zeldris: he will die at the hands of merlin in revenge against cusack for killing the little arthurito. Zeldris wonders how he knows that old technique to which Arthur tells him not to underestimate humans, proceeding to attack him with Deathpecker. The French poet Robert Wace (c. 1110-1174 CE) then … Along the way, Zeldris tells the whole story about Merlin's past in Belialuin, which is heard by the Sins through a magical plant that Merlin left behind. Zeldris is forced to intercept the attacks and cancel them with his God power. Meliodas asks him not to give up because Gelda is waiting for him. When Ludociel was about to finish him off, Cusack intervenes by stopping the Archangel with his swords. Zeldris tell … Merlin was at first surprised but she hugged her back. When Cusack asks Zekdris to let him take care of him, he agrees as long as he does not allow anyone to disturb Meliodas. Follow ... Top speed is Merlin level. The Demon King gives another sword strike telling him not to be arrogant and that if he thinks that if someone like him can ever bested him. He swiftly attacks the mage with his magic through Orlondi and manages to curse her, but she manages to escape before Zeldris can kill her, impressing him. Arriving at Edinburgh Hill, Zeldris and his fellow Ten Commandments find a castle in ruins and concludes that it was Meliodas who caused the destruction of the castle as if there was a great battle fought there before noticing his brother Estarossa in a laid-back self, relaxing in the castle's ruins much to Zeldris' chagrin. The Demon King exclaims that he does not understand what a father feels for having to kill his beloved son with his own hands, just before giving a great blow. His father, Balinor, also knew how to speak in this language, as did all Dragonlords. In response, Zeldris and Fraudrin attempted to attack Meliodas from both sides, but he was teleported back to Istar. Zeldris says that is impresive that he was able to make that call so quickly, but Meliodas explains that it was Merlin who did it, leading Zeldris to call Merlin too crafty. Cath manages to distract the demons to give Arthur the possibility of escape. Zeldris awakens within his spiritual world. Zeldris tries to ask her to say something to her, but Meliodas insists that he himself will do it. Stop it. Zeldris then proceeds to use his original power, Ominous Nebula, creating an incredible force of attraction, which draws the Assault Force towards him. Zeldris demands to be tell where Gelda is, but that individual before him is revealed to be his father possessing Meliodas's body, stating that Zeldris remains attached to Gelda is a disgrace. Ludociel intercepts the advance of Zeldris with his Gold Shining. That is a part of what makes it such an intriguing story, nevertheless. Meliodas tells Zeldris before disappearing that they will see each other on the other side, to which Zeldris promises no matter what it costs. Hop on in and let’s chat. Zeldris says that he doesn’t want to be around people but he will think about it if it's one to one. However, the Demon King's conscience refuses to let his vessel go and tries to retrieve it. The character was created by Geoffrey of Monmouth in his History of the Kings of Britain (1136 CE) where he first appears as a wise and precocious youth with prophetic powers. The three demons are faced with Escanor, Merlin, and Ludociel. Zeldris tries to help him, but only manages to be absorbed by the attack and sent remotely far away along with Estarossa. The most recent crop of episodes, Season 4, simply hit Netflix, so you may see precisely what’s occurred up up to now by watching the entire earlier episodes. When the spell that Gowther had used 3,000 years ago began to fall apart because Meliodas and the Demon King discovered the truth, Zeldris and Cusack, like all those who were under its influence, begin to suffer the effects of the spell that kept their memories altered. Heartbreaking romances are a serious theme on this sequence. The Demon King demands to know why they have that expression on their faces, to which each Sin and also Zeldris remarks that they are not afraid of him and that he has no chance of winning. As Zeldris is pushed back, he tells his father that he will never understand the strength that loving and being loved by someone can give you. Ludociel happens to confront Zeldris, noting that his skill in swordsmanship is the fastest in all the Demon Realm. At that moment, a Gray Demon comes and informs him that over one hundred demons have been killed, but they still do not know who the culprit is. However, he is capable of destroying it and leaving unharmed without problems. After Meliodas destroys the false ones and releases Zeldris, he falls into Gelda's arms, happily reunited. Zeldris tells him that he must have returned to heaven as soon as he woke up, but he is surprised when Mael states that he has not come to fight and tries to convince him to retire the demon army of Britannia and stop helping Meliodas to be the Demon King. With just one minute left, Zeldris tries to stop Merlin, but his attacks are blocked by King's Pollen Garden who states that he can no longer win. Your email address will not be published. This makes Zeldris remembers the moment when he sealed the Vampire Clan when Gelda tells him that while it is sealed she will remember all her days with him. Zeldris shows confusion to their words, wondering exactly what they are. Meliodas had no trouble subduing him, however, which only sought to anger Zeldris even further. Meliodas had no bother subduing him, nevertheless, which solely sought to anger Zeldris even additional. "My have you grown Merlin!" When he remembers what happened, he repeatedly asks his father to return his body. She insists that she is the only one who loves him, to which Zeldris says that shows him that she is fake, because the true Gelda would never say something like that. When Meliodas finally returns accompanied by Chandler and Elizabeth, Zeldris receives him at the castle praising his guts. Afterward in The Seven Lethal Sins, Meliodas’s brother Zeldris discovered himself enraged by the present Demon King’s order to crown Meliodas as the brand new Demon King. "Don't ever say I never did anything for you and that shithead." Suddenly, Meliodas appeared out of nowhere through Merlin's teleportation and casually greeted the Ten Commandments who were alarmed of his sudden presence, Zeldris attempt to fight but Galand stopped them because he was determined to finish off where he started. There, Merlin refuses to give up and prepares to use Chrono Coffin, which both Zeldris and the Original Demon recognizes with disbelief as the forbidden art capable of suspending time. Zeldris only says that he already told him that he was going to defeat him, before seriously injuring him with his power. He then shouts to be resigned to their deaths because there is no greater crime than opposing the Demon King. They are fellow sins: Escanor as the lion sin of pride and Merlin as the boar's sin of gluttony. Zeldris is surprised to discover that Grayroad was defeated by Merlin and that Meliodas has her Commandment. Merlin, enchanter and wise man in Arthurian legend and romance of the Middle Ages, linked with personages in ancient Celtic mythology (especially with Myrddin in Welsh tradition). When it was over, Zeldris made a small sound and closed his green eyes. Nanatsu no Taizai Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Before Gelda can free Zeldris, the fake ones, controlled by the Demon King, attack her. Zeldris' conscience reflected in the illusions asks Meliodas to go and kill him with his father, preferring to die to give him his body. Zeldris recalls what Meliodas told him when he convinced him to help him become the Demon King: that Gelda is still alive, and how he re-sealed her twelve years ago when she wanted to die. Zeldris tries to prevent Cusack from intervening and cannot believe that he can not move even with the power that his father gave him, realizing the Demon King was right and Meliodas really has returned to full strength the strength of his brother. The Demon King appears before Zeldris and Gelda. Zeldris ask the Original Demon to take charge of Escanor and Merlin while he deals with Chastiefol. Zeldris says he knows it because he trusts his older brother. Consumed by the desire to be with Gelda, Zeldris stops trying to recover his body and the Demon King takes full control. However, before he can attack, Zeldris' sword melts by Mael's Sunshine. In Camelot, Zeldris senses Merlin scouting Camelot in search of Arthur Pendragon using Orlondi. Zeldris stops him, stating that with that kind of power Meliodas could replace the Demon King. With the arrival of the Sins, Zeldris smiles as he welcomes the person in charge who is no longer Estarossa but Mael. Even so, Zeldris continues his desperate barrage of attacks but Mael appears and slash him in the back. While waiting for Meliodas to come out of the cocoon, Zeldris, Cusack, and Chandler are met at the castle by the Assault Force. However, the Seven Deadly Sins makes a completely confident face. But now that he has absorbed all of the ten commandments and experienced Demon King controlling his body, it's safe to say that Demon King Zeldris is enough to give Meliodas's final form a very hard time. As Meliodas send a clone to Full Countering the technique, the Demon King tries to kill him, just as the true Meliodas declares that he can now eliminate him without hestiation. Merlin and Escanor are in a very tight position themselves fighting the biggest fight of their lives with power levels far below their enemies. When Cusack and Chandler are assaulted by Merlin's magical attacks, Zeldris fails to understand how she does it without showing any behavior. Zeldris declares that he is not like that and that he always uses his full power no matter who he faces. He gets angry when she tells him of what she dreamed of was true before forcefully restoring her memories while telling her to remember everything and to know the true depth of her sin. At that moment, Zeldris activates his Ominous Nebula and attracts the creature destroying him completely. Knowing that the psychological impact of the truth would cause great commotion the closer a person was to Mael, Merlin wonders why Zeldris does not suffer any effect. While Elizabeth tries to cure Merlin, Zeldris came to see who was trying to cure Merlin and was visibly shocked at seeing her again but quickly recovers. Zeldris laughs saying that he must keep his promise, referring to him as Demon King. As he can barely stand, Zeldris remembers Meliodas' promise of reviving Gelda after becoming the Demon King. When the fight moves out of Liones and Estarossa seems to win the upper hand, Zeldris says he has already decided, but Escanor manages to release an attack strong enough to obliterate Estarossa and send him away. Whereas holding Zeldris down, Meliodas tells his brother that Gelda, a member of the Vampire Clan and Zeldris’s lover, did not truly die when she was thought to have earlier within the sequence. Zeldris tells his father that in those moments his pride is destroyed and his heart is weakened, because he was already defeated by the emotions of Meliodas he considered weak and is now being defeated again. The two engage in a sword fight where the Demon King says he will never fall before a weakling that is under a woman's thumb. However, these fail to make a dent in the two demons. Fortunately, we have every little thing you must know in that regard to assist clear issues up a bit in the event that they’re nonetheless barely complicated. The Sins shook their head. Mael and Zeldris engage in hand to hand combat, in which Mael manages to take the lead. The Demon King finally appears in front of Zeldris and Gelda saying that his body already belongs to him and that he will never see his brother again. 10 months ago. [1], Later on he, along with the other Commandments, arrive to aid Drole and Gloxinia who are facing off against Meliodas. [41] It also has the additional effect of nullifying an immortal's regeneration. Before leaving in search of the Commandments, Zeldris warns Estarossa not to try to keep the Commandments for himself. Meliodas then begins to disappear from the spirit world, Zeldris asks if he really went to save him, to which Meliodas asks him to let him act as an appropriate older brother for once, since he is his only younger brother in the world. The Demon King shows Zeldris an illusion about the confrontation he had with Meliodas when he decided to leave the Demon Clan, in it Meliodas states that he will not hesitate to kill him when he gives up the moment and that he never considered him his little brother to begin with. We have taken the sequence in and are able to reply the million-dollar query. When Mael releases his Greatest Sun against the Original Demon, Zeldris protects himself with God, reminding him that no magical attack has an effect on him. Merlin getting worked up when she learned that the Commandments are back could be either out of anger due to a personal relation to the demons or because of sheer excitement because she gets to put whatever she learned from Mel's Commandment aspect to the test. [3] Zeldris later tells a now severely beaten Meliodas that his death will be the first part of their revenge and if it were not for his betrayal, the Demon Clan would have not been defeated in the war.[4]. After being informed by Fraudrin of the current events in Britannia, Zeldris suggested that they should head for Edinburgh Hill for the recuperation of their severely drained magical powers due to the seal they're trapped in, which everyone agreed and left Zhuhur Valley by flight, leaving a terrified Hendrickson. When Arthur manages to find Excalibur, he is attacked on the back by Zeldris and Cusack, who show Cath completely wounded and defeated. deactivated-5faf743db9a3e. Kilgharrah, at least, seems … Zeldris calls her "Cursed Goddess Elizabeth" and asks her if she still brings Meliodas suffering while revealing he is Meliodas younger brother. Diane then calls for Meliodas to show that the Commandments are still there. PS: merlin will stay with arthur until he has become a great king and then he will disappear but will meet him again before his death at the hands of lancelot. Meliodas notes that Gelda is solely sealed away, and he guarantees that he’ll launch her as quickly as he’s granted the flexibility to develop into the brand new Demon King. -Zeldris got played by Merlin into handing over a commandment-Estarossa got aura crushed by Mel-Galan tried to run from Escanor and got stoned by his own ability-Monspiet got toyed with by Mel-Derieri got toyed with by Mel-Melaschula got roasted trying to eat Escanor's soul-Melaschula became a bottle experiment for Merlin At that time, Ludociel, who possessed the body of Princess Margaret, attacked Zeldris from the Druid temple where Gilthunder was a prisoner. Zeldris is horrified to see what Cusack is doing as he realizes that absorbing all the Commandments will allow the Demon King to take him as a new vessel. He was granted the Commandment of Piety, and is responsible for the ransacking of Camelot and the enslavement of its citizens as well as the denizens of Liones. Zeldris asks him why they insist on fighting alone in such a situation. Reluctantly agreeing when the Demon King sternly told him to not argue and retrieve Meliodas, Zeldris telepathically calls the other Commandments but none of them responds to him except Gloxinia and Drole, who told him that they have abandoned the Commandments and are enemies of the Demon Clan. Then the Demon King creates a new creature, Setsuna no Inja, and sends him to attack his son. Merlin enters from the back of the Boar Hat, holding Aldan in front of her. He asks if he wants to win the Holy War until the point of left his only brother to become something like the Demon King. Zeldris is astonished to know that absorb the Commandments in fact turned Meliodas into his father's vessel. There Estarossa asks what would happen if they were dead, revealing Zeldris that then the Commandment could be removed without problems of the corpse. Zeldris, however, is not fooled and destroys the illusion with a slash of his sword, damaging the Demon King as well. Read what he has to say about the final episode. He was staring off into space with a blank expression and the Sins, Elizabeth, Hawk and Zeldris were unsure what this meant. Zeldris manages to divert with his sword all the mini suns that go towards him but ends up causing a huge piece of the ceiling to fall on him. He leaned slightly over Elizabeth and moved one hand over her head. Disappointed and angered with the Giant and Fairy Kings decision, Zeldris responds by stripping them of their Demonic power and Commandments before cutting off contact without another word after saying that a Giant and Fairy could never properly work with the Demon Clan. When the Demon King unleashes an attack on the Sins and Archangels, Zeldris manages to intercept it and pierce his father's Tansoku no Kenjin with his sword saving everyone. Ludociel uses his Ruby Shine to blind Zeldris with a bright light while Escanor causes a huge explosion with his Cruel Sun to camouflage their presences. What did he say to him to make him help collecting all of the commandments, does it have something to do with Zeldris's vampire lover? At that moment, two demons, Cusack and Chandler, appears, much to Zeldris' pleasant surprise. After Hendrickson managed to remove the seal, Zeldris and the rest of the Ten Commandments appeared before the terrified former Great Holy Knight and Fraudrin in Dreyfus' body with Zeldris uttered Meliodas' name as if he knew him. He has silver gauntlets and carries his sword with a strap on his hip. Some later, Zeldris and Cusack are surprised at seeing Arthur prowling around the castle. He blatantly answers Cusack's evident criticism of the order by saying even he can never understand what the Demon King is thinking. Thus, Zeldris recognizes that his supposed brother "Estarossa" is actually the Archangel Mael. Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls, https://nanatsu-no-taizai.fandom.com/wiki/Zeldris/Plot?oldid=162376. Zeldris explains that it is because he never looked up to Estarossa as a brother anyway, in fact feeling relieved to discover that he really was not. Zeldris also known as Zeldris the Piety is Meliodas' younger brother and one of the Ten Commandments that answer directly to the Demon King. When they ask him his identity, Arthur reveals to be the king of Camelot, allowing Zeldris to deduce that he is looking for Excalibur. Noting that his former mentor and Meliodas' former teacher's power is more than enough to fill in the vacancy of the missing Ten Commandments, Zeldris reveals to Chandler that his father has ordered him to rescue Meliodas and crown him as the new Demon King. Zeldris resumes his fierce attack on Meliodas claiming that he will become the Demon King, but he is easily overcome. Zeldris is revealed to have toppled the Kingdom of Camelot's royal capital, single-handedly, seemingly having parted ways with Estarossa. Stands with a slash of his own father, the power of the Seven Sins capital! Quickly asks Gelda not to give Arthur the possibility of escape, then increase the and. To return his body and the Ten Commandments the end of the Demon King him... Can possess him again of saying that of course he did her that he always his! And cancel them with his power to the Demon King stands with a strap on his.... Her everything he knew all along thanks to the information recollected by the attack to the Demon King thinking. Decide to attack Zeldris, he falls into Gelda 's arms saying that Zeldris and Fraudrin attempted to Zeldris! A falling but Zeldris rejects needing his help his attire is a boobs kinda guy, which has all. 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