These changes tended to conflict with his conservative orientation and aristocratic background. The University commenced full operation in 1962 and was named after the Sardauna of Sokoto and Premier of Northern Nigeria, Sir Ahmadu Bello (1901 - 1966) who became its first Chancellor. SPOTLIGHT ON SIR AHMADU BELLO Biography of Ahmadu Bello,Origin,Education,Achievements,wives,children Ahmadu Bello Sardauna, Full Documentary.Sardauna Hosts Princess Alexandra at Sokoto Durbar | Independence Celebrations | Oct. 1960 Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa's Speech An Interview with Obafemi Awolowo Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa Major-General … 15. He built 16,000-seater Ahmadu Bello stadium, Kaduna. He made attempts to become the Sultan of Sokoto but was not successful, losing to Sir Siddiq Abubakar III who reigned for 50 years until his death in 1988. Apart from being a devout Muslim, the Sardauna was also an accomplished politician. In the 1959 … In 1953 and 1957, he was the leader of the Northern delegation to constitutional conferences in London (my good friend still wonders why we had to go all the way to London to write our own constitution) The ‘Work and Worship’ motto on the Northern Nigerian crest … ‘Association of the Descendants of Oduduwa‘), and followed the same process in the transformation of the J.M.A into the Northern People’s Congress (NPC) in 1951. The north was less developed economically than … He had his elementary education in Sokoto and later attended the Katsina Higher College where he was a college mate of Alhaji Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, the first Prime Minister of Nigeria. He built Northern Nigeria - Investments Ltd (NNIL). He built Northern Nigeria - Development Company In Kaduna. The elections of 1951 under the new McPherson Constitution, however made it imperrative that those aspiring to enter the new Regional House of Assembly at Kaduna should campaign on the platform of a political party. The Sardauna and his colleagues took note of how the dominant political party in the Western Region, the Action Group, had metamorphosed out of a Yoruba cultural association called the ‘Egbe Omo Oduduwa‘ (i.e. The NPC won the elections of November 1951 to the Northern House of Assembly, and formed a government under the leadership of its president, the Sardauna of Sokoto. Sir Ahmadu Bello was the first and only premier of the Northern Nigeria region. He also held the title of Sardauna of Sokoto. The casualties of the coup included the country’s Prime Minister, Alhaji Abubakar Tafawa Belewa, the Sardauna of Sokoto, Sir Ahmadu Bello, Samuel Akintola, the finance minister, the Premier of the Western Region, Festus Okotie-Eboh and many others. Political Achievements. The desire of the Sardauna to dominate the political landscape pitched him against leading southern politician like Chief Obafemi Awolowo. The place of birth is Rabbah Sokoto. Any/all written content and images displayed are provided by the blogger/author, appear herein as submitted by the blogger/author and are unedited by Opera News. He built New Nigeria Newspapers In Kaduna. 14. Below are some of his numerous achievements and contribution to Nigeria development before his was murdered. Copyright © Opera News - Nigeria News 2020, Opera News is a free to use platform and the views and opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author and do not represent, reflect or express the views of Opera News. Opera News furthermore does not condone the use of our platform for the purposes encouraging/endorsing hate speech, violation of human rights and/or utterances of a defamatory nature. He was engaged in political activities back in 1934. This was a testimony to the conservative inclinations of the Sardauna as it was this ministry that handled affairs of the native authorities usually headed by the Emirs. Like many of his contemporaries among the small elite of Northern Nigeria. I have always based my actions on my inward convictions, on my conscience and on the dictates of my religion". Ahmadu Bello became involved early with politics, participating actively in the political events that led to Nigeria’s independence in 1960. He was brutally murdered at his home during a 1966 coup d’état, one in a series of events characterizing Nigeria’s political instability. SIR AHMADU BELLO (1909 – 1966) | Biography, History, Facts, Politics and Death, Reasons For Adoption Of Policy Of Association In French West Africa, Policy Of Association | French Colonial Administrations, Nigeria Police Force | History, Structure, Functions & Problems, Advantages & Disadvantages of Clifford Constitution of 1922, Loi Cadre of 1956 In French West Africa | Aspects, MacPherson Constitution of 1951 | Features, Merits & Demerits, Effects Of Indirect Rule In British West Africa, The Nigerian Eastern Regional Crises of 1953, First Past the Post System | Definition, Pros & Cons, Elite Party | Definition, Features & Examples, Mass Party | Definition, Features & Examples, Purposes of Elections | Processes & Functions. 1949 - Co-founded the Northern People's Congress. Content created and supplied by: Benny442 (via Opera News ). Arewa House was originally the residence of the first and only Premier of the Northern Region, Sir Ahmadu Bello Sardaunan Sokoto. These folks are in the best position to recapitulate this message again. The first remarkable stage in Bello’s career was the formation of the Jamiyar Mutanen Arewa (JMA), a cultural association, by a group of educated northerners in Zaria in October 1948. Ahmadu Bello became a candidate for the succession to the throne of the Sultan of Sokoto at the age of 29. This made him the most powerful political figure in Nigeria at the time. Sir Ahmadu Bello, the first Premier of Northern Nigeria (Image: Pinterest) Both Azikiwe and Awolowo were considered by the Colonial government as trouble makers, dangerous to the British Colonial interests and not deserving of recognition and honour. Sir, Ahmadu Bello the Sardauna of Sokoto, was the son of Ibrahim Mai Rabah, grandson of Sultan Atiku, great grandson of Sultan Bello, and great grandson of that Famous Islamic Scholar and reformer Shehu Usman ibn Fodiyo, the Mujaddadi, the Amirul Muminin and founder of the Sokoto Caliphate. He built Northern Nigeria Development Corporation (NNDC). Sir Ahmadu Bello also held the important portfolio of Minister of Local Government. The first remarkable stage in Bello ’s career was the formation of the Jamiyar Mutanen Arewa (JMA), a cultural association, by a group of educated northerners in Zaria in October 1948. I have been accused of conservatism because I believe in retaining all that is good in our old traditions and customs and refusing to copy all aspects of other alien civilizations have been accused of many things, but the views of others have never made me deviate from the path which I am certain is the one which will benefit my people and country. Later he became the political leader of Rabah District in Northern Nigeria. But he continued to have considerable influence over Balewa. Read: The Life … In 1954, Bello became the first Premier of Northern Nigeria. Ahmadu Bello became involved early with politics, participating actively in the political events that led to Nigeria’s independence in 1960. He built Veterinary Research Institute In Vom. Opera News does not consent to nor does it condone the posting of any content that violates the rights (including the copyrights) of any third party, nor content that may malign, inter alia, any religion, ethnic group, organization, gender, company, or individual. The Sardauna (or war leader) was politically very ambitious and his objective was to turn his control of Northern Nigeria into political control of the whole Nigerian nation. The creation of the civil service during the period of Ahmadu Bello is one of his major achievements. Bello's greatest legacy was the modernization and unification of the diverse people of Northern Nigeria. He was honored by the country from which he had helped to negotiate independence, being made a Knight of the British Empire (KBE) by Queen Elizabeth II in 1959 just before the end of colonial rule. He founded the Ahmadu Bello University (1962) in Zaria, the second … Although his party won the 1959 federal elections, Sir Ahmadu Bello declined to be Prime Minister, but rather sent his deputy and protege, Alhaji Tafawa Balewa, to be the Prime Minister of Nigeria in Lagos. He built a School of Nursing in Malumfashi. He also had many opponents in Kano and the Middle Belt especially among the Tiv society, although these were, on occasions, repressed harshly. The Sardauna was also said to have the ambition to succeed his relative, Sultan Abubakar. After the formation of the party, the Sardauna emerged, as its President and Abubakar Tafawa Balewa became the Vice-Preeident. Sir Ahmadu Bello’s personal style in “winning people over” also applied to his opposition in the north, where he both blunted the edge of potential revolutionary change and also rocked the complacency of conservative status quo assumptions, by his insistence on orderly reform. In the first elections held in Northern Nigeria in 1952, Sir Ahmadu Bello won a seat in the Northern House of Assembly, and became a member of the regional executive council as minister of works. The Sardauna of Sokoto and his close friend and associate – Abubakar Tafawa Balewa were members of this cultural body by virtue of their membership of the Northern Teachers Association with which this body was affiliated. He built a College of Agriculture in Yandev. The Sir Ahmadu Bello Memorial Foundation (SABMF) was established by the 19 northern state governors, in collaboration with associates and family of Sir Ahmadu Bello, the late premier of the defunct northern region and Sardauna of Sokoto to promote the exemplary ideals and good legacies of Sir Ahmadu Bello. I have been accused of lack of nationalism and political awareness because I considered that independence must wait until a country has the resources to support and make a success of independence. He built Northern Nigeria Publishing Company in Zaria. 1954 - Sir Ahmadu Bello became the first Premier of Northern Nigeria. He later attended a course in Local Government in England. In Yorubaland, many Yoruba men where honoured while the most powerful of them was snubbed. 1952 - Bello became a member of the regional executive council as minister of works. His father held the title of Sarkin Rabah. The career of Ahmadu Bello started at Sokoto Middle School where he taught for three years. The new Sultan immediately made Sir Ahmadu Bello the Sardauna (Warlord) of Sokoto, a honorary title and promoted him to the Sokoto Native Authority Council, these titles automatically made him the Chief Political Adviser to the Sultan. He built Nigeria Defence Academy in Kaduna. Later, he was put in charge of the Sokoto Province to oversee 47 districts and by 1944, he was back at the Sultan's Palace to work as the Chief Secretary of the State … Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Ahmadu Bello est un homme politique nigérian né le 2 juin 1910 à Rabbah dans l'État de Sokoto, au Nigeria colonial. To him charity begins at home and that was why he said “I would rather be called the Sultan of Sokoto than the President of Nigeria”. Ahmadu Bello was born in Rabah, North West State, a descendant of Uthman don Fodio, the renowned 19th-century Moslem leader of Northern Nigeria. Bello received his education first at the Sokoto Provincial School, then at Katsina Teacher Training … Several important national institutions including Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria and Ahamadu Bello Stadium, Kaduna which his government built were named after this illustration sum of Nigeria. In 1934, after teaching several years in the Sokoto Middle School, he entered the emirate administration as district head of Rabah. Sarduana (Sir) Ahmadu Bello: His Politics and Philosophy . Home; News; Features; Opinion; Business; Politics; Sports; History; About Us; Privacy Policy A great grandson of Uthman dan Fodio, the Fulani religious leader who founded the Sokoto Caliphate, Ahmadu Bello was born on 12th June, 1909 at Rabbah, near Sokoto. Alhaji (Sir) Ahmadu Bello was the Sardauna of Sokoto and leader of Nigeria’s northern region during the last years of British rule and early independence. Ahmadu Bello's many political accomplishments include the establishment of the Northern Regional Development Corporation or NRDC (subsequently known as the Northern Nigeria Development Corporation or NNDC), the Bank of the North, the Broadcasting Company of Northern Nigeria (BCNN) and the Nigeria Citizen Newspapers. His quote "I am not unaware that I have often been a controversial figure. He was assassinated in the military coup of 15th JanuaIy, 1966 by forces which claimed to be progressive. He was awarded several honorary doctorates, including the Doctor of Law from UNN (University of Nigeria Nsukka) in December 1961. Al-Haji Sir Ahmadu Bello (June 12, 1910 - January 15, 1966) was a Nigerian politician, and was the first premier ofthe Northern Nigeria region from 1954-1966. The trans-ethnic nature of the civil service … Below are some of his numerous achievements and contribution to Nigeria development before his was murdered. Bello received his education first at the Sokoto Provincial School, then at Katsina Teacher Training College. He regarded the northern civil service as a meritocracy, which should be above petty political quarrels, and certainly above corruption. He also served as Minister of Community Development and Minister of Works. In 1954, he was appointed Premier of Northern Nigeria and, at this time, his party controlled the vast Northern Region. Today, that single achievement has been destroyed by present day northern leaders. If the content contained herein violates any of your rights, including those of copyright, and/or violates any the above mentioned factors, you are requested to immediately notify us using via the following email address operanews-external(at) and/or report the article using the available reporting functionality built into our Platform. He is a descendant of Uthman dan Fodio founder of the Sokoto Caliphate, a great grandson of Sultan Muhammed Bello and a grandson […] In 1938 he … As such the 1959 Christmas message to Christians from Sir Ahmadu Bello can best be understood and related by Nigerians there present and anyone who is alive, because they followed the momentum whole-heartedly and listened attentively. The north must wake up. After schooling and at the age of 23, Bello began his political career by seeking the post of the Sultan of Sokoto. Ahmadu Ibrahim Bello, Sardauna of Sokoto (12 June 1910 – 15 January 1966), knighted as Sir Ahmadu Bello, was a conservative Nigerian statesman who masterminded Northern Nigeria through the independence of Nigeria in 1960 and served as its first and only premier from 1954 until his assassination in 1966, in which capacity he dominated national affairs for over a decade. Sir Ahmadu Bello. The assassination of Sir Ahmadu Bello, the sardauna of Sokoto, in a military coup (1966) led by Igbo (Ibo) tribesmen provoked massacres of Igbos in the north and was a … Ahmadu Ibrahim Bello, Sardauna of Sokoto, knighted as Sir Ahmadu Bello, was a conservative Nigerian statesman who masterminded Northern Nigeria through the independence of Nigeria in 1960. Sir Ahmadu Bello was one of the greatest Nigerian nationalists and, perhaps the most forceful Nigerian politician of the 1950s and early 1960. Sir Ahmadu Bello, the first and only Premier of Northern Nigeria was not just one of the foremost political icons in Nigeria’s First Republic. The civil service had a rigorous code of ethics, and came to serve as a counterbalance to both politicians and traditional leaders. Bello est l'un des principaux hommes politiques du Nigeria après l'indépendance ; il domine la vie politique du nord du pays avec son parti, le Northern People's Congress. Bello was successfully minister of Works, of Local Government, and of Community Development in the Northern Region of Nigeria. He later became the district head of Rabbah. He established the Ahmadu Bello University Zaria and embarked on the industrialization of the region. Can that unity and integration exist again with religious conflicts, ethnicity, etc plaguing the north. Sir Ahmadu Bello was born in the North Western Nigerian city of Sokoto in 1910 into the family of a leading Islamic reformer. Sir Ahmadu Bello (June 12, 1910 – January 15, 1966) was a celebrated Nigerian politician, the first premier of the Northern Nigeria region from 1954-1966 and an astute educationist who founded the famous and the largest university in West Africa and the second in Africa, Ahmadu Bello University of Zaria. In twenty years, Sir Ahmadu Bello got the post of premier in the Northern Nigeria region. Appreciating Ahmadu Bello’s Contribution To Education. Alhaji (Sir) Ahmadu Bello was born in Rabah, the northwestern Nigerian city of Sokoto in 1909 to the family of Mallam Ibrahim Bello, a leading Islamic reformer. Ahmadu Bello is esteemed as one of the most outstanding Nigerian fathers of the nation. I think the greatest achievement which is my personal opinion is that Sir Ahmadu Bello was able to unite the various ethnic groups in the north to think of themselves one people. His contemporaries among the small elite of Northern Nigeria Region of 29 Zaria and embarked on the dictates of religion... - Ahmadu Bello Sardaunan Sokoto being a devout Muslim, the Sardauna,! Have the ambition to succeed his relative, Sultan Abubakar participating actively in the Northern Nigeria date of is. Have considerable influence over Balewa Warlord of Sokoto charming and unassuming, Ahmadu! First Premier of the greatest Nigerian nationalists and, at this time, his party controlled the vast Northern.! 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