenses Description Claim Total: Travel Advance: Lodging: Meals: $0.00 0
Total amount either due or owed by the traveler. Therefore, if you require medical care abroad, pay with All FY21 travel must be entered in Workday starting July 7,2020. The original PDF version of this policy is linked from the revised date below. Since you are creating a Travel Claim, you will start by selecting the Travel Authorizations link. 146 0 obj
The Allergy, Immunization, and Travel (AIT) Clinic provides allergy shots, immunizations and international travel consultations for the campus community. ��lV�u���ЦU����?؋�jK�E&\��וEg�KW��]�.`�����%[��Yn�j%����S�����M�mv��K�?�V:|l�_L��Y| �ٙ頑��K�m!M��~X��0�Q�c|&�W�\9t��E��)/���k�n꽮>;�Z�
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Travel Administrators. You can create new travel claims or update exlstmg claims … Here’s something refreshing. Procurement: Invoice Attached 1,580 . … Net Due Traveler:;wfState:distributed;wfType:email;workflowId:9adb50034cd08544a55a475f1dc22165 The Travel Team serves the campus and facilitates travel for faculty, staff, students, and guests of the University of Arkansas by proficiently processing travel payments, offering training and tools to administrators and travelers alike, and providing interpretation and guidance regarding State of Arkansas Travel Regulations and University processes and procedures. ... Travel Claim, or Administrative TCard Receipt to BusinessServices. Call 479-575-4451 to schedule medical Televisits. Since you are creating a Travel Claim, you will start by selecting the Travel Authorizations link. h�bbd``b`�! The Traveler TCard Statement link is for you to view TCard charges you have incurred while using your TCard, if you have a Traveler TCard. Introduction. Other . Once the traveler has returned from their trip, they need to organize all of their required receipts so they can obtain reimbursement for authorized expenses. Travel: Claims & Invoices: Must be received by the Travel Office by July 6, 2020 to ensure expensing to FY20 accounting. For additional information regarding Travel entries, contact Greg Holiman 575-8414. %%EOF
Travel: Claims & Invoices: Must be received by the Travel Office by July 6, 2020 to ensure expensing to FY20 accounting. 14,089 . We’re not here to slow you down or bury you in a bunch of red tape. the Extended Travel Assistance plan. ���rX��5��{�2��@��w��m`t��da I also understand that I must submit receipts for all charges listed on this claim. The travel assistance plan provides emergency travel assistance when you are over Mechanical Engineering 204 Mechanical Engineering Building Fayetteville, AR 72701 Phone: (479) 575-3153 Fax: (479)-575-6982 �)^QN+KK3[�����v:8BZ�7!g���i�6�E�:p3+�9u%���մqӽ��r��1ny���V��\��9+V5p04�u40 QE*j` Instead, the most common mistakes are identified and corrected immediately at time of entry by the traveler or departmental … All FY21 travel must be entered in Workday starting July 7,2020. Types of reimbursement VA Beneficiary Travel offers. or review the Travel Assistance brochure or the Travel Assistance Program Description regarding your travel assistance benefit. Travel Claim Worksheet (Excel)- Please complete and submit this form and expense receipts upon completion of travel. %PDF-1.5
With regard to my claim(s), whenever possible in order to expedite my claim(s), I (we) wish to receive communications and documents, including electronic delivery of any benefit payment(s) due by check, electronically to my (our) e-mail address(es), rather than by regular postal service. A new Travel Claim process in BASIS is replacing the paper form, ‘Statement of Traveling Expenses’. If there is a discrepancy between the website content and the official Plan Documents, the official Plan Documents will govern. @�q?�{H�}�a ���: For historical mileage reimbursement rates, please review the State Controller's Office's Payroll Procedures Manual, Section N. 2020 Personal Vehicle Mileage Reimbursement Rates . I certify that the charges claimed against this travel were not previously reimbursed to me by a third-party entity. with evidence of insurance. Questions or concerns regarding Travel claims & invoices should be directed to Greg Holiman, 575-8414 or; Tuesday, July 7, 2020
H��W�n#7��W�,04�I6�k6�^��,���@�"����j�dɛ\r��#��U��݇�$v��n�A��~!�g��,�Zb��%������u�.|���U�ka��ͣ���G��.qt/b�j�`UbQ�SJ���\5/�ß�����K�����p:=>?��ϟ¯�/����v/�����������[6ߥ�\BQ� Online Travel Guard Insurance Claims. Employees on extended travel (more than 180 days) and J-1 Visa holders should use College of Education and Health Professions. If the traveler received a Travel Advance it is entered here. Employees on extended travel (more than 180 days) and J-1 Visa holders should use the Extended Travel Assistance plan. Special mode transportation: This benefit includes special types of transportation, like an ambulance, ambulette, or wheelchair van. The University of Arkansas has really benefited from having an electronic travel claim. Travel Advances. Travel Services. And when something goes wrong, we are going to do our best to make it right. B. Attendees: Attendee list should include state and non-state employees. Student Travel Policy Information The Student Travel Policy applies to all undergraduate students, and any graduate student who is not on an assistantship. �w���+�X����b]�[��@�����
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No more excel spreadsheets with no validations, resulting in incorrect claims that have to be returned, corrected, and re-processed. Travel Consults | $25. coverage due to your enrollment in basic life insurance and basic long-term disability Travel Expenditures Funded by University of Arkansas Sponsored Programs. The health center can file claims with most health insurance plans. ... Insurance & Billing for Medical Services. This story is part of the 2014 Lemke Abroad program for the Walter J. Lemke Department of Journalism at the University of Arkansas. "6��� �H�����Ƞ2��7���@� \�
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For additional information regarding Travel entries, contact Greg … Travel . insurance. Prior to your travel departure, please contact HR at 479-575-5351 for additional information endstream
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Travel Claims & Invoices must be received by the Travel Office to ensure recognition as a FY 2020 expense. Guests of the university are not eligible to receive travel advances. University of Arkansas student Rachel Yeager and Santa Cruz native Efrain Velasquez contributed to this report. Net Due Traveler:;wfState:distributed;wfType:email;workflowId:9adb50034cd08544a55a475f1dc22165 hެSmO�0�+�q�P���I$T�-�! Amount to be reimbursed for taxi fare. statement of claim containing any materially false information or conceals for the purpose of misleading, information concerning any fact material thereto commits a fraudulent insurance act, which is a crime and subjects such person to criminal and civil penalties. Please include. Travel Consults | $25. When you need to make a claim, you can be sure we are ready to help. Department of Biomedical Engineering John A. V�&U��^)M��h��w��% ���,��{�Ώ����A(��h%��
@$dC\�R���i All FY 2021 travel is to be entered in Workday beginning July 7, 2020. Provide Airfare Documentation to the Travel Office If airfare is purchased through Anthony Travel/Concur: with an Admin TCard, you do NOT need to send a receipt to the Travel Office. If you do not want the health center to file with your insurance provider, let us know at the time of your appointment. You have insurance for a reason. If you are a benefits-eligible employee, you automatically have travel assistance h�b```f``2c`a`�� �� @1V �h��匕
�30���}�sg�3�)�Ո��.�T�$�O���d�� The Travel Claims link allows you to view and update Travel Claims that have been created. 340 N. Campus Drive Gearhart Hall 213 1 University of Arkansas Fayetteville, AR 72701 Tel: 1-479-575-4401 Fax: 1-479-575-5908 100 miles from home. Departments have 30 days to submit a travel claim to the Graduate School for reimbursement processing. Benefits include: Be aware that when traveling abroad, foreign medical providers will usually require 324 Graduate Education Building University of Arkansas Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 +1-479-575-3208; Claims for travel prior to a new rate's effective date shall receive the prior rate. 159 0 obj
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Fax: 479-575-6971, Links to important University of Arkansas pages, Medical referrals to western-trained, English-speaking medical providers, Care and transport of unattended minor children. A. Follow the instructions below to add a shortcut to a website on the home screen of your iPad, iPhone, or Android devices. Enter Claim Information Below Claim Number Date of Loss : Privacy | Legal Notices | Producer Compensation Disclosure ©2021 The Travelers Companies, Inc. We also assist with immunizations and TB testing required by academic programs and/or employment. Prior to your travel departure, please contact HR at 479-575-5351 for additional information or review the Travel Assistance brochure or the Travel Assistance Program Description regarding your travel assistance benefit. expense. Here are some of the ways it has made us all winners. Worksheet for Filing a Travel Claim Traveler Name: Address for Payment: Purpose of Trip: Departing From Destination (This is the date and time the trip ended) Mileage Rate: Taxi Fares Official Hwy Miles: Vicinity Miles: Airfare: Car Rental: Parking: Claim Total: … This website provides a summary of University of Arkansas System benefits for eligible employees. All FY 2021 travel is to be entered in Workday beginning July 7, 2020. Questions or concerns regarding Travel claims & invoices should be directed to Greg Holiman, 575-8414 or; Tuesday, July 7, 2020 Human Resources 222 Administration Building Fayetteville, AR 72701 479-575-5351 Fax: 479-575-6971 Revised state travel regulations, effective January 1, 2003, state that in large governmental units, it may not be feasible for the administrative head of the agency, department or institution to act as travel administrator. Creating a Travel Claim using webBASIS Once a traveler returns from a trip a Travel Claim is processed in order to reimburse the traveler for expenses incurred for which they paid for and want to be reimbursed. The Travel Claims link allows you to view and update Travel Claims that have been created. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Travel Claims. payment for medical services and will not accept assignment of medical bills, even with a Traveler TCard, you DO need to send a detailed itinerary receipt with the travel claim to the Travel Office. Stock Based Compensation . Policy Overview Subject to departmental approval, a traveler (only an employee or student of the University of Arkansas) may request an advance to cover expenses anticipated to be incurred while traveling on behalf of the University of Arkansas. If you do not want the health center to file with your insurance provider, let us know at the time of your appointment. Traveler has an option to enter 6 different taxi fares description of misc. Describe event and benefit to University of Arkansas: Business Services . The Travel Claim can be created by either utilizing the 3270 version of … ... on my credit card solely for my use. Human Resources This document is intended to serve as formal guidance for University of Arkansas for charging travel-related expenditures to funds received from sponsored programs in like circumstances. Claim form this form and expense travel claims uark upon completion of travel i must submit receipts for all listed! Travel Authorizations link Programs and/or employment Claim form this form will initiate the for!: 479-575-6971 travel Services Workday beginning July 7, 2020 the health center to file with your insurance provider let., we are ready to help ) Clinic provides Allergy shots, immunizations and international travel for. 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